Recast youth

Chapter 891 Propaganda and Boycott

Chapter 891 Propaganda and Boycott

Since the Tianhong Ice Rink was located on University Commercial Street and had a high flow of people, Lin Rui moved the rink out within a few days and renovated the game hall.

However, the car that was damaged by Pan Kun spent nearly 2 yuan to replace the original two doors.

After repairing the car, Lin Rui drove northward.

During this period of time, Lanshan Payment also gradually opened its doors to banks due to its previous industrial and commercial examples, and successively reached gateway cooperation with major banks. Although it is still very inconvenient, and the payment success rate is only 50.00%, but This does not prevent Li Ping from promoting cooperation with other companies that want to build c2c vertical business websites, making Lanshan Payment a third-party payment platform and a bridge between websites and users.

Ye Feng is not in a hurry to promote the "quick payment" card-binding business for the time being. First, banks will not make concessions for the time being. If they want them to make concessions, they must have clear policies from above, or Lanshan Company must be so big that they cannot ignore it. the point.

Second, the great era of the Internet has not yet come. When the great era of the Internet really rises, it will be when smartphones are universally popularized and 4G networks are popularized. However, the 3G network has not yet been launched in China, let alone the 4G network. .

It is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice, which is what it means.

However, this also gave rise to Ye Feng's idea of ​​spending a lot of money to build a purely technical department to develop technology, communication network technology, and cloud computing, which were all part of his plan.

Of course, these require huge capital investments, and Lanshan Company cannot afford such expenses for the time being.

Therefore, Lanshan Company currently has two strategies. One is to promote cooperation with other business websites so that the third-party payment platform Lanshan Payment can occupy the Internet payment market as soon as possible. Otherwise, it will not be able to compete with Alipay, which has a huge number of Taobao customers. , the marketing promotion for the second film "Crazy Stone".

It can be said that Lanshan Company was the first company to launch a large-scale promotion of movies online. Driven by Ye Feng and Wang Xin, in addition to Jingke Pictures' traditional theater promotions and road shows.

Major websites on the Internet began to broadcast promotional video advertisements for "Crazy Stone" clips.

The final advertisement will jump to the Lanshan Video Portal, with a large promotion on it. The black comedy movie "Crazy Stone" produced by Jingke Pictures and directed by Ning Hao will officially be released on January 1 during the Spring Festival in all major majors across the country. Released in theaters.

It can be said that the advertising is a bit overwhelming.

There are two reasons for this. First, in 2005, online new media advertising was just emerging, so advertising fees were very cheap. The second reason was that Ye Feng wanted to make the momentum bigger and wanted to make "Jing Ke" The golden brand of "Jingke Pictures" was launched at once, so that in the future, the industry and the public will have a perception that Jingke Films' products must be high-quality.

In addition, "Crazy Stone" also carries Ye Feng's hidden layout about Lanshan Video and Lanshan Payment. After the success of this layout, whether it is Lanshan Company, Ye Feng, or CEO Wang Xin, Will surely reach the altar of myth.

Because of this, the home page of Lanshan Video Portal also released an announcement. After "Crazy Stone" is released in theaters across the country, you will log in to Lanshan Video Portal and watch it at the membership price of one yuan, which is almost a gift. , and the purchase method is to register on the Lanshan third-party payment platform to purchase. If there is a problem with fund security, Lanshan Company will provide full compensation guarantee.

The method of opening Lanshan Payment is announced below, and the names of current and cooperative banks are announced. Go to the bank in the announcement to open an account, open online banking, and you can use Lanshan Payment to pay one yuan to watch movies on the Lanshan Video Portal. .

This announcement can be said to shock the industry.

In addition to popular games such as "Fire Line Assault" and "Westward Journey", Lanshan Video once again entered the public's field of vision through this method and appeared in many media.

Then there is Ye Feng.

Then there is Wang Xin, the current CEO of Lanshan Company. Many interested people discovered that the current CEO of Lanshan Company is none other than the former vice president of Yahoo.The media has conducted comprehensive reports of varying lengths on Lanshan Company, CEO Wang Xin, boss Ye Feng, Lanshan Video Portal, Lanshan Payment, and Jingke Pictures.

