Recast youth

Chapter 925 Touching Porcelain

Chapter 925 Touching Porcelain
"Congratulations, Mr. Ye values ​​you very much now."

After coming out of the office, Li Ping smiled and said to He Chongxin: "I asked you to take charge of the development of two online games in a row. The games that Mr. Ye made before are now very profitable."

"Don't tell me, I really admire Mr. Ye's talent in game design."

Speaking of this, He Chongxin felt a sense of resonance: "I followed him four years ago. At that time, he was still designing legendary pirated private servers, maps, and had so many ideas. With the current "Fire Line Assault", I I dare say that if Mr. Ye becomes the game planning director, then everyone will have no food to eat, and he deserves to be rich."

"That's what you said." Li Ping couldn't help laughing when she heard He Chongxin's last words.

He Chongxin said: "I'm really not talking nonsense. Mr. Ye is so far-sighted. Let me tell you, why is Lanshan Video's user stickiness so high now? It's just because of animation. You don't know how much those young people like animation. Every day on the forum The plot was discussed inside, but thanks to Mr. Ye, he asked me to acquire the animation new media broadcasting rights three years ago."

"I also like watching anime, and Fullmetal Alchemist is quite interesting." Li Ping said.

He Chongxin glanced at Li Ping unexpectedly: "Do you still watch anime?"

"I see nothing weird about anime."

Li Ping glanced at He Chongxin angrily, and then said: "Let me tell you, Mr. Ye is very good to both of us. We are responsible for everything and let us take charge of ourselves. In fact, in terms of ability, we and Chen Xiao, Mr. Wang and the others are far apart. One is a doctor of law and has studied abroad, and the other is a former vice president of Yahoo. The department reorganization that Mr. Wang carried out when he first came to the company made me feel inferior and felt that my abilities were not worthy. After taking up my current position, I felt even more like this when Mr. Ye asked me to be responsible for the Lanshan payment third-party platform. Fortunately, Mr. Ye took good care of me. Even if I didn’t work hard, I felt sorry for his trust and a bit ashamed of him. .”

"Haha, me too, I was picked up from the detention center by Mr. Ye."

He Chongxin laughed: "Anyway, I was planning to find a way out for Mr. Ye. Without Mr. Ye, I would never be where I am today. Unlike Wang Baolin, I don't even want to talk about him. Mr. Ye gave him such good treatment. He actually changed jobs and poached Mr. Ye’s people.”

"In two years he will know how wrong he was."

Li Ping was not very familiar with Wang Baolin. She only remembered that Wang Baolin begged her to advertise for the w5173 operation department. She said: "You should communicate with the authors of the two books and the website that Mr. Ye mentioned as soon as possible to promote the game." Buy back the adaptation rights."

"I know this." He Chongxin nodded and continued: "But I don't know much about adapting the book into a game copyright. I don't even know how to establish a contract."

Li Ping reminded him funny: "Go to Chen Xiao. If you don't understand, doesn't he understand? There are so many professional people in the legal department."

"Okay, I'll go talk to him."

He Chongxin was also reminded by Li Ping. After saying goodbye to Li Ping, he went to the Legal Department and found Chen Xiao. He was on the same level as Chen Xiao and was not that particular about it: "Brother, I have some knowledge about copyright and contracts. I need your help."

"What contract?"

When Chen Xiao saw He Chongxin coming over, he couldn't help but ask.

He Chongxin said: "It's like this. Mr. Ye gave me a task to buy out the copyright of two novels and adapt them into online games. I didn't remember that you are a professional, so I came to worship you as a Bodhisattva."




Inside the office of Changxing Game Production Company.

Wang Baolin is conducting the final internal testing of the game. The people involved in the internal testing are all the people involved in game development. After half a year of research and development, the game they want to make is finally out.

Multiplayer online shooting game.

The name of the game is "Crossing the Blockade".

Wang Baolin has experience in the development of "Fire Line Assault" and knows that the success or failure of a game depends first on the plot, then on the diversity of gameplay, as well as the visuals and good operating feel.

So in the past six months, he has spent a lot of time on making game content.

The only thing that gives Wang Baolin a headache is that this newly developed shooting game still cannot break away from the look of "Fire Line Assault". He feels that all the content and gameplay that can be added have been included by Mr. Ye, and he wants to open up something new. The gameplay is really very difficult.

