Recast youth

Chapter 580 Sky Blue Waiting for Misty Rain

Chapter 580 Sky Blue Waiting for Misty Rain
Needless to say, the song "Blue and White Porcelain" was performed at the Spring Festival Gala in 08 and won three awards that year: Best Song of the Year, Best Lyrics of the Year, and Best Composition of the Year.

Pop music Chinese style.

This song is one of the most important songs in Jay Chou's album, and is also known as one of the songs with the most beautiful lyrics.

So Kong Jingke's surprise is inevitable.

Originally, in Yanjing, Ye Feng wrote three songs in the detention center, but there were still two songs that he couldn't write. Kong Jingke was a little more comfortable. He finally saw Ye Feng's limit. He was also a human being, and there were people who couldn't write songs. when.

But now he wrote a song called "Blue and White Porcelain" with such beautiful lyrics in the blink of an eye.

How could Kong Jingke not be surprised by this?How could you not be curious about Ye Feng?I'm curious about what's going on in his head, and whether there's an extra brain in his head that's why he's so talented.

"How about this song?" Ye Feng asked Kong Jingke with a smile as if he was offering a treasure. For him now, perhaps the easiest thing is to write a song for Jay Chou. This plug-in is so comfortable.

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh.

Kong Jingke commented: "It's a very classic song. The lyrics and music are both excellent, especially the lyrics, which are Chinese-style, which is also Jay Chou's favorite type."


Ye Feng remembered something. He took the paper and pen in Kong Jingke's hand, turned over a few sheets, and then wrote the paragraph "The sky is blue waiting for misty rain and I am waiting for you."

"Let's try something. Don't you know Peking Opera?" Ye Feng looked at Kong Jingke and said, "Then I'll sing it first, and then you can sing a line here with the tone of Peking Opera and try it out. "

"Is this okay?" Kong Jingke was a little confused. She originally learned Peking Opera to open up her voice. Would it be weird to sing pop songs in a Peking Opera tune?

"Can you give it a try? One thing to note is that the pronunciation of the word "天" in "The sky is blue and waiting for misty rain" should start high and the tone should be elongated. For example, like me, sky... cough cough cough..."

Ye Feng handed the written lyrics to Kong Jingke, and then sang it several times. As for Peking Opera, which he didn't know, he would imitate a rough outline and pick a tune. The first time he almost choked to death on his saliva, but it was better than Kong Jingke's professionalism. After Ye Feng raised his head, Kong Jingke then started to sing in Peking Opera. The key was set very high, and it sounded instantly amazing:
Azure is waiting for Misty Rain, and I am waiting for you...

The moment was astonishing, as if a Peking Opera actress was singing on stage in costume.

This is the singing method that Ye Feng saw in some short videos. Later, it became popular all over the Internet. Countless people sang in the short videos using the Peking Opera version, especially on rainy days, arch bridges, stone roads, willow trees and other places, using the Peking Opera version. The dubbing version is really impressive.

Kong Jingke also found that this singing method was amazing and perfectly combined with the opera, so she looked at Ye Feng quietly without saying anything.

Ye Feng felt overwhelmed and remembered that he still owed Kong Jingke two songs. He couldn't help but look at Kong Jingke and asked: "Do you want this song? If you want, I can give it to you, and Jay Chou can give it to him separately." Write songs.”

Kong Jingke shook his head.

"Then what do you mean by looking at me like this and saying nothing?" Ye Feng said speechlessly.

Kong Jingke said quietly: "I want to open your head to see if there is anything different from a normal person inside..."

"Where did you get such dangerous ideas?"

Ye Feng was startled and said quickly: "I'm not Einstein, why are you scratching my brain?"

Kong Jingke said: "Einstein couldn't have written so many songs."


Ye Feng was speechless, but he did feel guilty. For now, he seemed to be the most prolific in the music industry. He wrote so many songs in one year, and all of them were classics.It's so difficult, not even Jay Chou can do it.

However, Ye Feng's guilty conscience is that he copied them all. After ten years, he will never be able to write songs again if he is asked to do so. If anyone asks him to write songs, he will have to deal with them.

Ye Feng looked at Kong Jingke, who couldn't digest it for a long time, and asked: "Do you want this song? If you want, I will give it to you. I think it suits you very well. It would also be nice to combine it with Peking Opera and appear in the concert." Shhhhh.”

"No." Kong Jingke declined.

Ye Feng's eyes almost popped out of his head: "Why, isn't this song good?"

“It’s quite nice to listen to, and the lyrics and music are both very high-quality.”

Kong Jingke said to Ye Feng: "Dr. Jay Chou helped me. Without him inviting me to be his concert guest, I would not have become popular so quickly. And he agreed to be my concert guest this time, so this time Give him a Chinese-style song."

"Don't you think it's a pity?" Ye Feng asked.

"A little, but there is one thing more important than this." After finishing speaking, the corners of Kong Jingke's mouth slightly tilted up in a happy arc.

Ye Feng asked in confusion: "What happened?"

"You still owe me two songs." Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng and said, "You promised me."


Ye Feng almost vomited blood. The key was that he really couldn't hold back the remaining two songs. Songs like "Little Apple" were too tacky, and "Old Boy" was not good either. This was sung by an old man, and it was also a cover of Island Country. song.

The island country has no connection with the domestic music scene.

What if the original singer also wrote this song and it still has the same tune? What should I do if someone discovers it?When the time comes, netizens from island countries will criticize Chinese netizens, bah, shameless, plagiarizing our songs, and not giving us the copyright, bah!
Chinese netizens sprayed back: You, die, die, little devil, who are you saying you copied the song? We released the song "Old Boy" in 2004.

When asked about Ye Feng, what can Ye Feng say?Could it be that he has some kind of connection with the singer from the island country and even thinks of the same song?Thinking about it, Ye Feng felt that the picture was too beautiful and he couldn't face it...


What is the straw that breaks the camel's back?
The remaining two songs were the straw that broke the camel's back. This plagiarism may also cause disputes. He couldn't help but start to regret. If he had known that "Blue and White Porcelain" was so suitable for Kong Jingke, he would have left it to Kong Jingke. In this case, He only owed Kong Jingke a song.

Debt is crushing.

Ye Feng was extremely sad, and then suddenly he had an idea and said to Kong Jingke: "By the way, you can do this. Isn't Jay Chou going to attend the concert? You can give him this song "Blue and White Porcelain", but you can also go with him at the concert." If you sing this song at a concert, he will sing it in the front, and when it comes to the chorus, you will pick it up with Peking Opera. Wouldn’t that be better?"

Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng and said.

What Ye Feng couldn't stand the most was Kong Jingke looking at him without saying a word. That look in his eyes clearly meant he didn't say anything, but Ye Feng just couldn't bear it and there was always an impulse in his heart.

"If you look at me like that again, don't blame me for being cruel."

Ye Feng acted fiercely towards Kong Jingke, but when he touched Kong Jingke's cold temperament, which was as cold as mountain snow lotus, his heart beat unsatisfactorily.

(End of this chapter)

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