Recast youth

Chapter 911 The Impassable Road

Chapter 911 The Impassable Road

Ye Feng is really busy now, and he got into work as soon as he arrived at the company.

As expected, although the single-day box office of "Crazy Stone" is currently declining, it still broke the box office record of domestic movies, with a total box office of 2.8 million.

Now what the entire film industry is waiting for is what kind of box office record this movie can set.

Ning Hao also began to become the darling of major entertainment media and variety shows. He started to appear in variety shows with his actors, and the story of Ye Feng and him was also told from his mouth.

In the variety show, Ye Feng became his sweetheart.

Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang excitedly called Ye Feng several times, asking Ye Feng to go to Yanjing to hold a celebration party with them to celebrate the movie's box office success, but Ye Feng never had time.

He, He Chongxin, Li Ping and others were busy preparing to log into the Lanshan Video Portal after the release of "Crazy Stone". During this period, they had to ensure the connection between Lanshan Payment and the backend of the Lanshan Video Portal.

There must be no situation where after a movie is logged into the website, there is no way to pay through Lanshan, or there is no way to watch the movie after paying. The movie viewing mode, Ye Feng borrowed from the video software in his previous life, the first 10 minutes are free to watch, and then think about it. If you continue to look further, you will have to pay for it.

"He San, I told you before, you must confirm that there will be no problems during the process, you know?"

Ye Feng privately said to He Chongxin in a slightly serious tone: "You are different from Li Ping. Li Ping is not a technical person. Although she is studying, there is still a big gap between her and your majors. So once the movie is online, Lanshan Payment and website If there is a problem with the payment process between us, I will not look for Li Ping or anyone else, I will look for your responsibility."

"I know Mr. Ye."

He Chongxin nodded with a heavy face.

"Let's go check it out again."

Ye Feng said: "Let's set up a movie first and go through the payment process."

"it is good."

He Chongxin nodded, then picked up the plan report and walked out. He happened to see Wang Xin at the door and nodded: "Mr. Wang."


Wang Xin nodded to him, then walked in and said to Ye Feng with a smile: "You're doing a good job as a hands-off boss. If you have anything to do, just push it on your subordinates and just use your words to get it done."

Ye Feng could not find any flaws in Wang Xin's work. He would arrange the work plan for the next week every day, and would revise it at any time according to changes in the situation.

"There's nothing I can do about it. The boss's job is to fulfill his responsibilities. I can't just be the boss and do all the employees' work. Then I'll be exhausted."

Ye Feng leaned back in his seat and asked with a smile: "Are you going home during the Spring Festival?"

"I'm back."

Wang Xin nodded.

Ye Feng said unexpectedly: "I thought you were fighting with the old man and wouldn't go back."

"If I don't go back, won't my mother come to see me?"

Wang Xin sat down, crossed her legs, and said funnyly: "But the long cold war with the old man before was somewhat effective. He really didn't nag me much when I came home this year."

"With a daughter like you, my teacher is very unlucky." Ye Feng shook his head and sighed.

"Maybe." Wang Xin shrugged, and then said with some emotion: "But thinking about it, maybe there is something wrong with me. In fact, when I saw the old man speaking cautiously in front of me, I felt quite sour at the time. I used to He is very tough, it is impossible for him to admit his mistakes, let alone speak cautiously."

Ye Feng shook his head and said, "That's why I say that my teacher is unlucky. A dean of the School of Political Science and Law met a nemesis like you."

"Stop talking about me."

Wang Xin was too lazy to talk to Ye Feng about this. She looked at Ye Feng and said, "Lanshan Payment has cooperated with several C2C business websites and promised to use our third-party payment platform as a channel, but Lanshan Payment still needs to be reformed."

Ye Feng's expression changed: "What should I say?"

"The payment success rate is too low, only 50%."

When talking about work, Wang Xin became more focused. She looked at Ye Feng and asked: "There is a MOTOpay software abroad. This is a credit card remote collection system. It solves the payment problem of non-face-to-face transactions for merchants and consumers. That is, consumers When ordering goods by phone, email, fax or website, you only need to quote the credit card number, validity period and cardholder name, and the payment process can be completed within 3 seconds. This method is much simpler. I think Lanshan Payment must move in this direction, otherwise in a few days, even if it attracts customers through the movie "Crazy Stone", it will not last long."

Ye Feng really didn't expect Wang Xin to think of this so quickly. He sat up straight and deliberately asked Wang Xin a difficult question: "But you also said that this is a credit card collection system. We don't have a perfect credit system in China. , and not many people have credit cards, so this method won’t work.”

"So, we need to reform."

Wang Xin said: "We can talk to the bank and ask them to let us bypass the complicated online banking page and complete the payment directly in the Lanshan payment system by linking the Lanshan payment account and the bank card account!"

Ye Feng had always known the method Wang Xin said, but there was no way ahead, so Ye Feng didn't implement it. He laughed when he heard the words: "You said that I was going further and further on the road of seeking death, why did you start it too? "


Wang Xin said something and then said: "In addition, Lanshan Payment now has competitors."

Ye Feng made a guess: "Alipay?"


Wang Xin nodded: "Taobao, which it relies on, is Amazon's business model. It has great market prospects in the future. We may not be able to compete with it, unless we integrate the resources of other business websites and integrate the resources of other business websites with low payment success rates." The problem will be solved.”

"What are you going to do?" Ye Feng has also been troubled by this problem for a long time and wants to hear Wang Xin's thoughts.

Wang Xin's eyes were firm and she said clearly: "I plan to take on the task of negotiating with the bank. Li Ping's Lanshan payment department is responsible for the architecture and technology. Before that, we need to do two things. One is to understand the internal affairs of the bank system. There are countless connections, and the second is to poach people from within the bank."

"Okay, you make the decision."

Ye Feng agreed. Wang Xin still had some status abroad and domestically. It was most suitable for her to lead the expedition. However, Li Ping was still far behind Wang Xin after all. She couldn't shoulder such a heavy burden, and it was impossible for her to be taken over by the bank. People at headquarters value it.

The two talked for a long time based on the follow-up.


Ye Feng thought of Liu Hailiang who was left in the club. He had just arrived in Dongzhou and Ye Feng would definitely entertain him. So after talking to Liu Hailiang on the phone, he went home to pick up Ye Qing and then went to pick up Liu Hailiang for dinner. .

Went to Sunshine Pier Seafood Restaurant.

In fact, the current consumption of Sunshine Pier is not too expensive in Dongzhou City, but one advantage of this store is that seafood, salmon and the like are quite expensive, even if you go to the wet market to buy them, it doesn't cost much.

And Ye Feng's brother-in-law Liu Hailiang was really blown away, showing freshness in every aspect.

(End of this chapter)

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