Recast youth

Chapter 585 You, come here once

Chapter 585 You, Come Over

Hotel, Rose Room.

There were only three people eating in the private room. Half of the dishes on the table were large plates, and there were salmon, geoduck, Australian dragon, king crab and other dishes on top of a large piece of ice.

Zhang Yanjun and Chen Yiming are the main chatters.

Li He was chatting with them, telling jokes from time to time. Although he was on the front line in Ningbo and was doing very well, he was not good enough in front of Zhang Yanjun and Chen Yiming. They were not on the same level at all.

No matter who he is, no matter how good he is, there will always be someone in his circle who is better than him, because when a person climbs up from the lower level, it is originally a process of squeezing his head to work in the upper circle.

Man is insatiable.

Just like Li He, he has reached the ceiling in Ningbo. He puts more targets in Zhang Yanjun and in a circle like Yanjing. This is another world for him. As long as he squeezes in, it doesn't matter whether he gets involved or not. Okay, after you come back, you have to be polite to others. Do they know whether you are doing well or not?They didn't even have a pass to get in.

The three of them ate and chatted.

As a result, there was a faint noise outside, which was neat but noisy.

"Why is this hotel so noisy?" Chen Yiming asked with a frown.

Zhang Yanjun said in a accustomed manner: "Maybe it's a pyramid scheme. It's normal. Every once in a while, they pool money to rent the banquet hall here to brainwash the people below."

"Really or not, I haven't seen it yet."

Chen Yiming became interested.

"Then I'll take you to have a look."

Seeing Chen Yiming's curiosity, Zhang Yanjun wiped his mouth and stood up. The three of them came to the banquet hall. There were dozens of people sitting below, and two people and a host above.

The other one is a lecturer.

They were all in suits and ties, and they were all high-spirited, especially the male lecturers, who looked like they had been injected with chicken blood. They clamored and said to the people below, "Do you want money?"
"want to!"

"want to!"

The noise is getting louder.

Then the male lecturer took the microphone from the host's hand and walked off the stage. He shouted louder among the employees, clapped his hands, and kept inciting emotions. Do you want money?Do you want money?

Stomp like thunder!
want money!

want money!

Chen Yiming almost burst out laughing when he looked at it at the door. He turned around and said, "What the hell is this? It's like a bunch of bad guys. It's 2004 and you still believe this."

Zhang Yanjun smiled and said: "There is no way, this is the one that is the most popular in the city now. It is estimated that apart from Guangxi, here there are the most people selling pyramid schemes. The 1024 Sunshine Project has hundreds of pyramid schemes. The largest pyramid scheme has tens of thousands of people. The boss really made money."

"Forget it, let's go back to eat."

Chen Yiming lost interest.

But when they turned around, a man with dyed yellow hair and tattoos on his arms stopped them and shouted with a sinister face: "What are you doing?"

"none of your business."

Seeing that this man had a bad attitude, Li He immediately cursed: "Get away from me."

"Who are you telling to go away? Say it again if you dare!"

The man with yellow hair and tattoos stared, and then shouted loudly to the banquet hall: "Teacher, brothers and sisters, someone is peeking at our lecture." This was like poking a hornet's nest.

There were nearly seventy or eighty people in a banquet hall. They were fighting for money. The words "brothers and sisters" immediately attracted their attention, and more than 100 eyes swept over!
Bad eyesight.

Chen Yiming just looked at it, while Zhang Yanjun raised his hand and gestured to the private room in the Rose Hall not far away. He smiled and said to the instructor in the banquet hall: "We were eating here, and then we heard noises outside, so we came over curiously to take a look. of."

"We're going to eat. I won't disturb you and continue the meeting."

Zhang Yanjun smiled apologetically and pulled Li He, who was still a little unhappy, back to the private room with Chen Yiming. After closing the door, Zhang Yanjun said angrily to Li He: "Aren't you stupid? I'm No. [-]." Come here, it’s such a mess, you can’t even deal with it if you get beaten to death.”

"They dare?" Li He didn't believe it.

"You even dare to lie to your own brothers, sisters and friends, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Yanjun sat down, then took out his mobile phone and made a call. After the call was connected, he said: "Hey, brother, it's like this. There is a group of pyramid schemes giving lectures here in the banquet hall of the Hilton Hotel. Could you please send me a message?" Someone is here to catch me."

"I was almost beaten by them just now."

"The armed police have no law enforcement power, so the dispatch procedure is unreasonable? It's okay. Can't you just cooperate with the police to enforce the law?"

"Well, please coordinate with the police and send someone over. Dozens of people are having a pyramid scheme meeting. How many families will be ruined? Haha, no, no nonsense. Okay, hang up. I'll treat my brother to dinner another day."

After saying that, Zhang Yanjun hung up the phone, as if nothing had happened, and the three of them, Chen Yiming and Li He, were eating and chatting. As they chatted, they talked about Ye Feng.

Li He was particularly excited because he knew who Zhang Yanjun called. The only person who could make Zhang Yanjun call him brother was the captain of the Armed Police Detachment. The captain was at the regiment level, and the next level down was the county squadron. He was not qualified to let Zhang Yanjun call him. Zhang Yanjun calls him brother. This is the hard power of Zhang Yanjun, the prince of Northern Jiangsu. No matter how hard the relationship with others is, how many people can invite the captain of the armed police detachment?

At this time, Li He heard the name Ye Feng and asked Chen Yiming: "Brother Ming, is the Ye Feng you are talking about the Ye Feng from Kailanshan Club in Dongzhou City?"

"Seems to be."

Chen Yiming didn't know about Lanshan Club, but he knew that Ye Feng's base camp was in Dongzhou.

Zhang Yanjun asked, "What's going on? Do you have a grudge against Ye Feng?"

Chen Yiming nodded: "It's a bit festive."

When Li He saw that Chen Yiming and Ye Feng were having fun, he felt reassured. He asked Brother Jun to give me a cigarette, and then said: "I think this guy named Ye Feng is also very unhappy. Damn it, last time I took a dog to his club." , the dog security guard stopped me outside. If I hadn’t been in a hurry to go to Jiangyin, I would have smashed his club.”

Zhang Yanjun threw a cigarette to Chen Yiming, then threw the cigarette case to Li He and asked him to take it by himself. Then he smiled and said to Chen Yiming in a nonchalant tone: "If there is a festival, just smoke him. You, Chen Yiming, smoke others." , do you still need to ask what his last name is? Do you need to look up his family tree?"

"When I whip him, I don't need to ask his last name. If I hit him, he has to endure it."

Chen Yiming smiled: "But I can't slap him now. I have to talk to him about some business."

"Oh, what kind of business?" Zhang Yanjun was interested. He smoked a cigarette and smiled at Chen Yiming: "Can you give me a share? In the past few years, I have only played around and haven't saved much money. I have just enough money. A little tight."

"This is what I came to see you for."

Chen Yiming laughed. Just as he was about to continue speaking, a burst of noise suddenly came from outside. There were shouts of drinks one after another, and Zhang Yanjun stood up.

"Let's go out and watch the excitement."

Zhang Yanjun suppressed his smile and opened the door of the private room. The public security enforced the law and the armed police cooperated with the action. Dozens of people came, and every pyramid schemer was arrested.

Zhang Yanjun walked out and greeted the police and armed police leaders who came with a cigarette familiarly. Then when Huang Mao was being escorted to pass by him, Zhang Yanjun waved to Huang Mao and smiled.

"You, come here."

(End of this chapter)

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