Recast youth

Chapter 557 Li Bing’s actions

Chapter 557 Li Bing’s actions

Li Bing and Wang Hao took the same path, but they were also different. The same thing was that they both chose to be Phoenix men and took shortcuts. The difference was that his father-in-law was in the National Development and Reform Commission, a department with real power.

This is the part that Li Bing regards as a high mountain and has to climb slowly throughout his life.

Li Bing's direction is very clear, which is to set a straight-line goal at the distant end point and walk firmly step by step. Just like what he did in college, Li Bing also behaved when he arrived at the National Development and Reform Commission. He was neither impatient nor impatient, steady and striving for progress. Don’t ask for anything from others, but whenever you open your mouth to others, you must open your mouth in a meaningful way.

What is favor?

Favor is not only a help, but sometimes it is also the straw that breaks a person's back.

In this regard, Li Bing knows much more thoroughly than Wang Hao, but Ye Feng was caught, so Li Bing had to make an exception. Currently, the only person he can think of who can help is Zhou Yan. Watch at 19:21 every night News Network, Dad fell asleep on time before 30:[-].

That is, the leader of Li Bing's unit, Zhou Youkang.

"What about Zhang Lan's lawsuit tomorrow?"

Seeing that Li Bing had taken over the matter, Wang Hao felt relieved, and then said: "Now that the third child has gone in, he will definitely not be able to get out for the time being. We have to go and watch Zhang Lan's court hearing, right?"

"I definitely can't ask for leave. You can ask for a day off tomorrow to watch Zhang Lan's court hearing. If you need anything, call me."

Li Bing stood up: "I will go to Zhou Yan's father's house now."

"Okay, I'll take a day off tomorrow."

Wang Hao nodded. He also knew Li Bing's difficulties. Li Bing was the same as the environmental protection department where he worked. The National Development and Reform Commission was an important unit. Wang Hao could dawdle in the Environmental Protection Bureau and ask for leave, which was fine. But Li Bing couldn't ask for leave. Because there is an unspoken rule in the system, that is, you cannot get sick or ask for leave at will. If you ask for too much leave, it will leave an impression on the leader, that is, you will shrink back when encountering some difficulties and cannot bear the heavy burden. Basically, Promotions will also slow down.

Li Bing said to Shen Yu: "You guys go back to the hotel first and call me if you have any questions."

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Bing looked at Feng Zheng and Pan Kun again and said, "I know you two are worried about Ye Feng, but there is one thing. Don't have a meaningless quarrel. It can't change the result. If you can change the result, I I’ll quarrel with you.”

Feng Zheng nodded.

Pan Kun said to Li Bing: "I know, please do your best to deal with my boss's affairs."

"Don't worry, he is my third child, I will definitely do my best."

Before Li Bing left, he patted Pan Kun on the shoulder: "Okay, I'll leave first. It's too late and we can't delay."

After saying that, Li Bing came to the roadside alone, hailed a taxi, got in, and told the driver to go to Sanlihe, which is the family building of the National Development and Reform Commission. His father-in-law-to-be lived in Sanlihe District [-]. No. Courtyard.

After telling the driver the address, Li Bing called Zhou Yan again. The call didn't go through once, twice, and Li Bing called a third time. The call finally got through. It was Zhou Yan's voice that sounded sleepy and angry. .

Li Bing didn't give Zhou Yan a chance to get angry, and said in a serious tone: "Zhou Yan, I have something important to do. Get up now and wait for me at the door of your father's community. I'll be there soon."

"What happened?" Zhou Yan on the phone knew that there must be something urgent when she heard Li Bing's serious tone and content. Otherwise, Li Bing would not have bothered her father at this time.

"I can't tell you clearly on the phone. We'll tell you when we get there. You get up now."

Li Bing was not in the mood to talk anymore, so he explained and hung up the phone.The taxi driver was from Yanjing. As soon as he heard Li Bing's call, he knew that Li Bing must be working in the National Development and Reform Commission. The old Yanjing taxi driver was relatively poor and could talk.

The driver started a conversation with Li Bing.

But Li Bing, who was sitting in the back seat, leaned back and sank into the back seat. His entire upper body was shrouded in the shadow of the night, making it difficult to see his expression clearly and he did not respond to the driver's advances.

It's not that Li Bing is aloof, but this is his understanding. You should keep a low profile at all times and talk less when you shouldn't. This way, others won't see through your true identity. As long as others can't see through your true identity, no matter what. , he will be more restrained towards you. If you are just making a living in Yanjing City, as long as the other person has some shadow of the system, who is not afraid that a brick will suddenly fall from the ceiling and hit him?

Yes, he was still a cold man. Although the taxi driver was a little unhappy when he saw Li Bing not responding to him, he didn't say anything more and drove towards the location Li Bing said in the night.

After arriving at the place.

Before Li Bing got out of the car, he saw Zhou Yan standing at the door of the community wearing slippers. They lived not far from here.

"What's going on? What happened?"

Zhou Yan asked Li Bing when she saw him.

Li Bing and Zhou Yan walked into the community and said, "One of my classmates was arrested by the branch just now. I have to ask your dad to call and ask to see how he can be identified."

Now what Li Bing wants to know most is whether Ye Feng's matter will be detained by public security or criminal detention. If it is detained by public security, he can go back to sleep with peace of mind. If it is criminal detention, then things will be troublesome.

Li Bing frowned, his face determined.

Zhou Yan was a little unhappy. She wrapped her clothes around and said, "I thought it was a big deal. It's just this little thing. As for quarreling with my dad so late, is there anything we can't talk about tomorrow?"

Li Bing stopped for a moment, looked back at Zhou Yan, and said slowly: "This classmate is very important to me. I owe him a huge favor. I have to repay this favor, and it is an unfinished kind."

Although Li Bing spoke calmly, Zhou Yan could see Li Bing's seriousness and persistence, because usually, Li Bing had always been obedient to her, and there was no way he would not give in like he did now.

Zhou Yan even saw her father's appearance in Li Bing at this moment. He was always so precise, and being precise often meant speaking calmly and articulating clearly.

In other words, serious and meticulous.

The combination of these makes people feel a bit oppressive. When he doesn't smile, it will make people feel oppressive.

The small building is not high, only five floors. There is no elevator. Some parts of the wall are covered with ivy. As you go up the corridor and arrive at the door of Zhou Yan's parents' house, the lights inside are dim.

Li Bing stood aside while Zhou Yan knocked on the door.

Boom boom boom!
"Who is it?" A middle-aged man's voice came from the direction of the bedroom inside.

"Dad, it's me."

Zhou Yan responded, then glanced at Li Bing and said inside: "Li Bing and I have something to come to you about. Please open the door."

(End of this chapter)

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