Recast youth

Chapter 590

Chapter 590
The earliest twelve sects in Fantasy Westward Journey.

Ye Feng's sect belongs to the Tang Dynasty Government, with the highest rank. He is the earliest chief disciple of the Tang Dynasty Government. There will be a dummy standing at the entrance of the Datang Government. The name is exactly the same as the name of the character in Ye Feng's game, both called "Mad Swordsman". It's just that the color of the nickname is yellow, and the title above is: Chief Disciple of the Tang Dynasty Government.

Therefore, the reputation of "Crazy Swordsman" is particularly high in the eyes of the district, especially the Tang Dynasty officials.

After all, the chief disciple.

There was a period of nearly two months when the level was 129, which was the highest in the region.

So when "I was drunk that night" when "Crazy Swordsman" asked him to PK, I was dumbfounded. He was no match at all. He first sent a #24 staring expression, and then asked tremblingly in the current mode: Chief Brother, I, I have What did I do wrong? Did I offend you...

When Ye Feng saw the other person saying this, he was a little embarrassed, but he had to kill him, so he imitated the masters in the TV series and said lightly: Don't you know what you did?

Then swept across thousands of armies.

The skill of Sweeping Thousands of Armies requires three consecutive sweeps and one round of rest. But on the first strike, "I was drunk that night" was killed by Ye Feng, and then the baby was also taken away.


In Fantasy Westward Journey, when a character dies, he has to go to the underworld. In the room next to the ghost-catcher Zhong Kui, "I was drunk that night" and saw "the rain under the sycamore tree under the sycamore tree" that he had killed in the wilds of Jiangnan. "

The character's name clearly bears the couple's nickname: Mad Swordsman's Wife.


That night I was drunk and finally found out the cause of my death, and then I quickly sent a message to Wutongyu to apologize.

Wutongyu didn't reply. When she saw "I was drunk that night" appearing in the underworld, she knew the reason. Although it didn't matter that she and Ye Feng got married in the game, she was still a little happy in her heart.

How could a woman be unhappy if she was bullied in a game and someone stood up for her?
"I was drunk the night you killed me?" Wutongyu sent a message to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng said yes, and then Wutongyu asked Ye Feng where he was and whether he wanted to go to Beiju Luzhou to seal the demon together. Ye Feng had nothing to do, so he went, and the two of them went to Beiju Luzhou to seal the demon together.

After a while, the demon will be sealed in the suburbs of Changshou.

They were also chatting all the time. Ye Feng's original intention of playing Fantasy Westward Journey was to get the feeling of chatting while playing Fantasy Westward Journey in his previous life, without everyone hanging up.

After chatting for a while, Ye Feng typed: "Your nickname is too long. Why is it raining under the sycamore tree? What is your real name?"

"Li Man." Wutongyu replied.

Ye Feng didn't take it seriously and typed: "The name is exactly the same as that of a former friend of mine."

Wutongyu smiled and replied: "You don't want to say it's your ex-girlfriend's name. This way of picking up a conversation is too old-fashioned."

Ye Feng typed helplessly: "It's true, my ex-girlfriend's name is exactly the same. Why did I lie to you when I had nothing to do?"

Wutongyu: "Okay, that means I have the same name and the same surname. There are too many people with the same name and surname as me."

Ye Feng was convinced: "Yes, for example, Zhang Lijuan, Wang Caixia, Li Tingting, Zhang Tingting, etc. There can be several of them in one class."

"Yes, yes, what you said is so vivid. I was like this when I was in elementary school and junior high school."

Wutongyu laughed out loud. She suddenly liked the feeling of chatting in this game. No one knew anyone, it was very comfortable and relaxed, so she asked the "Crazy Swordsman": "What about you? I'll tell you your name." You, you should also tell me your name, right?"

Ye Feng has been on a lot of news headlines recently. The word Ye Feng is very famous in the eyes of some people. How dare he say his real name, so he replied: "My name is Feng Sande."

"Feng Sande? What a strange name."

"Who says it isn't? I don't know what my parents thought about choosing such a name."

"It's probably because your five elements are immoral, so my uncle and aunt added three virtues to it." "Well, I also feel that the name Feng Sande is really immoral!"



An afternoon passed without knowing it.

Although Meng Yun and Li Man took the postgraduate entrance examinations from the same school, they studied different majors, so they were not in the same dormitory. After Meng Yun finished her professional class, she went to Li Man's dormitory and found that Li Man was playing Fantasy Westward Journey.

Good news.

Meng Yun wished she could stamp her foot and finally got Li Man hooked on Fantasy Westward Journey. When she went over and saw that Li Man was catching ghosts with Ye Feng, she felt even more delighted.

Sister is so wise.

If they knew who each other was, they would definitely not be able to play together. Only in this case can they play together if they don't know who the other person is.

"Hey, classmate Li Man, are you catching ghosts with your husband?" Meng Yun sat on the edge of the bed and said to Li Man.

Li Man's face turned red when Meng Yun said it, and she said in embarrassment: "Can you stop saying so disgustingly? It was you who used my number to marry him in the first place."

Meng Yun said with a smile: "Didn't I just find someone to protect you? Mad swordsman, the most powerful person in the Tang Dynasty and the highest level person in the whole region, how good is it? My sister helped you develop it. From level 40, I'll help you get him to over 120 levels, so he knows everything, just like a child bride."

Li Man asked: "So good, why don't you marry him?"

"I'm too familiar with him to make a move."

Meng Yun waved her hand and thought to herself, Ye Feng is your first boyfriend. If I were with him, would you and I still be sisters?I guess you were worried about coming when I asked you to come, so you were embarrassed to come, right?Besides, this is not righteous.

Li Man didn't bother to pursue the case with Meng Yun. Meng Yun had such an out-of-the-box personality. After playing for a few more minutes, Li Man quit the game.

Meng Yun asked: "Why did you get off?"

"I've been playing all afternoon. Now I'm going to wash the clothes." Li Man put the laptop aside and went to the bathroom to wash the clothes.

"Then I'll take over as a disciple."

Meng Yun rolled her eyes, and then took Li Man's notebook to log on to Fantasy Westward Journey. As soon as she went online, she sent a message to Ye Feng, asking half-truths and half-false words: "You will be lenient if you confess, and strict if you resist. Madman, please tell the truth." , were you dating my bestie just now?"

At the Lanshan Club, Ye Feng saw the words "lenity for confession and severity for resistance". His heart moved and he asked "Qingwu Feiyang": "By the way, Qingwu, let me ask you something?"

"What's the matter?" Qingwu Feiyang replied.

Ye Feng asked: "What is your real name?"

"My real name?" Qingwu Feiyang asked cautiously: "Why are you asking me for my real name? Are you checking the household registration? Or are you actually a perverted pervert who wants to know my real name and then actually plots against me?"

Ye Feng was speechless: "Where did you get so many dramas..."

Qingwu Feiyang laughed: "Okay, let me tell you my name. My name is Zhang Xueyan."

"Oh, that sounds pretty good."

Ye Feng breathed a sigh of relief and stopped thinking about it. It seemed that the name Li Man was really just a coincidence.

(End of this chapter)

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