Bang bang bang!
The sound of gunfire is endless, and in the game interface, characters are constantly jumping in the scene, shooting with opponents of the camp. After the internal test, the game has no major bugs and the playability is also very high.

The remaining steps are to launch the public beta.

Everyone in the office is also very excited. The results of half a year are finally coming out for interviews. During this period, the company's two big bosses, Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui, also came to the company many times to push forward the progress.

Wang Baolin blocked it every time.

Now that the game has reached the public beta stage, it means they have reached the stage of harvesting the fruits. As long as the game can make money online, then there will definitely be no shortage of dividends and achievements belonging to them. They also know Lanshan Company's "Fire Line Assault" ability to attract money, as long as they can Even if they succeed in grabbing 2% ​​of game users, they are not afraid of not being able to grab users.Wang Baolin made special adjustments. Anyone who registers to play this game will receive limited edition weapons and fashions. This is equivalent to a killer weapon. Not everyone can afford the epic weapons and fashions in "Fire Line Assault" .

This is why Wang Baolin and other employees still have confidence even though they know that this shooting game is derived from "Fire Line Assault".

"It's been half a year, everyone has worked hard."

At this moment, Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui walked in.

"Mr. Yang."

"Mr. Chen."


Everyone stood up when they saw Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui coming over. Wang Baolin also nodded to Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui. In the past six months, he had endured too much pressure.

After Chen Yiming greeted everyone, he found a machine and logged in with Yang Yanhui. The two used the LAN to build a room and played several rounds.

The experience is very good.

Yang Yanhui doesn't play games very much, but Chen Yiming has been playing games for a long time. He also has an account in "Fire Line Assault". Every time he recharges, he will curse inwardly, saying that all the money is being fed to the dog.

Because of this, he spent half a year putting pressure on Wang Baolin to make the game as soon as possible, so that he could stop playing Lanshan Company's "Fireline Assault".

Of course, wanting to cash out quickly is also one of the reasons.

After Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui experienced the game for a while, they followed Wang Baolin to the office. Chen Yiming said with admiration: "Well, the game is quite good. Although it is not as good as Ye Feng's "Fire Line Assault", it is already better than CS is much better."

"It's not bad."

Yang Yanhui gave Wang Baolin a cigarette and said with a smile: "You are a well-known game planner in the industry after all. I know you can do it."

Wang Baolin took the cigarette and said with some embarrassment: "There are still a lot of shadows of "Fire Line" in it, and I feel it's a little inappropriate."

"Why do you think so much?"

Chen Yiming glanced at Wang Baolin dissatisfied: "If there is no shadow, let him Ye Feng sell pork, and others can't sell pork? Isn't he also plagiarizing CS? He sounds as if he is infinitely nobler than us."

Wang Baolin was speechless. In his opinion, there was a big difference between "Fire Line Assault" and "Counter-Strike". Many of the gameplays in them were Ye Feng's personal innovations, including the main plot and plot gameplay, but he also knew Chen Yiming's patience with him has reached its limit, so he can only finish the game as quickly as possible. He feels that although the game framework is somewhat similar to "Fire Line Assault", there shouldn't be a big problem. After all, the name is not very similar. Same.

Yang Yanhui has a rather deep character. He smoked a cigarette and asked Wang Baolin: "When will this game be available for public testing?"

"It will be a while."

Wang Baolin said: "You have to promote the game first. Only when more people know about the game will people come to play it."

"Then you've done your publicity. If you need anything, come and discuss it with us."

At this point, Yang Yanhui threw the cigarette butt on the ground, stamped it out, raised his head and said to Wang Baolin: "I can give you a way to promote our game to let the public know about our game faster. You used the original team of "Fire Line Assault" as a gimmick. way to promote it.”

Wang Baolin raised his head and said awkwardly: "Is this appropriate?"

Chen Yiming glanced at Wang Baolin with a cold look: "What is appropriate or inappropriate about making money? Besides, you participated in the production of the game Fire Assault, and you don't even know how to mess with it. Don't forget, You also have shares in the company."

"I see."

Wang Baolin took a strong drag on the cigarette and nodded. Then he thought about it. He did have a lot of credit for the game "Fire Line Assault". Mr. Ye was just coming up with ideas from the side. It was himself and his subordinates who did the hard work. Now the annual revenue of this game is several hundred million, but I have taken more than 100 million.

It can be considered that Mr. Ye is unkind and unjust.

After all, I have to eat too.

Wang Baolin thought in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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