Recast youth

Chapter 920

Chapter 920

Gao Xuan stopped going to Lanshan Club to practice yoga.

She also became the first person to arrive at the company. If the company was not open, she would open her laptop at the door and sort out the information recorded yesterday. This was her only chance.

She doesn't want to miss it.

"So early?"

Wang Xin also had the key to the company. When she arrived at the door of the company, she saw Gao Xuan sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, studying information and writing plans in her notebook. She was a little surprised. She didn't expect Gao Xuan to come so early.

"Hello, Mr. Wang."

When Gao Xuan saw Wang Xin, she immediately stood up holding her notebook.

"Come in, the ground is very cold."

Wang Xin took out the key and opened the door, then asked with a smile: "How did you and Mr. Ye know each other?"

"Meeted through an interview."

Gao Xuan replied to Wang Xin that Gao Xuan planned to keep the past affairs with Ye Feng, especially Jiang Ming, as a secret. Neither she nor Ye Feng would want others to know.

"Well, work hard."

Wang Xin was well-informed and could see that Gao Xuan didn't want to say more or ask any more questions. She reminded Gao Xuan: "Although Mr. Ye has a lazy personality and doesn't come to the company very often, he still sees the development of the company. , so sometimes whether the relationship is good or bad, it is of no use in the company. In the end, you have to show results to speak for yourself. As long as you can show results, you can stay in the company. My words still have some effect."

"Thank you, Mr. Wang." Gao Xuan glanced at Wang Xin gratefully. She could tell that Wang Xin was giving her reassurance.

"carry on."

Wang Xin waved her hand, then entered her office and began to plan the previous week and revise the work process set yesterday. She must make timely adjustments according to changes every day.

It is true that the movie "Crazy Stone" set a box office record, but the box office share is a matter for Jingke Pictures and the theater chain, and has nothing to do with Lanshan Company.

Therefore, the company's current focus is, first of all, launching the Lanshan video portal after the movie is released. The second thing, is to see how many users Lanshan Pay can gain by taking advantage of this opportunity.

The third thing is that Lanshan Payment is about to start negotiations with the bank headquarters, trying to change the current low payment success rate. This kind of matter has already reached the red line and is beyond the authority of branches and sub-branches. They can only go to the bank headquarters. If the negotiation is successful, Lanshan Payment can be bound to a bank card, and then the complicated online banking page can be bypassed and the payment can be made directly through the Lanshan payment system.

But this is a big problem.

The head office of the bank is a deputy ministerial level unit, and the president is also a deputy ministerial level official. Once here, it is no longer something that can be solved by heresy. All that can be done is to negotiate head-on and then break through it!
But this is very difficult. The most difficult thing for this society is to overthrow the past and overthrow traditional industries!

Gao Xuan currently has no formal establishment and no separate office. She sits in an open office area. When she gets to the desk, she puts her notebook on the table.

then go out.

Ten minutes later, Gao Xuan came back with two cups of hot milk tea and knocked on the door of Wang Xin's office. After a cold voice came in, Gao Xuan walked in.

"Mr. Wang, a new milk tea shop nearby is doing an event. Buy one, get one free. This cup is for you. It's still spring and it's a bit cold in the morning. Drinking it can warm you up."

Gao Xuan put the milk tea on Wang Xin's desktop and said with a smile. She accidentally saw Wang Xin's computer desktop. There were many files and plans. They were not only neat, but also very standardized.

I secretly warned myself that I had to work hard. "Thanks."

Wang Xin said something, then opened her mailbox and opened a report from the internal mailbox. This was a report sent by the Legal Department. It contained information such as the company's registered intellectual property rights and peripheral property rights, as well as registered peripherals. trademark.

There are two servings in total.

Another one was filed against an infringing company last year, requesting the other party to stop the infringement and make a written apology. There are currently 13 companies involved in the infringement, and 6 have won the lawsuit, with the compensation amount reaching 120 million.

"Mr. Wang, you are busy first, I will go out first."

Gao Xuan withdrew her gaze, exited CEO Wang Xin's office, and then returned to her desk. From yesterday to today, she has been learning about the Lanshan payment third-party platform.

She comes from a sales background and knows that if she wants to negotiate with customers or opponents, she must understand what she is doing and what she needs to do.

It is extremely unwise to attack blindly. Not only is there a high probability that the talks will collapse, but it will also increase the difficulty of the second negotiation.

First impressions matter.

All morning, Gao Xuan sat in front of the computer without leaving, making plans.

It was not until noon that Li Ping came over to ask Gao Xuan to eat. Gao Xuan realized that it was lunch time, stood up and called Mr. Li humbly, and then went to eat with Li Ping.

"How familiar are you with the structure of Lanshan Payment?"

While eating, Li Ping asked about Gao Xuan.

Gao Xuan didn't answer in a hurry. She thought for a while and said, "I don't know anything about technology yet, but I already know what I should do."

"It's pretty impressive. I'm still confused. When I was discussing cooperation with the bank, I ran into a lot of obstacles. Finally, with Wang Xinyue's help, I was able to break the bank's loophole."

Li Ping praised, and then sighed: "But unfortunately, branches and sub-branches do not have the authority. Currently, we can only cooperate with the bank gateway, but this method is too troublesome."

Gao Xuan nodded and said, "Yes, I have to jump to the online banking page too many times, and the transaction process is a bit complicated."

"Mr. Li, is there no one sitting here?"

At this time, Wang Xinyue and Xu Bin came over with prepared meals. Wang Xinyue asked with a smile. After Li Ping said with a smile that there was no one, the two of them sat down.

After all, Xu Bin is also a man. Since Gao Xuan came to the company yesterday, all the men in the company knew that a very beautiful short-haired woman with a very good figure came to the company.

When he sat next to Gao Xuan, Xu Bin couldn't help but glance sideways at Gao Xuan, and his heart beat unfavorably.

Gao Xuan didn't notice Xu Bin's expression. In fact, even if she did, she wouldn't care. She was already immune to these looks. She was looking at Wang Xinyue. After Wang Xinyue sat down, she suddenly said with a smile: "Xinyue, You were a bank manager before, right?”


Wang Xinyue nodded.

Gao Xuan found a breakthrough and said happily: "I have something I want to talk to you about after dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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