Recast youth

Chapter 506

Chapter 506

Dongzhou World Trade Hotel.

Chang Wei's game arcade has been open for more than half a year. Fujianese hold [-]% of the hard-earned shares and he holds [-]% of the dry shares. However, Chang Wei handles social relations.

Chang Wei not only offered Wang Haidong a salary of 2000 yuan for his subordinates who came to see the scene, but also gave Wang Haidong a separate salary. As long as the game arcade is open, his salary will not stop.

In the first two months of opening, we just spent money. The game hall directly lost more than 60 yuan. In the third month, we started to close the network and made a profit of 80 yuan. The total of one plus and one minus was 140 million.

Seven months after opening, Chang Wei has received more than 7 million yuan. It is not an exaggeration to say that the gambling machine has made huge profits.

Because of this, Chang Wei, who had tasted the sweetness, would go to the game hall of the World Trade Center for a few hours every night before going back. When he was in a good mood, he would sit there and gamble for a while.

2 points in the early hours.

Chang Wei's cell phone rang. After looking at the phone number, he found Ye Feng's number. Ever since the "Lanshan Club" opened last year, the name Ye Feng has been ringing in Dongzhou City.

Regardless of whether they are in the society or not, anyone who is well-informed will have heard of this name more or less, but the reason why Chang Wei cares about this name is not here.

It's about his sister.

His sister seemed to be particularly interested in Ye Feng. