Recast youth

Chapter 903 Ye Feng’s Sigh

Chapter 903 Ye Feng’s Sigh

After a pleasant meal.

Ye Feng, Meng Weihong, Chen Qiushi, and Gao Xuan came to Xinlong Real Estate. The people from Xinlong Real Estate had already gone back for vacation in advance. After a few people sat down, Gao Xuan went to make tea.

Chen Qiushi told Ye Feng about the development of Xinlong Real Estate during this period.

At present, the profit is not high. It means spending time to help the government build a resettlement community, so the profit is from the two commercial buildings in the center of the community, and one single-row commercial building with a total height of only two floors.

In another place, there are simply single-row commercial buildings.

Therefore, there is profit, but not high. Another benefit is that after the development area of ​​​​the resettlement community, Xinlong Real Estate's development qualifications have been upgraded. With the second-level qualification, it can undertake projects with a construction area of ​​less than 25 square meters.

After Meng Weihong took the tea poured by Gao Xuan, she said to Chen Qiushi, "You tell Mr. Ye."

Chen Qiushi nodded.

"Mr. Ye, it's like this."

Chen Qiushi looked at Ye Feng and said: "In recent years, the scale of investment in the real estate market has been quite large, and housing prices have risen rapidly. The scale of investment in the real estate market has been too large, house prices have risen too fast, demand is too large, the supply structure is unreasonable, and the market order To solve prominent problems such as chaos, the country has adopted a series of macro- and micro-control measures, including eight major items, including curbing land speculation, prohibiting the transfer of off-plan properties, increasing tax control, and providing preferential treatment for ordinary housing. Now, the prices of commercial housing and commercial residential buildings have increased significantly. It is slowing down and basically showing a downward trend, and the proportion of investment by other real estate companies has also dropped a lot. What do you think Xinlong Real Estate should do?"

This is the question that Chen Qiushi hesitates the most.

He is not afraid of building houses. He is also capable of building commercial houses with good quality in all aspects. The key is that he is afraid of policy changes. No matter how big a company is, it is as fragile as paper and vulnerable to policies. He is really afraid. Follow the same path as Xinlong Mansion.

So today he specially asked Meng Weihong to call Ye Feng. In the past few months, Lanshan Company was booming, but with the completion of the Yangshan Garden Resettlement Community, he began to feel confused.

After all, the real estate industry is too deep and there are too many uncontrollable factors.

"Sister Hong, what did you say?"

Ye Feng did not answer in a hurry, but looked at Meng Weihong.

Meng Weihong lowered her head to sip the tea and said with a smile: "Don't ask me, just make the decision. Now I am crazy and superstitious about you."

Ye Feng was speechless: "Is it such an exaggeration?"

Meng Weihong said with a smile: "Whoever wants to build a company with a market value of over [-] billion in a few years, I am also crazy about him. In the past two months, when I have dinner with friends, the ones I hear the most about are you and your name He Lan." You don’t know that your company has become a hot commodity in major investment banking institutions, its valuation has been rising, and I don’t know how many people want to buy your company’s original shares through trust.”

"Just luck."

Ye Feng smiled modestly. He knew how much he weighed. He had only been a prophet for more than ten years. He had never been worried about real estate.

He can say with certainty that real estate will definitely remain a hot topic in the next ten years.

Therefore, he is not worried at all about Chen Qiushi's question. What about national macro- and micro-control? You must know that in his previous life, there was such a joke. Every national control means an increase in housing prices. The more control, the higher the price.After Gao Xuan made the tea, she sat aside and looked at Ye Feng. She also wanted to hear Ye Feng's views on real estate. She never thought that Ye Feng, who was ridiculed and braggadocio by Jiang Ming and others at Li Jia's house, would be like this. A real dragon, but Gao Xuan also knew that people like Ye Feng were emotionally indifferent and looked down on her, so she did not dare to approach Ye Feng again.

What she wants to do now is to ride the Xinlong Real Estate train and climb to a higher level. This is far more promising than her job in sales, and the department she is in now is also a department where she can show her talents. .

At this time, Ye Feng spoke. He looked at Chen Qiushi and asked, "Mr. Chen, what do you think is the reason for the rise in housing prices in the past two years?"

"There's a lot of demand."

Chen Qiushi said without hesitation: "Demand drives the rise in housing prices."

Ye Feng shook his head: "It's not just for this reason. The demand will only push up the price of second-hand houses. There is a limit to the registered price of first-hand houses. As a real estate professional, you should understand. Then think about the reason."

Chen Qiushi's heart brightened: "Is the land price rising?"


Ye Feng nodded: "There are costs for developers to develop houses. First, the land price, then infrastructure, taxes, labor, and uncontrollable expenses. These are all costs. It is impossible for a real estate company to sell at a loss. If the government does this Even if you do, the land cannot be sold, so it will inevitably push up the price. In the past two years, the main cost expense of real estate companies has been the land price. Let me ask you, originally the house price in Dongzhou City was 6000, but later the auction price of the land rose to 6000. What should I do? Bare land has been sold for 6000, and it is impossible for built commercial buildings to sell for 6000, right? So you have to understand what is the real reason for the rise in housing prices, who is selling the land, and ordinary people can only follow the rise in housing prices. When it goes up, buy more as it goes up, or what if it goes up even higher in the future?”

Chen Qiushi was stunned by Ye Feng's words. Yes, the land price is 6000, and the registered price is 12000. These are all in compliance with the procedures. If there is demand, what else does he have to be afraid of? What does he have to fear from regulation?

Meng Weihong looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile: "It's a bit treacherous to spread your words."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "This is the fact, but there is no way at the local level. The city needs to develop, and if you want to develop, you need money. What will you do if there is no financial income? You can only raise the land price."

"Then Xinlong Real Estate will wait for the Yangshan Garden demolition community to be accepted and delivered, and then start developing at full speed?" Chen Qiushi came back to his senses at this time and asked Ye Feng for his opinion.

Ye Feng took a sip of tea and said, "Let's raise funds. If you want to develop rapidly, you must take the path of financing and loans. We will set a ten-year goal in the early stage and stop after ten years."

"it is good."

Chen Qiushi agreed. With Ye Feng's words, he felt confident. No matter what, Lanshan Company's strength lies here, and the company does not have to worry about the problem of the capital chain being broken like when Xinlong Mansion was involved.

Ye Feng added: "Now we are about to enter 2006. What I mean is that by 2016, we have to stop. Ten years later, I will sell my shares."

When Meng Weihong heard Ye Feng's words, her eyes fluctuated. She was thoughtful and analyzed the meaning of Ye Feng's words. Stopping development after ten years and selling out the shares after ten years have two different meanings. , the former can represent multiple meanings, and the latter means that the real estate industry will decline ten years later and jump off the cliff.

"Are you not optimistic about the real estate market in ten years?" Chen Qiushi couldn't help but ask.

Ye Feng did not respond directly, but sighed and said: "If real estate is still rising in ten years, then ordinary people will be crushed by housing prices and life."

(End of this chapter)

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