Recast youth

Chapter 641 Isn’t that my future sister-in-law?

Chapter 641 Isn’t that my future sister-in-law?

Ye Feng drank a lot of wine at night and lay down to sleep as soon as he got to the room. But before he could close his eyes, there was a knock on the door. As soon as he opened the door, Ye Qing stood outside with his hands in his down jacket pockets, his eyes He looked into Ye Feng's room suspiciously.

Ye Feng wants to close the door immediately.

"Hey, why did you close the door?"

Ye Qing quickly blocked the door with her legs.

Ye Feng said: "You don't want to sleep?"

Ye Qing said: "I am afraid alone."

"Who asked you to come out? You don't know how to stay at home." Ye Feng said angrily.

"I'm going to come to the hotel with you."

Ye Qing shamelessly squeezed into the room. Since hotel rooms were tight during the Chinese New Year, the room Ye Feng opened was also a standard room with a double bed. Ye Qing took the remote control and sat down on the bed in a hurry: "You can sleep with you. Yes, I watch my TV."

"You really don't want to go back to your room?" Ye Feng looked at Ye Qing.

"Look, I'm not going back either."

Ye Qing didn't look at Ye Feng at all, turned on the TV, and muttered: "Why are you staring, your eyes are so big?"

Maybe it was because this sister was thick-skinned in his previous life, so Ye Feng had a very good relationship with her in his previous life. Seeing that Ye Qing refused to return to his room, Ye Feng had nothing to do.

Brothers and sisters are basically like this.

When we didn't meet, I missed my sister. After meeting her, within a few hours, I immediately felt bad. The younger one loves to pester the elder one. Ye Qing only has her parents at home. She is bored and definitely doesn't want to stay at home.

Ye Feng had no choice but to ignore Ye Qing and let her watch TV and sleep by herself.

After a while, Ye Feng sat up and said, "Turn down the TV volume."


"It needs to be smaller."

Ye Feng still felt that the sound of the TV was too loud and kept getting it into his head.

Ye Qing threw a pillow at it: "No matter how small I am, I won't be able to hear you."


Ye Feng had no choice but to bite the bullet and sleep. He fell asleep in a daze. After a while, a familiar song sounded. It was sung by a woman:
A body that has been sleeping for thousands of years
Waking up from the dead leaves
the mournful sigh of the nightingale
break the spell

Ye Feng, who was sleeping, almost sang along to the melody of this song, but then he felt something was wrong. Isn't this the theme song of The Legend of Sword and Fairy?Sitting up, I saw Ye Qing staring at the TV intently.

The TV drama channel in Shanghai is showing "Legend of Sword and Fairy".

It's not anything else, but Ye Feng didn't expect that this TV series would be released so early. It came out in 05. He still remembered that this TV series was so popular in his previous life.

Xie Junhao plays the drunken swordsman.

Li Xiaoyao played by Hu Ge.

Li Xiaoyao was fine, but Ye Feng really felt that Xie Junhao's performance as a drunken swordsman was superb, as if he was one of the best in heaven and earth. He seemed to feel that the unruly swordsman who traveled to the end of the world with his sword should be like him.

"Aren't you sleeping?"

Ye Qing glanced at Ye Feng's brother with some dissatisfaction, and then said enthusiastically: "Brother, you also think this TV series is good, right?"

"Well, it's beautiful."

Ye Feng finally understood that he couldn't sleep tonight, so he sat up and watched "Legend of Sword and Fairy". There were many stars in this TV series, but two of them became first-line stars in the end.

One is Hu Ge who plays Li Xiaoyao.

The other one is Peng Yuyan who plays Tang Yu Xiaobao.

Ye Feng also wants to take the route of a film and television company in the future. At that time, he can sign some artists, sign celebrities who will be more popular in the future in his memory, and then make movies to make money.