At this time, the bosses of some large domestic companies discovered the ecological chain and the overall situation gradually formed by Lanshan Company, and this also led to Ye Feng's popularity during this period of time.

The media and several business leaders commented that Ye Feng had already locked in the business wizard who would become the country's richest man in the next few years. His vision and structure were so majestic.

And that's just the beginning.

Some time after the Lanshan Video Portal released announcements about cooperative banks and methods for opening accounts and activating online banking, the benefits came. The number of users of these banks applying for cards and activating online banking increased significantly.

It is said that Lanshan Video has promoted the performance of these banks, which has also caused a phenomenon. Some other banks that have closed their doors and have not cooperated with Lanshan Company can no longer sit still, and have sent responsible persons to contact Lanshan Company. Promote cooperation with Lanshan Payment Gateway and ask Lanshan Company to add their bank to the website announcement.

Even if Lanshan Pay has completed the milestone of lighting up the region, it will be clear at a glance how many users Lanshan Pay can harvest only after "Crazy Stone" is released and logs into the Lanshan video website. .

By this time, it is irrelevant how much box office "Crazy Stone" can get when it is released. The rewards have far exceeded the efforts.

Of course, there are advantages and disadvantages, that is, major theaters have begun to jointly boycott Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company's practices. The film industry in Z Province, led by them, issued a statement:

In 2005, on the morning of December 12, it was suddenly revealed on the Internet that the Spring Festival movie "Crazy Stone" produced by Jingke Pictures would be broadcast for almost free on the Lanshan Video Portal Network platform at a price of one yuan after it was released in theaters. The news has been confirmed by many parties and is true.

We believe that in the Internet era, it is a legal act for film and television works to be broadcast on Internet video websites to obtain legitimate interests. On the premise of complying with industry standards and ensuring the basic rights and interests of all parties, the industry should actively support it. To this end, China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association, China The Producers Association has made clear requirements for the window period of theatrical movies.

However, the behavior of Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company this time is an act that violates the basic rules of the industry. The film industry practitioners in Z Province firmly condemn it for the following reasons:

1. The movie "Crazy Stone" is a movie released in theaters. If Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company want to set a precedent, they can choose to issue a statement after the movie is released and broadcast it online, and continue to enjoy their economic rights. However, these two Before the movie was released, the company announced that it would be able to play it on the Lanshan video portal for one yuan after the movie is released. Cinemas across the country have invested a lot of money in screening the movie "Crazy Stone". This time Lanshan The actions of Shanshan Company have brought heavy losses to theaters across the country. If everyone knew that they could watch movies for one yuan, who would come to the theater to watch movies?

2. Since the development of the Chinese film industry, we support new model breakthroughs, but innovation must follow basic market principles. The early goal of the movie "Crazy Stone" is cinemas. Cinemas across the country have promoted the movie "Crazy Stone". Cinemas It is the main propaganda position, but its behavior of announcing the online broadcast in advance is not an innovation, but an act of dishonesty in order to protect its own interests without regard for others.


With this signature, practitioners in the film industry in Province Z hereby issue a statement:
1. It is hoped that Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company will stop advertising the movie "Crazy Stone" on the Lanshan video portal for one yuan.

2. If Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company insist on not changing their behavior of violating industry rules, the film industry in Z Province will subsequently boycott the films produced by Jingke Pictures and Ning Hao to a certain extent.

Drinking ice in the morning and evening, doing nothing during the day and having trouble sleeping at night!The Chinese film industry has been working hard and hard along the way. Especially in recent years, our counterparts across the country have gone through many hardships and obstacles. With the support of the propaganda departments of party committees at all levels, today’s Wanjia Denglan is possible. The industry needs to develop, and practitioners need to work together. On the way forward, we must not forget our original intention!
Let’s encourage Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company!

As soon as the statement from the film industry in Z Province came out, it immediately caused an uproar in the industry and on the Internet. At the same time, major cinema chains successively issued boycott statements.

Jingke Pictures and Lanshan Company suddenly fell into a situation where everyone in the film industry was shouting and beating them.

(End of this chapter)

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