Recast youth

Chapter 568 Information

Chapter 568 Information
Many people think that in today's society, the former bannermen would not be able to make it. In fact, this is not the case. In the past, they had the best education and the best conditions. How could they not make it in the era full of opportunities?
At any time, the people who get along best are always locals. This has a natural advantage. Who lived in the inner city of Yanjing in the past, and who lived in the outer city?Therefore, Kong Zhong's strength is foreseeable. In addition to his own methods, his natural advantages are also unavoidable.

The greatest success of Kong Zhong is that he can sit in the xx club as a master and represent some people in Yanjing and top foreign wealthy people and investors to discuss the division of interests and investments.

The most difficult thing here is how to coordinate the relationships and interests of all parties.

It is an old saying that people die for money and birds die for food.

If you want the benefits here, and he wants them too, you have to come up with the corresponding capital and conditions. Kong Zhong is one of the limited people sitting on the table. Put these resources on the table, and whoever wants them can If you want, you have to pay whatever price you have to pay.

After returning from the outside, Kong Zhong went to the study. The largest wing of his courtyard was specially set aside as a study. The study had a constant temperature system, a humidification system, and various ancient books on the antique bookshelves.

There are even a few unique copies of the Yongle Dadian.

The desk is square.

It can be said that everything in this house is made of red sandalwood. Some of them can even be used as museum treasures. They like red sandalwood, which is also a habit passed down by the Manchu people.

But now, these items have become sky-high prices.

Of course, it is not easy to preserve these objects completely. Some of them were hidden in abandoned houses, and some were dismantled and now reassembled.

There are also some that Kong Zhong took back at a high price. His favorite books were the books he collected, including Cao Kun's old collection of the Song Dynasty's only "Shibijingshe Audio Notes on Tang Shu Detailed Sections", Weng's collection of "Dingmao Collection", "Shen Jian", a small part of "Yongle Dadian", a small part of "Wen Dacheng", and "Wen Dacheng" is the name of the first draft of "Yongle Dadian".

There are some unique books here, and even archaeological experts have to find ways to get through Kong Zhong's relationship and come to learn from them for historical research. As for taking them away, they cannot be taken away.

Due to his cultural influence, Kong Zhong was very fond of practicing calligraphy. A few days ago, Ye Feng was arrested, and what Kong Jingke tore up was the "Lanting Preface" written by him. However, the rare copy of "Lanting Preface" has not been handed down, which is also a regret for Kong Zhong. things.

After Kong Zhong read the book for a while, he picked up the information about Ye Feng, which included Lanshan Club, w5173, Lanshan Video, Ge Zhang, Lin Rui, Li Bing, Wang Hao and other people around Ye Feng who all appeared one by one. On the information.

It can be said that everything Ye Feng has done and happened from university to now has been recorded one by one.

A main line is drawn in the middle.

The beginning of the main line is written with game plug-ins, studios, and private servers. Then the main line branches forward and expands to both sides, corresponding to Lanshan Club, w5173, Lanshan Video Portal, etc.

The page turned and changed to the Shanghai Stock Exchange. The names recorded in the Shanghai Stock Exchange were Ye Feng, Li Jia, Gao Xuan and Jiang Ming.

Jiang Ming's name had a cross on it and a note next to it, and he was sentenced to three years in prison.

Kong Zhong took a pen and first connected the names of Li Jia and Ye Feng together, annotating: boyfriend and girlfriend.

Then the names of Li Jia, Gao Xuan, and Jiang Ming were connected together and annotated respectively: colleagues, junior high school classmates and colleagues.

Then he connected Gao Xuan and Jiang Ming together, annotating: colleagues.

Finally, he picked up the pen, connected Ye Feng and Gao Xuan, and added a note next to Gao Xuan's name: Abnormal source of funds.

After doing all this, Kong Zhong's eyes fell on Ye Feng's name. Looking at his development trajectory in the past few years and the changes in the relationships between characters, a playful smile slowly formed on the corner of his mouth, and he said to himself: "A bit. mean."……

After Kong Jingke listened to Ye Feng's song, Ye Feng said he was hungry and hadn't eaten. The two of them went to a barbecue stall not far away and ordered some barbecue. Kong Jingke wasn't hungry, and he was more interested in watching Ye Feng eat.

"Seven-tone Culture"

"The Climb", "Dust in the Fireworks", "Someone Like Me", "Devil from Heaven", "Red High Heels", "I Miss You Suddenly" and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky".

Kong Jingke found that he owed Ye Feng more and more, and Ye Feng seemed to be like an inexhaustible treasure, showing off his amazing talents from time to time.

Whether it's doing business or writing songs, they are all so outstanding.

If it weren't for the fact that Ye Feng still couldn't write two songs, Kong Jingke would really suspect that Ye Feng was a monster, or a person from the future. Like a normal person, how could every song he wrote be a classic?
Kong Jingke felt that if she couldn't release the remaining songs together, it might cause a small earthquake in the entertainment industry, because writing songs is too difficult.

Not only must you have a professional music foundation, but you must also have rich life experience. Who would have thought that the person who wrote so many classic songs is actually a 24-year-old young man?
Maybe it's because he is so perfect that his shortcomings are revealed.

Kong Jingke sighed quietly in her heart. Although she did not plan to be with Ye Feng, Kong Jingke still enjoyed the process of being with Ye Feng. She quietly watched Ye Feng finish the barbecue, and then went back with Ye Feng.

"You really don't want to go in and sit for a while?"

When he arrived at the door of his house, Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng who stopped and asked.

"I won't go, it's getting late, you go to bed early." Inside Kong Zhong's home, Ye Feng didn't want to go, always feeling a little guilty, and he didn't want to see that North Korean stick either.

The conquest played by Sun Honglei makes people look cruel at most, and Liu Zhengping's stick looks sinister and cruel. Ye Feng except that he looks like a carrion-eating vulture in Africa.

I also think he looks like a hyena that specializes in digging out people's anuses.

Who would dare to show your back to such a person?

It was also a coincidence that when watching Kong Jingke enter, Ye Feng saw Liu Zhengping glance at Ye Feng at the door. The look in his eyes was so sinister.

Sooner or later, one day I will have to ask you with a watermelon knife whether the melon will stay ripe...

Ye Feng turned around, complained, and then drove back to the hotel. When he went back, his head suddenly became big. He stayed in the detention center for 7 days and did nothing. He thought about songs for 6 days and only thought about them for three days. The song comes out.

There are still two songs left by Kong Jingke.

The key thing is that he really can't think of any good songs for Kong Jingke right now.

"Oh, I'm just pretending, and I have to finish it even if I cry."

Ye Feng sighed and parked the car in front of the hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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