Recast youth

Chapter 917 The end of a relationship

Chapter 917 The end of a relationship
"I'm dark?"

Ye Feng smiled and looked at Li Jia: "No matter what, we are still together. Can we not quarrel and just talk calmly?"

"Okay, tell me." Li Jia calmed down and said.

Ye Feng thought for a moment and said: "Let's not talk about your colleagues here. You said that you have nothing to do with Jiang Ming and that you have no interest in him. I also believe it. But let me ask you, does Jiang Ming have any interest in you? He pursues you have not?"


Li Jia admitted, and then added: "But I told him that I had a boyfriend, so that night he wanted to ask me out and talk to me."

Ye Feng nodded: "What happened later? Did he do anything to you later? If you don't remember, I can remind you when you two were alone in the private room."

Li Jia's expression changed when she heard this, and she confirmed in her heart that it must be Gao Xuan who told Ye Feng that Jiang Ming had used force on her, otherwise, no one else would know.

"I didn't want to either. I had no idea he would do that at the time. He was my classmate in junior high school. How could I have imagined that he would do that?"

Li Jia said with some embarrassment: "Besides, nothing happened. If nothing happened to Jiang Ming later, I would not have any contact with him anymore. I deleted his mobile phone number at that time."

Ye Feng shook his head. Unexpectedly, Li Jia still didn't understand. However, Ye Feng also understood that most people would take chances and not realize the seriousness of the matter before it happened.

Moreover, Li Jia had just graduated from college at the time, so it was normal for him not to see the dangers of human hearts.

So Ye Feng bought Li Jia a house and a car, gave her some savings, and then chose to forget about it slowly.

Seeing that Ye Feng didn't speak, Li Jia asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"I'm thinking about what would have happened if I didn't let Gao Xuan stare at Jiang Ming and Gao Xuan didn't show up in the private room. If Jiang Ming really succeeds, what should I do?"

Ye Feng looked at Li Jia and said softly: "Do I blame you? It seems that you are the saddest because you were forced. I don't blame you. I mind it very much in my heart. As long as I am with you, I will Thinking about you being raped by Jiang Ming, I even thought, why did you give him a chance? If you didn't go out alone with him, would he have a chance? "


Li Jia couldn't listen anymore, turned pale and glared at Ye Feng: "Stop talking!"

Ye Feng stopped and stopped talking. In fact, he didn't want to say this to Li Jia. The two of them were together. The ending that Ye Feng didn't want to face the most was that the two of them ended up hating each other. ending.

Li Jia lay on her lap and cried.

In fact, she thought about this later, and felt the change in Ye Feng's attitude towards her, slowly becoming distant. However, she was arrogant, and Ye Feng refused to make amends with her, so she held on.

But in the end, the crack suddenly reached the point of irreparability.

"Okay, I understand, I won't bother you anymore."

Li Jia cried for a while, then stood up and wiped away her tears.

Ye Feng looked at Li Jia and said nothing, feeling a little complicated. In this relationship, he also had a responsibility. If he hadn't kept everything in his heart and refused to say it out, maybe the two of them wouldn't have reached this point today.

But that's how feelings are, the feeling is gone once it's gone, and it's impossible to go back to the beginning.

Li Jia continued to cry and said: "I will not return the house and car to you. I was with you originally because I saw you depositing 30 in the bank, so I wanted to chase you." "Yes." Ye Feng nodded.

Li Jia was crying like a child at this time. While wiping her tears, she said: "Also, I'm not just here for money. I'm a woman who pursues a boy with good conditions. There's nothing wrong with me. It's impossible for me. If you don't chase someone with good conditions, go after someone with poor conditions, right? Don't look at me with colored glasses, otherwise, there is no way I won't take the initiative to contact you. If my mother wants to take me to make trouble with you, I will stop her. Yes, you are so rich, you must be afraid of being affected. If my mother really wants to make trouble, she will definitely be able to make some money back."

"Ok, I know."

Ye Feng was so amused by Li Jia's appearance as a child that he couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his hand to wipe away Li Jia's tears, and his voice became gentle: "Okay, be good, don't cry anymore. I don't blame you for anything. It's just that you just left society at that time. I don't think those people are just bad. If two people can't be together, it doesn't necessarily mean that they are wrong. There are many reasons, but I still hope that you will get better and better and be able to take care of yourself."

"Ah, you too."

Li Jia nodded and calmed down: "Take me to the hotel."

"Aren't you going back to Gao Xuan?"

"I won't reply. Although Gao Xuan helped me, there are some things that I still care about."

Li Jia said calmly. After several years of social baptism, she has matured a lot. She said to Ye Feng: "Put your car here and drive my car. I don't want to come back and drive tomorrow."

"it is good."

Ye Feng got out of the car, got into Li Jia's Audi A4, and then sent Li Jia to a nearby hotel. The two of them chatted quietly in the car, maybe because they both let go and enjoyed the chat.

There is a feeling that it is better to forget each other than to stay together.

to the hotel.

Ye Feng helped Li Jia open the room, and when Li Jia was about to enter the elevator, Ye Feng suddenly said to Li Jia's back: "If you can't solve anything in the future, you can call me anytime."

Li Jia didn't look back, waved her hand and walked into the elevator.

Ye Feng's face turned cold after Li Jia entered the elevator. He left the hotel, got into a taxi, and said to the driver: "Go to Dongyuan Community."


Dongyuan District.

Gao Xuan couldn't fall asleep after Li Jia left. Her mind was filled with Ye Feng's cold eyes when he picked Li Jia away. At this time, Gao Xuan was already sure that there must be something going on between Li Jia and Ye Feng. question.

Li Jiahui suddenly appeared in Dongzhou for this reason.

But why?

What about Jiang Ming?
Gao Xuan suddenly grasped the key point of the matter. At this time, she realized that being bumped into by Li Jia in Dongzhou was something that Ye Feng was very taboo about. After all, she did something very disgraceful in the middle of the incident where Jiang Ming was imprisoned. Gao Xuan was a little worried.

Bang bang bang!
At this time, the door of the living room was suddenly knocked.

When Gao Xuan heard the knock on the door, a chill went up her spine, and her adrenal glands began to secrete involuntarily. Is it Li Jia or Ye Feng?Gao Xuan is a little unsure!
Without daring to hesitate for long, Gao Xuan immediately opened the door in her slippers. What made her heart sink was that standing outside the door was an expressionless Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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