Recast youth

Chapter 842 Missing a Knife

Chapter 842 Missing a Knife
"I said you really plan to come to my place to have a meal?"

When Dean Wang saw Ye Feng come to the door, he shook his head and said with a smile: "Such a big boss doesn't feel ashamed."

"That can't be helped. You told me at noon and asked me to walk around with you more if I have nothing to do. I'll be here at night." Ye Feng smiled and asked Feng Zheng to put the box of Maotai he bought in the corner. He said cheekily.

The main reason is that he really wants Dean Wang to give him some advice. Regarding the current development of the company, he is still blind and relying on his own enthusiasm. However, if a large company wants to go long term, it cannot be done just by feeling. of.

"It's all here, come in and sit down."

Dean Wang withdrew his gaze from the box of Maotai in the corner, with satisfaction in his eyes, indicating that he knew how to do things. He smiled and said to Ye Feng: "As the saying goes, you don't have to go to the Three Treasures Hall for anything. You came here twice today. Did something happen in your company?"

"Something really happened."

Ye Feng didn't hide it. He sat down and said, "An employee in my company has changed jobs. He has a very high position and is the manager of the game R&D department. Before he left, he poached three technical backbones."

Dean Wang didn't know much about game research and development, but he could see the essence of the matter. He looked at Ye Feng and asked, "You poached him by others, and then formed a team to maliciously compete with your company?"

Ye Feng said: "That's pretty much what it means."

"This is the most common means of business competition and the least costly copying model."

Dean Wang nodded and continued: "This is similar to what I told you this morning. Today Butcher Zhang's family sells pork, and tomorrow there will be Butcher Li and Butcher Wang. This is also the main reason why some enterprises in our country cannot do it. The reason is because the business environment is not good and the cost of copying is too low.”

"Actually, when he resigned, I kind of wanted to issue a statement saying that he would never be hired. As long as my company sends out the statement, other than poaching his company, no other company would dare to use him. His reputation is so bad." Ye Feng After thinking for a while he said.

Dean Wang smiled and asked, "Then why don't you issue a statement?"

Ye Feng sighed and said: "It feels like there is no way out, and I can't bear to do it. Plus, he knew a deceased friend of mine, so I didn't do that."

Dean Wang shook his head: "You've done something wrong. As the saying goes, if you don't have kindness, you can't control the military, you can't establish business, you can't manage finances, and you can't be an official. You are now the founder of the company, that is, the leader, and you have feelings. It is a good thing to be polite, but it is not a good thing to be polite in your position. There are rules here. Everything and any industry has its rules. However, it is not allowed to go beyond the scope of the rules. The harm is Self-interest will not go far.”

"I understand the truth."

Ye Feng smiled bitterly and said: "It's just a bit difficult to do it. After all, the human heart is made of flesh, just like a pitiful person must be hateful. I know he is hateful, but at the same time he is pitiful."

Dean Wang took the tea cup, took a slow sip of tea, looked at Ye Feng and said with a smile: "Since he is the manager of your company, his salary must be not low. If others want to poach him, they have to exceed this salary no matter what?" He arrived at a new company, received a higher salary, and then copied your company's profit model, technical points, and games, how could he be so pitiful?"

"In the final analysis, I am soft-hearted." Ye Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"That's not true. Although a business founder is not suitable for kindness, he can't be devoid of emotions. In Water Margin, why is Songjiang able to sit on the top spot? It's because his name is Shiyu, he talks about emotions, and values ​​​​feelings. Otherwise, How could the 108 heroes of Water Margin willingly follow him? Yan can control a person, but he cannot convince people like the heroes of Water Margin. If you want them to truly believe you, you still have to use your brain more."

Dean Wang put down his cup, smiled at Ye Feng and said, "Of course, it's not enough to just talk about feelings. In the end, the ending of Water Margin was because of the benevolence of Songjiang's women, who ruined the lives of countless heroes. You You can continue to be your good boss. As for things that offend others, you can find someone else to be the executor. You will be the planner and he will be the executor, so that we can complement each other."

Ye Feng thought of Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao, and couldn't help but ask: "Does this mean that I will play the red face, and then find someone to play the white face?"

"Although I'm a little unprepared, that's what it means." At this point, Dean Wang raised his head and said with a smile: "After all, you are the one who makes the company successful now. I am just a poor teacher who talks on paper and only talks about it. I can give you a reference, but you have to make your own judgment on how to do it."

"Yes, I understand." Ye Feng nodded.

Dean Wang suddenly asked: "What would you do if the employees you changed jobs really created a creative team to compete with you?"

"He can't compete."

Ye Feng sat back and said with a smile, "I'm waiting for him to do this too."

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Dean Wang suddenly felt that when the young man in his 20s in front of him said these words, he felt like he was suddenly rising up, towering, and unable to see through.

"It's best if you have a plan."

Dean Wang nodded.

After talking for so long, Ye Feng felt a little thirsty. He stood up to make a cup of tea and asked: "Teacher, you have a lot of talents all over the world and know many people. Do you know any management talents who preferably look murderous?" The kind that doesn’t show mercy.”

Dean Wang generously gave Ye Feng a mobile phone number: "You can call this number tomorrow and ask."

"Who is this person?" Ye Feng saved the number.

"My daughter."


Ye Feng almost couldn't sit still and looked at Dean Wang blankly. He wanted management talents. Why did he give his daughter's number to him?Promote your own daughter?Moreover, Dean Wang is almost 60, and her daughter is almost 40, right?

Besides, Ye Feng himself was a little too big-headed because of Cao Mingyue's matter. How could he dare to meet any woman, so he said seriously: "Teacher, I have a girlfriend."

Dean Wang glanced at Ye Feng angrily: "What you think is quite beautiful. My daughter graduated from Stanford Business School and is now working in Silicon Valley. She should know people. You can ask her if she knows someone who is suitable and willing. If there are any talents who have returned to China for development, let her introduce them to you."

Ye Feng still felt something was wrong and asked, "Why did you ask me to make this call? Wouldn't it be better if you called me and asked?"

"I was having trouble with her because I forced her to return to China to develop her career."

Dean Wang drank tea and said with some embarrassment: "When I called her, she either didn't answer the phone or hung up when she heard my voice. I can't help you ask this."

Ye Feng didn't expect this to happen. He looked at Dean Wang dumbfounded and said, "Then I'll call you in your name as teacher, won't she still ignore me?"

(End of this chapter)

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