Recast youth

Chapter 714 Detention

Chapter 714 Detention
How does it feel to be nearly hit by a car?
Ye Feng didn't want to think about it too much, but he thought Li He would not be able to get out of the situation for the first half of his life, but he also knew that if he wanted to completely kill Li He, he would have to be quick with his troops and attack from multiple aspects.

A stone cannot kill anyone.

If there are too many stones, people will be killed.

When Liao Jun interrogated several people in Li He overnight, Feng Sande was not idle. After he left the hospital, he found Chen Mengjie and came to Dongzhou Daily with Chen Mengjie.

Not long after they arrived, Wang Xuelei from Dongzhou Daily also arrived.

Wang Xuelei was the reporter who interviewed Li Bing and Ye Feng with Xin Xiaowan. In the past two years after Xin Xiaowan left, he switched from reporter to editor. He is now the senior editor of Dongzhou Daily, and Ye Feng has always been in contact with him.

It comes in handy now.

Over the past two years, Wang Xuelei has become much calmer. Knowing that Chen Mengjie is the manager of Lanshan Club and one of Ye Feng's subordinates, he did not dare to neglect and came up to shake hands enthusiastically when he saw people.

Then he shook hands with Feng Sande.

Chen Mengjie told the purpose of coming, but not in full, and decided to place a 100 million advertisement in the Dongzhou Daily newspaper in the second half of the year, thus blocking Wang Xuelei's escape route.

Advertising in newspapers is actually very cheap. It depends on the location and circulation. For example, the price of Dongzhou Daily is a little higher. Generally, a full page is only about 2 to 4, so 100 million is really a lot.

There is another reason why Feng Sandra asked Chen Mengjie to come so late, that is, the date of the newspaper issued by the newspaper office is usually the day before. People are at the newspaper office, and the newspapers are printed in the printing factory. The printing factory starts working around 12:30 at night to prepare for the previous work. Printing starts at 1 a.m. and ends at about 5:30 a.m., and then begins delivering newspapers to various units.

In other words, if you want the public to see Ye Feng's car accident as soon as possible the next day, you have to come in at night to add the incident, and then work overtime to print it out, so that it can be published in the newspaper the next day.

Wang Xuelei said there was no problem when he heard it.

Not to mention that Dongzhou Daily has to establish a good relationship with entrepreneurs like Ye Feng. Chen Mengjie also invested 100 million in advertising fees. Just the fact that Ye Feng, the owner of Lanshan Club and Lanshan (China) Co., Ltd., had a car accident is a big news. It deserves a big page.

And it's an exclusive report.

The three of them went to the printing factory together. On the way, Wang Xuelei first communicated with the editor-in-chief on the phone, and then asked Feng Sande about the details of Ye Feng's car accident. When he heard that the car was hit and scrapped, Wang Xuelei couldn't help but gasped. It was so dangerous. .

Arrived at the printing factory.

Wang Xuelei found the person in charge of the printing plant, wrote a report on the spot, and retyped and printed the newspaper to be published the next day.



Ye Feng really pushed the envelope and refused to sleep most of the night. He kept bargaining with Kong Jingke to take advantage of her. Finally, Kong Jingke couldn't bear the harassment and decided to wait until dawn to return to Yanjing with Ke Meng.

She came from Yanjing mainly to see how Ye Feng was doing. Now that she knew Ye Feng was fine, Kong Jingke's heart was relieved. In addition, the concert will be held in two months, and the stage effect The renovation, ticket pre-sale, many things required her to communicate with all parties.

Six o'clock the next day.

Kong Jingke left the hospital and bought breakfast for Ye Feng, and then told Ye Feng to rest more, stop running around, and pay attention to safety when driving in the future, and then returned to Yanjing with Ke Meng.

After Ye Feng saw that Kong Jingke had left, he felt relieved, so that Kong Jingke would not be worried. He did not intend to tell any of his relatives the real inside story of this matter.

There are some things that people who care about them can't change the outcome even if they know about them, it can only make them worry in vain.

Ye Feng chose to face and deal with it alone.

seven o'clock.

Feng Sande and Chen Mengjie returned from the printing factory and came to the hospital. Feng Sande brought the meat buns he bought to Ye Feng. Ye Feng didn't take them, saying that he had eaten them, and then asked them how things went.

Feng Sande gnawed on the bun and said, "Additional reports have been added to the newspaper issued by Dongzhou Daily today, and the newspaper has been sent out."

"Well, that's fine."

Ye Feng nodded. There are many relatively large newspapers in Dongzhou, including Dongzhou Daily, Dongzhou Morning News, Dongzhou Express, Dongzhou Evening News, etc. However, Ye Feng's purpose is not simply to have newspapers report on his car accident.The real purpose is to report his car accident first, and then attract reporters to interview him. The remaining part is the important part, and it belongs to Ye Feng himself.

No matter what, at least Ye Feng is a big news now. The owner of Lanshan Club, an outstanding entrepreneur, has made free donations to Dongzhou City Public Security Bureau and Sports Bureau.

Plus the boss of Lanshan (China) Co., Ltd.

If he is not worthy of an interview, then who is worthy of an interview?

In 2005, newspapers and television were still the main media channels in first- and second-tier cities. If something happened to an entrepreneur of Ye Feng's size, it would definitely be a very big news.

By then, other newspapers and TV media that have not received first-hand reports will definitely flock to the hospital to interview Ye Feng.

Not only that.

Dongzhou Daily is also a newspaper approved by the State Administration of Press and Publication. It is the official newspaper of the Dongzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China. It has great influence in Dongzhou City and has a particularly wide audience. It radiates not only to private units, but also to public units.

Agencies such as the Sports Bureau and the Municipal Government are all required to deliver the latest newspapers every day. In this case, everyone who should know about Ye Feng's car accident will also know.

All Ye Feng has to do in the hospital now is wait.


New District Bureau.

Liao Jun was still awake and writing a petition for detention.

X Gong Xing Zi (2005) No. 49

Criminal suspect Li He, male, born on October 1978, 10, resident ID number 23xxxx, Han nationality, undergraduate education, native place xx city, xx province...

Criminal suspect Wang Lei, male, born on September 1979, 9, resident ID number 15xxxx410101, Han nationality, junior high school education, native place xx province, xx city... In March 08283250, he was sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment for the crime of gathering to fight 2001 year and 3 months, released in February 1... (with reduced sentence)
Criminal suspect Zhang Weidong, male,...

crime suspect……


Reasons and basis for detention:

On the morning of June 2005, 6, criminal suspect Li He...


In summary, the actions of criminal suspects Li He, Zhang Weidong, Wang Lei,... violated Article [-] of the Criminal Law of the Republic of China...

No properly, please instructions.

Undertaken by xxxx Undertaken by Liao Jun.

2005 6 Month 10 Day.


After finishing writing, Liao Jun took a sip of the bitter and strong tea that had been brewed for a long time, then lit a cigarette, smoked slowly, looked at the sun hanging high outside, and said softly: It's my turn to do it. , I have already done it, the rest is up to you.

Liao Jun knew it very well.

Once the detention report is approved, the detention order will be notified or sent to the suspect's home within 24 hours. At that time, Ye Feng will have to face pressure or peace calls from all parties in Li He's family.

(End of this chapter)

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