Recast youth

Chapter 513 No wonder

Chapter 513 No wonder

Kong Jingke’s voice was loud.

The sound almost burst out from her trembling body. It has been three years. How did she survive it for three years?How did her mother survive?Originally she thought she could bear it.

You can also be transparent to the man in front of you.

But when her mother passed away and this man stood in front of her again, Kong Jingke found that she couldn't bear it.

Funeral hall.

There were already a lot of people gathered, but their attention was suddenly attracted by Kong Jingke's sudden and loud questioning, and they all speculated about the relationship between this man and Kong Jingke.

More people are a little bit unkind.

Kong Jingke himself was very beautiful and a star. They were brought here by Zhou Yihang to help Ye Feng support the scene. Now that two men suddenly came and made Kong Jingke unhappy, they would definitely not let him go.

As if Kong Zhong didn't hear the comments of the people around him, he glanced at the woman who had lost her warmth, then his eyes fell on Kong Jingke, and said without any fluctuation: "Are you sure you want to do it in front of so many people like you, in front of your mother?" Argue with me in front of me, let others laugh, and then make your mother feel uneasy until she leaves?"


Kong Jingke was immediately hit by Kong Zhong, and he glared at Kong Zhong.

"If you have any dissatisfaction with me, you can talk about it later."

Kong Zhong said calmly, then stepped forward and held the cart. When people die in the funeral parlor, they lie on a bed with wheels, which is somewhat similar to a hospital bed. They can then be pushed in through the door at the back, and finally placed in the car. Cremated in the furnace.

Just when Kong Zhong was holding one end of the car, Kong Jingke reflexively stepped forward and held down Kong Zhong's hand.

Kong Zhong looked at Kong Jingke.

Kong Jingke also looked at Kong Zhong. The two were fighting each other, neither giving in.

Ye Feng looked terrified, fearing that the two of them would fight. Both of them were unyielding masters. Ke Mengmeng stepped forward to persuade him, but was given a look by Kong Zhong and stepped aside.

Kong Zhong’s driver couldn’t persuade him.

"I count to three and let go."

Kong Zhong looked at Kong Jingke: "Otherwise, don't blame me for doing anything that you can't accept. You know that I can say and do it."

Then Kong Jingke saw Kong Zhong glance at her mother's body, and then Kong Jingke angrily let go of his hand and cursed angrily: "Kong Zhong, do you have any humanity left in you!"


Kong Zhong replied calmly, and then pushed the trolley, led by the funeral home staff, towards the crematorium at the back. Kong Jingke followed angrily.

Ye Feng originally wanted to follow him, but was stopped by the middle-aged driver. He smiled and gave Ye Feng a cigarette and said: "Let the father and daughter give the boss lady a ride together. Both father and daughter are A person whose mouth is harder than his heart.”

Ye Feng calmed down after hearing this, but unexpectedly glanced at the middle-aged driver. Judging from what he could say, he must be very close to Kong Zhong.

"What's your name?" Ye Feng asked.


The middle-aged man said something, then glanced at Ye Feng and reported his mobile phone number: "This is a great thing. If you need anything in Yanjing in the future, please call me."

... Not far behind Ye Feng.

Zhou Yihang was dumbstruck with Hou Yao's group of people. It took him a while to realize what he was doing. He pulled Hou Yao outside and asked, "Brother, what did Kong Jingke call that inhumane person just now?"

"What's wrong?" Hou Yao felt that Zhou Yihang was a little strange.

Zhou Yihang was so anxious when he saw that Hou Yao didn't say anything, he stared at Hou Yao: "Did she say the word Kong Zhong?!"

"It seems so." Hou Yao thought for a moment and said.

"No wonder, no wonder."

Zhou Yihang murmured, no wonder Chen Huang asked him to bring Ye Feng into the circle, no wonder Ye Feng could fight with Chen Yiming in Yanjing, no wonder the guy named Feng Zheng beat up Chen Yiming's bodyguard, and Chen Yiming swallowed his anger.

No wonder Kong Jingke's mother passed away. Ye Feng came all the way back from Yanjing and even called himself all night to arrange a car. No wonder a car with a Yanjing license plate that came by was a Volkswagen Phaeton.

No wonder!

Let me go, it turns out that there is such a great god hidden next to Ye Feng. This Kong Jingke is actually the daughter of Yanjing Cao Cao Kong Zhong?
Who the hell could have imagined this?

Zhou Zhouhang figured out a lot of things at once.

Hou Yao was confused by Zhou Hang. He couldn't help but glance at him and said, "What are you doing? You're crazy. No wonder. No wonder. I can't tell you, Master."

"Have you never heard of Kong Zhong?"

Zhou Yihang glanced at Hou Yao, and then remembered that Hou Yao, like Li San, was operating on his own one-third of an acre, had no contact with Yanjing, and had no regard for the people there. Ripe.

Then Zhou Yihang said: "You always know about the Yanjing xx Club, right? Kong Zhong is the honorary director of the xx Club. He is so awesome in Yanjing. Chen Yiming, you should know about it, right? Even if Chen Yiming's grandfather is still alive, he When I see Kong Zhong, I still have to swing my legs."

"Kong Zhong is so awesome?" Hou Yao was surprised. Although he did not hang out in Yanjing, he was still one of the leading figures of the younger generation in the Jiangnan circle, and he must still know Chen Yiming.

"That's for sure."

Zhou Yihang rolled his eyes at Hou Yao and said: "Chen Lihua, the owner of xx club, returned to Yanjing from Hunan and Hong Kong in the 80s. Kong Zhong was able to regain a foothold in Yanjing. Kong Zhong played a big role in it. At that time, how much red sandalwood was shipped out and resold. How many antiques are there? Now half of the xx club belongs to Kong Zhong. Think about who are the people in the xx club? Almost all the rich people in the country are in it. Their resources are astronomical. Compared with them, we At most, they are people who take advantage of the rules to make a small amount of money."

Hou Yao suddenly realized, looked at Zhou Yihang and said, "I asked you what's the matter with you. As soon as I called you, you drove over with your troops and people. That's how relationships work."

Zhou Yihang said angrily: "Mao, I didn't know Ye Feng had such a good relationship with Kong Zhong's daughter before. I only contacted him because Chen Huang called me and asked me to bring Ye Feng into the circle. Yes, later I found out that Ye Feng is a pretty good person and has a good track record in doing things, so we became friends with him."

"What should we do? How about you and I release a third of the road section for Jiangyin's road construction project and let Ye Feng join in as a shareholder to get closer?" Hou Yao made a suggestion. Road construction is a big profit. .


Zhou Yihang shook his head: "I told Ye Feng before. It can be seen that although he seems easy-going, he is very assertive. He is not willing to put his hands into our circle, and Kong Zhong is not that friendly. It's easy to climb, so there's no point in going there with a hot face. One yard is another yard, we are still here for Ye Feng today, and it has nothing to do with Kong Zhong."

Hou Yao nodded.


Behind the funeral home.

Kong Jingke’s mother was finally sent in for cremation. Kong Jingke originally wanted to watch, but was pulled aside by Kong Zhong. Kong Zhong took out Zhongnanhai, lit one, then looked at Kong Jingke, and said calmly: "There's something I want to tell you."

(End of this chapter)

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