Recast youth

Chapter 741 Speaking on occasion

Chapter 741 Speaking on occasion
Chen Huang is very easy-going and did not deliberately arrange two tables, leaving Feng Zheng and Pan Kun alone at one table, just a large private room and a large rotating round table.

A variety of seafood is placed on the table.

Among them, the geoducks and a large number of oysters represented Chen Huang's full malice towards Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao, and asked them to eat all the oysters and geoducks on the table.

Where can I eat all this food?Hou Yao said unconvinced: "Bring me two coconut crabs if you can. Yihang and I will finish these geoducks and oysters. I ate one coconut crab in Nanshi and it was really okay."

Hearing this, Zhou Yihang quickly wanted to cover Hou Yao's mouth, but before he could, he quickly said to Chen Huang: "I didn't say that. The monkey said it. He wants to eat him."

"Just put your heart in your stomach."

Hou Yao said disapprovingly: "Where can he find coconut crabs in the middle of the night?"

Hou Yao didn't know.

Although few people in China know about coconut crab now, where is Yanjing?Things that were not available in Yanjing were even less available elsewhere. Chen Huang made a phone call, and the person on the other end of the phone immediately said that they would send two coconut crabs to him later.

Up to 10 minutes.

Two people came over with two coconut crabs. They were quite big, one weighed more than five or six pounds. Hou Yao was dumbfounded. Finally, he called the person in charge of the hotel and angrily asked them to take away the two coconut crabs. The crabs were steamed.

At the same time, Ye Feng also knew how deep Chen Huang's network of connections was in Yanjing. A person's network of connections cannot be told by words. Only if he could solve the problem anytime, anywhere without showing off his integrity or showing off the facts. It's really awesome.

No wonder Chen Yiming's club would pull Chen Huang to be one of the three major shareholders. You must know that Chen Huang is not with Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui, and Changxing International does not have his shares.

Being able to pull him into a stake alone means that Chen Huang receives the attention of Chen Yiming and others.

Chen Huang smiled and gestured to the geoducks and oysters on the table, and said to Hou Yao: "Brother Monkey, eat them."

"I can't finish it, I'm going to vomit."

Hou Yao gestured to his throat with a grimace: "It's almost up to his throat."

Chen Huang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I specially asked someone to bring it from the warehouse. Now that the coconut crab has been brought, you told me that you don't want to eat it. You are tormenting me."

"Brothers, please help."

Hou Yao had no choice but to look at Zhou Yihang and Ye Feng, begging Ye Feng and Zhou Yihang to eat with him. In fact, there were quite a lot of geoducks and oysters on the table, but not too much.

It's just that if Hou Yao and Ye Feng eat together, it's a bit overwhelming. If Feng Zheng and Fan Jun also join in, it won't be much difficult, but at this time it's no longer suitable for them to join in.

When Ye Feng saw Hou Yao asking for help, he had no choice but to join in and eat. However, he didn't like eating raw food, nor did he like dipping it in mustard before eating it cooked. Hou Yao also asked the busty girl he brought over to eat it.

The busty girl was not happy and said: "These oysters and geoducks are not delicious, and they are not worth a lot of money. I won't eat them. If you want to eat them, you can eat them yourself."

As soon as the woman's words came out, Ye Feng knew that she was a little confused about the situation, but what he didn't expect was that Hou Yao's reaction was more direct than he expected, and he slapped the woman directly on the face.

Didn't hold back.

with a snap.

The ear scraping was very severe.

Then Hou Yao said with a cold face, "Get out of here if you don't want to eat."No one at the scene reacted. The only person who reacted was the mature woman brought by Zhou Yao. Her name was Wang Hong. She didn't ask Hou Yao to say anything, so she helped eat together. However, Hou Yao slapped Yang Xin in the face. I was still shocked, I didn't expect Hou Yao to do it as soon as he said it.

Yang Xin was the name of the girl Hou Yao brought here. Tears rolled in her eyes. She glanced at the people on the table, feeling aggrieved and afraid. She said aggrievedly, "I can't eat."

Hou Yao lit a cigarette and said coldly, "Get out of here and don't ask me to say it a second time."

Seeing that no one spoke for her, Yang Xin ran out with tears in her eyes.

At this time, Hou Yao laughed again. He took an oyster and used a knife to pick out the meat inside. He slowly ate it and said with a smile: "Come on, come on, keep eating, don't let this evil woman do anything bad." It affected our mood.”

Only then did Ye Feng realize that this is the true nature and character of Hou Yao and his gang of second-generation people. If you don't have the same status as them, or if you don't have the right relationship with them, there are some things you can't say. At least it's not this person named Yang Xin. Women can be willful in front of them.

In the past, Ye Feng might have persuaded him, and Hou Yao would have listened to his advice, but now Ye Feng can't do it anymore. There are too many idle people, and he doesn't want to care about it, and he can't care about that much.

After all, as his knowledge became wider and his status became higher and higher, Ye Feng gradually became indifferent.

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng at this time and said with a smile: "Hou Yao and Yihang both know how to bring girls here, why don't you bring one over? If you want to bring one over, there should be a lot of girls in Dongzhou rushing to follow you. come on?"

"Emotionless, I don't like it." Ye Feng replied with a smile.

Zhou Yihang said while eating the food: "He is so cool. I have known him for so long. I have never seen him get close to any woman. I even arranged for him to be with Cao Mingyue before. Cao Mingyue's appearance isn't bad, right? I'm still the Propaganda Minister of Dongzhou City. Guess what? The relationship with her has gone cold and we no longer have any contact with him."

Ye Feng did not get close to Cao Mingyue.

The first is that he doesn't like her, and the second is that he has played with Xin Xiaowan, whom Cao Zhongjie kept, so why would he have the nerve to get close to Cao Mingyue again?Will you die of embarrassment when you see Cao Zhongjie in the future?

But Ye Feng refused to suffer. He glanced at the beautiful woman next to Yi Hang and said deliberately: "Brother Hang, let's talk about it. No matter how boring I am, can I be as boring as you?"

Hou Yao raised his head and said: "You are all the same, you are all boring and coquettish. I am the only one who understands. There is no pretense at all."

Then two steamed coconut crabs were served, and several people chatted while eating.

During the chat, Ye Feng realized that it turned out that Chen Huang's business scope was abroad, not at home. This made Ye Feng's heart move. He now had a lot of cash reserves in the company, and he was thinking of using the information in his head. When will we rob foreign markets?

If he really gets what he wants.

Needless to say, at least his name, Ye Feng, will go down in history and be mythical. In this case, no matter what outcome awaits him in 2016, he will be able to accept it calmly.

After dinner.

Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang discussed going to Gongti Bar again. As the host, Chen Huang naturally had to accompany him. Ye Feng had never been to bars in his life. When he went there, there were only a handful of them in Dongzhou. And now Everyone was there and it was hard for him to leave, so he decided to go together.

Exit the hotel door.

The woman who was kicked out by Hou Yao sat at the door and wiped her tears. Hou Yao went over and said a few words. The woman immediately stood up happily, and the little bird snuggled next to Hou Yao.

Workers' Stadium Bar is not the name of a bar, but a bar area next to Yanjing Workers' Gymnasium. It can be said to be a bar street. Later, I went to VICS Bar.

As soon as he entered the bar, VICS Bar let Ye Feng know what the atmosphere and scale of the nightclub in Yanjing, the capital, was like.

(End of this chapter)

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