You have to know that in the later period, some movies have a box office of several billion. What can make money faster than this?It's a huge profit. As long as it works well, Ye Feng can completely build a branded "Lanshan Film and Television" company.By then, it might be another company that can be valued at tens of billions. With a film and television company, Ye Feng can designate to sign artists, screenwriters, and directors. By then, scripts, directors, and actors will form a complete film and television cultural chain. .

Such as Huang Bo.

For example, Ning Hao.

Such as Xu Zheng.


These are the people that Ye Feng likes more. Among them, Ning Hao and Xu Zheng are the artists that Ye Feng especially wants to sign. Ning Hao is a genius, and he is very good at shooting realistic and cold humorous movie themes.

Xu Zheng is not only good at acting, but also has strong directing skills. In the Mainland, there are few people with more potential than him. He has accumulated a lot of experience but has little success. I am talking about people like Xu Zheng.

As for Huang Bo, apart from acting, he has a very good sense of variety shows.

Well, you can use the profits to sign a contract of sale for them...

Ye Feng lowered his head and thought about how to use the contract to deceive these future film and television greats, because these people are not popular at all now. Xu Zheng has acted in "Splendid Spring" and "Li Wei is the Official", and it is only a little bit in the TV drama industry. Fame, the movie hasn’t taken off yet.

As for Ning Hao and Huang Bo, they will have to wait until "Crazy Stone" is filmed in 2006 to make their debut...

By the way, 2006, one more year...

Ye Feng suddenly felt that time was a little tight. These people had to hurry up and sign in. As for how to enter the entertainment industry, it was easy. It should not be difficult to enter the entertainment industry with Kong Jingke's existing reputation...

As for Baoqiang?

Should I remind Baoqiang that his marriage will not be happy...

Still don't.

Ye Feng shook his head and got rid of these messy thoughts in his mind. Some of them were too far-fetched, and no one believed them when he said them. Who can believe things that didn't happen?
You can’t top the tank yourself, right?
"Brother, what are you doing? You are sleepwalking."

The sudden sound startled Ye Feng. He looked up and saw that Ye Qing had stood beside the bed at some point. Ye Feng suddenly became interested and looked at Ye Qing: "Qingzi, what do you want to do after graduating from college?"

Ye Qing thought seriously for a moment: "Go to Yanjing."

"Why go to Yanjing?" Ye Feng wondered.

Ye Qing said of course: "Because Sister Zhang Lan is in Yanjing."

"You were completely bribed by her last year..." Ye Feng was speechless.

"That's right, Sister Lan is good to me."

Ye Qing smiled proudly, then mysteriously took out a flip Motorola mobile phone, and asked Ye Feng like a treasure: "Brother, what do you think this is?"

"cell phone?"

Ye Feng looked at Ye Qing with wide eyes: "Where did you get your cell phone?"

"Sister Zhang Lan bought it for me and asked me not to tell you."

Ye Qing sat on the bed and said with a troubled face: "But there are no numbers on the phone, and I don't know who to call. Only Sister Zhang Lan occasionally sends me text messages."

Ye Feng really didn't expect that Zhang Lan gave Ye Qing a mobile phone, and Ye Qing kept it secret for a full year, but after thinking about it, Ye Feng understood that if his parents knew about it, they would definitely confiscate Ye Qing's mobile phone.

Ye Feng asked: "Who paid for your phone bill?"

"Do you still need to recharge the phone bill?" Ye Qing was stunned. She had never known about this.

Ye Feng was speechless. Needless to say, the phone bill must have been Zhang Lanchong's. Ye Qing was spoiled by Zhang Lan. No wonder Ye Qing said she wanted to go to Yanjing after graduating from college. If it were him, he would have wanted to go without taking anything. , give it directly, who doesn’t want to go?
Ye Feng took Ye Qing's phone angrily and looked at it. It was the latest Motorola phone from 03, and then gave it back to her: "You are so old, and you just want gifts from others. How can you be embarrassed? What do you want next time?" Tell me, I’ll buy it for you, okay?”

"Not someone else."

Ye Qing raised a finger at Ye Feng, shook it, and said with a smile, "Isn't that my future sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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