Recast youth

Chapter 888 Revealing Guidance

Chapter 888 Revealing Guidance
After the voice call between Ye Feng and Kong Jingke, seeing that it would be dawn in less than two hours, he had no intention of continuing and went to the first floor to feed the arapaima and silver dragon and golden dragon.

He was thinking about a question.

That is Ye Qing's growth.

Ye Qing is now young and has never been out of society. It is normal for her to be kind-hearted at times and refuse without understanding. She believes in others. She lets her go to day school to prevent her from encountering such a thing again and to protect her.

But is this really appropriate?

Will Ye Qing's ability to be independent in the future be poor due to excessive protection?So Ye Feng was also hesitant. In his previous life, he liked to listen to Guo Degang's cross talk.

Guo Degang has a saying that makes sense and is still fresh in his memory. He said that a person’s growth does not require time but experience. A person will understand when he experiences something at the age of three. Some people have not lived until 95. He couldn't understand after going through this, but he had to suffer losses early. It's not a good thing to be successful. He was pampered since he was a child. No one said any harsh words to him. When he was walking on the street at the age of 65, anyone who stared at him died suddenly. , I have been beaten eight times a day since I was born. At the age of 25, I don’t care about anything like an Arhat or a King Kong, so I have to suffer the consequences as early as possible.

In this life, Ye Feng was rich and always wanted the best for Ye Qing. He felt that she was young and had a strong ability to accept many new things, unlike her eldest sister's parents who were reluctant to use the money they gave them.

So when Ye Feng went home during the Chinese New Year, he secretly gave Ye Qing [-] yuan so that she could allocate it independently. However, she never expected that her female roommate would appear.

"Brother, you got up so early."

Just when Ye Feng was sitting on the sofa and meditating, he heard Ye Qing's voice. He looked up and saw that Ye Qing had already gotten up and waved: "You got up just in time. Come down, I have something to tell you." "

"What's going on?"

Ye Qing went downstairs and curiously sat opposite Ye Feng.

"You are an adult now."

Ye Feng looked at Ye Qing with deep eyes and said slowly: "I can't be by your side to protect you all the time. Sometimes you still have to learn to protect yourself."

Ye Qing felt that Ye Feng's tone was strange, and couldn't help but said: "Brother, just say what you want to say, there is no need to hide it from me."

"What do you think of your roommate Zhang Haimei?" Ye Feng saw that Ye Qing understood, so he got straight to the point.

Ye Qing thought for a while and said, "She seems a bit vain and wants to borrow loan sharks from people outside the school."

"She didn't borrow a loan shark." Ye Feng shook his head.

Ye Qing asked in confusion: "Then what does she do? She told me that she owed a lot of money outside, and she cried and asked me to borrow money. I saw how pitiful she was, so I lent it to her."

Ye Feng looked at Ye Qing and asked, "Let me ask you a question here, how much did you borrow from her?"


"Okay, 25000."

Ye Feng nodded, crossed his legs, lit a cigarette, took a puff, exhaled, and asked: "Do you know where Zhang Haimei is from? I'm not asking about the province or city, but her Do you know where her house is exactly? I asked you to find her house, can you find it?"

"Can't find it."

Ye Qing felt a little uncomfortable under Ye Feng's eyes: "Oh, brother, why should I find her home?"

"Don't worry, I am your brother. I must have a purpose when I tell you this. You listen to me first."

Ye Feng laughed, flicked the ashes of his cigarette, and continued: "You also said that you can't find her home, so naturally the so-called loan sharks outside the school can't find her family. It's impossible for loan sharks. They opened a charity. They were there to make money. Do you think your classmate could afford to repay so much money during college? Needless to say, she definitely couldn't afford it. Moreover, she was only a freshman and she borrowed so much money. The interest will only keep getting higher and higher. If it were you, a loan shark, would you lend 25000 to a person who can't even find his home?" Ye Qing was not stupid, and immediately understood what Ye Feng said. He said hesitantly and asked: "You mean she doesn't owe so much money at all? Then why did she tell me that she owed so much money?"

"What do you use your brain for? Analyze it yourself." Ye Feng glanced at Ye Qing angrily.

Ye Qing opened her eyes wide: "You're not pretending to be pitiful to cheat me out of money, are you?"

"Congratulations, Miss Ye Jiasan, you finally have some brains and got the answer right." Ye Feng smiled and gave Ye Qing a thumbs up.

Ye Qing glared at Ye Feng: "If you want to be so arrogant, I just saw how pitiful she was when she cried. Who would have thought that she lied to me, and she lives in the same dormitory as me and will be together for three or four years."

Ye Feng said helplessly: "My third lady, just because we have been together for three or four years does not mean that she has to pay you back. She just won't pay you back. How can you kill her? Don't say that she doesn't want to pay you back." , even if she wanted to pay it back, what would she pay back?"

Ye Qing frowned, looked at Ye Feng in confusion and asked: "Brother, what do you think she cheated me of so much money for? How did she spend so much money? From the beginning of school to now, I haven't used up the 1000 yuan." , I even bought a lot of snacks to share with Wang Xiaoli and the others in the dormitory, otherwise I would have spent less."

Ye Feng and Ye Qing laid the groundwork bit by bit: "She found a boyfriend outside school. His boyfriend was a promiscuous person. The two of them played a game called Audition outside, spent money on fashion, and used speakers. , started a family, and then went out to eat lobsters and go to restaurants, how much money was not enough to spend? And his boyfriend also played slot machines and gambled."

Ye Qing said dumbfounded: "Isn't this using my money to pretend to be rich?"

"Who told you that you are stupid and have too much money?" When Ye Feng heard that Ye Qing would buy snacks and share them with the people in the dormitory, he understood why the woman named Zhang Haimei cried in front of Ye Qing and borrowed money.

The third young lady of his family, Qian Lubai, was targeted by someone who was interested.

Ye Feng shook his head.

Ye Qing thought for a while and asked: "Then what should I do? When I get to school later, I can make it clear to her and ask her for money?"

"No more money." Ye Feng shook his head.

Ye Qingcai said in a daze: "No, it's 25000. Your money didn't come from the strong wind. I have to ask her for it. It's too much. I treat her as a sister and trust her, but she treats me as a fool."

Ye Feng felt quite comforted when he heard Ye Qing's words that his money was not brought by the strong wind, and then slowly said bluntly: "You may not see her anymore."

Ye Qing looked at Ye Feng as if aware: "What did you do?"

"I'll take you to school later and ask the school people to expel her."

Ye Feng modified what happened last night, excluding Lin Rui, and briefly talked to Ye Qing. Then he took the tea and took a sip of the boiled tea that had been brewed in advance. His eyes were fixed on Ye Qing, observing the expression of this silly sister. .

After hearing this, Ye Qing was angry at first, and then suddenly thought of something, "No way, you find someone to expel her, she must not hold a grudge? What if she takes revenge on me? I am studying at Dongcheng University. , she also knows what professional courses to take, so she can find the right one."

Ye Feng couldn't help but become happy.

Ye Qing thought about this quite deeply.

"Do not worry."

Ye Feng rubbed the edge of the tea cup with his palm, smiled at Ye Qing with full control and said, "Read your book carefully. After today, she won't dare to show up at school."

(End of this chapter)

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