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Chapter 851 The Difficulty Facing

Chapter 851 The Difficulty Facing

How could Ye Feng not know the danger of this?
When the famous entrepreneur in his previous life founded Alipay, he once said that he would be put in jail to do it, but what he was doing at the time was far from what Ye Feng said.

At that time, he was only focusing on Alipay and Taobao payments, and the situation Ye Feng mentioned was equivalent to spanning the 5-year development process of Alipay. At this point in time, let alone the functions of checking balances, paying back credit cards, recharging phone bills, and transferring funds across banks. As long as it is raised, it is equivalent to a direct challenge to the central bank, and can even be said to be treason!
Yes, that's such an exaggeration.

The difficulty is so great that ordinary people cannot overcome it. Even if Alipay has been established and the pioneers Ye Feng needs have come out, the difficulty is still very high, because after the establishment of Alipay, it has been almost five years of standing still. You can imagine how difficult it is.

Ye Feng recovered his thoughts and said to Wang Xin: "Don't worry, I don't plan to do it in the long term now. Now UnionPay will not open up online transactions with us at all. There are only offline transactions. The problem is that now manual transactions The accounting method is really a bit too cumbersome. Not only is the workload huge, but also information will be lost in the process, making reconciliation and settlement difficult. If you want to go forward in the long run, you can only do it yourself, skip UnionPay, and open up the bank. ."

Wang Xin felt relieved after hearing this, and then said: "That's useless, the national conditions do not allow it, and there is no domestic policy in this regard."

"I know, let's establish it first and then talk about it."

Ye Feng nodded and continued: "Then wait for the policy."

Wang Xin asked, "What if no policy is ever implemented?"

"There will be."

Ye Feng smiled.

Wang Xin saw a calm sense of determination in Ye Feng's smile. Why was he so confident?This question flashed through Wang Xin's mind, but after thinking about it, Wang Xin was still moved by Ye Feng's confident smile.

If...if what Ye Feng said can really be realized, and Lanshan Payment can really be used as a cornerstone to knock the bank's cake...

When Wang Xin thought of this, she couldn't help but feel suffocated. At the same time, she was also fascinated. The ambition and passion in her bones seemed to have turned into a big river and began to surge.

Wang Xin was ambitious, but Ye Feng was deep in thought.

Yes, at the end of last year, Alipay was established, which can be regarded as the pioneer of domestic third-party payment platforms. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, the front is still dark, there is no road, and there are walls in every direction. We have hit a wall, how can we go forward?
In order to maintain their moats, banks are only willing to have limited cooperation with third-party payment platforms in gateway mode. This causes users to jump to web pages multiple times. In addition, there are many restrictions such as only supporting IE browsers and USB shields. The experience is quite disastrous. The payment success rate has also hovered around 50% for a long time.

This is tantamount to grabbing the throat of the entire industry.Due to the barrier between upstream and downstream, the technology also failed.

Regarding this aspect, Ye Feng doesn't know how to solve it in the end. He just knows that in his previous life, Alipay once formed a team to help state-owned banks in order to break through the payment success rate, but it eventually stopped at around 60%.

As for policy issues, it was not until the central bank issued the No. 2010 Directive "Measures for the Administration of Payment Services of Non-Financial Institutions" around June 6 that the third-party payment industry saw the light of day.

But now it's 2005, nearly five years away from 2010.

How should Ye Feng go in the past five years?How to do it?Are you staying put and following Alipay's path?Or should he take the first step and become a pioneer?This is a very testing question.

The former may create a situation where one step is slow and one step is slow, and Ye Feng does not have social software. It is impossible for Tencent to invade the payment market through WeChat in the later period. You must know that Alipay accounted for nearly 70% of the payment market at the beginning. This is The rewards of being a pioneer are huge.

For the latter, if Ye Feng wants to be a pioneer, he will have to face all the difficulties Alipay faced in his previous life and the difficulties in dealing with banks. He will have to negotiate with banks step by step, but if he wants to start from the bank Where is it so easy to grab a share?

Whenever he thought of this, Ye Feng understood more and more what made Papa Ma's perseverance so outstanding.The main problem facing Ye Feng now is that he knows that these things will eventually appear and be passed, but how to achieve it and how to pass it, he still doesn't understand, including the technical level, Ye Feng can't solve it yet.

At this moment, Ye Feng came to the realization that the company must set up a research team, a technical team, and then he would propose the direction of the concept, and finally the technical team would implement it, and he would then decide the direction.

Of course, you still have to eat one bite at a time and walk step by step. Ye Feng thought of this and looked up at Wang Xin: "I will give you another task now. Over with Chen Xiao, I will ask the teacher to come out and see if I can We cannot invite Chen Xiao, a doctor of law, back. I will leave the company to you. You must set up a technical research team for me in the shortest possible time. You were the vice president of Yahoo headquarters before and you know many people. This problem has to be solved. for you."

"it is good."

Wang Xin nodded.

"Then let's go play badminton now. My mind is a little confused right now. Let's go exercise and relax."

Ye Feng stood up and followed Wang Xin to the badminton hall on the first floor of the club and played badminton. During this period, Ye Feng emptied his mind and didn't think about anything. He tried not to confuse his thinking and let his thinking stay on establishing Regarding the legal team, this is also a very important matter. A large Internet company must have various lawsuits.

Sweat was flowing freely.

Ye Feng swung the racket vigorously, with a wide range of movements. Whether it was to the left or right, forward or backward, his strides were very wide. Finally, he jumped up high, shot the ball over, and the badminton hit the ground. on the ground.

Wang Xin was panting, and glanced at Ye Feng with a red face, and said angrily: "You took the medicine, as if I were your enemy, you used so much force."

"Let's vent, I haven't exercised in a long time."

Ye Feng smiled, panting slightly, covered in sweat, but very refreshing, with a feeling of smoothness both physically and mentally. For men, sometimes focusing on studies and career will indeed make people find an indescribable feeling. pleasure.

At this time, Ye Feng saw a woman's figure appearing at the door of the venue from the corner of his eye. He intuitively thought it was Cao Mingyue. When he turned to look, Cao Mingyue turned away with a cold face.

"It seems this beauty is jealous."

Wang Xin smiled and wiped her sweat with a towel, and asked, "Your girlfriend?"


Ye Feng shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​chasing Cao Mingyue to explain. There was nothing to explain originally. It would be good if this could cool down the relationship between the two.

Ye Feng turned around and looked at Wang Xin: "I want to see the teacher, will you go?"

"Don't go."

The smile on Wang Xin's face disappeared immediately, and a towel hit Ye Feng's face.

(End of this chapter)

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