Recast youth

Chapter 566 Tibetan Mastiff Tiger Cub

Chapter 566 Tibetan Mastiff Tiger Cub
out of the hotel.

Ye Feng was hungry and had nothing to eat. He first called home to report that he was safe, then left Feng Zheng and Pan Kun in the hotel, and drove alone to a courtyard outside the East City of the Forbidden City.

Even from the door, it can be seen that this courtyard is of great value, not to mention that the Forbidden City is not far away?

Ye Feng remembered that he had reported in his previous life that Wendi Deng's courtyard house was also nearby, but he didn't know which one. On a whim, Ye Feng got out of the car and started looking for it. There were only four courtyard houses in total.

I don’t know which one belongs to Wendi Deng’s family.

At this time, Ye Feng saw Kong Zhong walking towards him holding a Tibetan mastiff on the road by the river. Behind him was a short, thin, single-eyed Korean man as always. There was a chilling chill going up and down, especially when he looked at people with his typical Korean eyes with single eyelids, there was a sinister and sinister look in his eyes.

It's as if he was passing by you, and when he missed your body, he inadvertently took out a knife, covered your mouth, and stabbed you several times behind you.

In short, this is a man whom Ye Feng will never be able to expose his back to.

Ye Feng couldn't help but regret not bringing Pan Kun or Feng Zheng out.

Ye Feng originally thought that such a heartless and aloof man as Kong Zhong would not greet him, but he didn't expect that Kong Zhong actually stopped when he walked to him.

The Tibetan Mastiff he was holding was very big, with sharp teeth exposed. He stared at Ye Feng as if he had eaten someone, and growled from time to time.

Very intimidating.

Kong Zhong took out Zhongnanhai and looked at Ye Feng: "Want one?"

Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, took the cigarette, lit it, and the unique taste of Zhongnanhai entered his throat instantly. Then he stood next to Kong Zhong and glanced at the man next to him who was impeccable in terms of body shape, character, means, and profile. Wait for him to speak.

Although Ye Feng disliked Kong Zhong's personality very much, he had to admit that the height Kong Zhong was at was difficult for him to climb even if he had a plug-in prophet.

Because there is a ceiling for people to make their way in society and the business world. When you reach a certain stage, you will hit the ceiling. If you want to break through, you must have the right time, place, and people.

People like Chen Yiming have very high ceilings.

Kong Zhong is obviously a person of a higher level. Although Ye Feng still has no clue about Kong Zhong's background, the people he saw sitting at the table with him at the Chang'an Club that day silently explained where Kong Zhong was. the height of.

Kong Zhong saw Ye Feng smoking and said, "From now on, when someone gives you a cigarette, you can take it, put it in your hand, or put it on your ear. Don't rush to smoke. How do you know that the cigarettes others give you are not processed cigarettes? Like me , have you ever thought about why you keep drawing Zhongnanhai?"

Ye Feng froze after saying this directly. He looked at the cigarette between his fingers in confusion. What did processed cigarettes mean? Could there be drugs in this cigarette?

It might be possible.

Ye Feng couldn't help but turned to look at Kong Zhong.

Kong Zhong's mouth curved slightly with a hint of teasing: "Just to remind you, I drew Zhongnanhai just for fun, don't worry."

Although Kong Zhong said this, Ye Feng still couldn't smoke anymore, so he held the cigarette and let it burn.

Kong Zhong didn't mind Ye Feng wasting his cigarette. He touched the huge Tibetan mastiff and asked, "Have you ever raised a dog?"

"I haven't raised one before. My mother won't let me raise one. My grandpa's family has raised native dogs." Ye Feng replied.Kong Zhong glanced at the Tibetan Mastiff in his hand indifferently and asked, "Do you know what kind of dog this is under my hand?"

"Tibetan Mastiff." Although Ye Feng has never raised a dog, he still knew about this large dog in his previous life.

"Yes, Tibetan Mastiff."

In 2004, when the Tibetan Mastiff was just emerging, many people did not know about the Tibetan Mastiff, a unique dog breed in China. Kong Zhong did not ask Ye Feng how he knew about the Tibetan Mastiff. He continued: "Last year, I was on the table. I heard people say that Tibetan mastiffs are very ferocious dogs, that one mastiff is worth three wolves and can even fight with tigers, so I joined in the fun and bought two purebred Tibetan mastiffs at a high price."

"Feed raw meat and raise them."

"I didn't have any other thoughts at the time. I just wanted to see if the so-called Tibetan Mastiff really had the courage to pounce on a tiger and bite it."

"At the beginning of this year, I brought another Tibetan Mastiff to the zoo to try it out."

At this point, Kong Zhong held the dog leash and said playfully: "It turned out to be quite brave. When he saw the tiger, he rushed up. He went there bravely, but died miserably. He was hit by the tiger's three axes. He dodged and slapped him. , he pinned him to the ground and bit his throat."

Ye Feng said: "No matter how big a Tibetan Mastiff is, it is still a dog, and it is definitely incomparable to a tiger."

"But it was a young tiger that killed it."

Kong Zhong's thin lips rose with sarcasm: "I thought it could withstand something, but I didn't expect it to die so quickly. The most ridiculous thing is that I asked knowledgeable people about it. In Qinghai before the 70s, everyone and everyone In the era of the planned economy when only one pound of meat was available per month, this so-called mastiff that is worth a pound of wolf is actually the number one meat dog. What a fucking irony."

To be honest, Ye Feng wanted to laugh when he saw Kong Zhong being deceived. For no other reason than he was gloating from the bottom of his heart.

Then Kong Zhong said: "Do you know why Chen Yiming is willing to let your classmate out?"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. Wasn't it because Chen Yiming was willing to let go because Zhou Yihang asked Chen Huang to come forward to intercede and added another 1000 million to him?

"It was the day Jingke's mother passed away. She called me and begged me to help you."

A touch of coldness rose on Kong Zhong's face, and his eyes fell on Ye Feng. Just like the depths of the sea, the overlord of the deep sea with no head or sides to see slowly emerged from the water. Ye Feng suddenly said with a chill all over his body: "Without my words, do you think you can see Chen Yiming's face? Let me tell you, as long as his grandfather is still gasping for breath in the Special Care Unit of 301 Hospital, you will never have the capital to talk to him."

Kong Zhong's words could be said to have completely shattered some of the luck and thoughts hidden in Ye Feng's heart. At the same time, he also realized something and couldn't help but look up at the powerful man next to him.

He was thinking that when Kong Zhong mentioned the meat dogs, Tibetan mastiffs and tiger cubs, he was not referring to him and Chen Yiming, right?

Of course, if Kong Zhong didn't say anything, Ye Feng would definitely not ask. This would be equivalent to finding a pot and putting a lid on his own head.

After Kong Zhong finished smoking a cigarette in his hand, he led the dog in the direction of his home. North Korean defector Liu Zhengping followed Kong Zhong without missing a beat.

Ye Feng stayed by the river for a while, hesitating whether to send a message to Kong Jingke. When Kong Zhong entered the courtyard, Ye Feng took a look and wondered if it was an illusion.

When the Korean entered the door, he seemed to look back at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng felt as if he was being stared at by a vulture that specialized in eating carrion, and felt a chill in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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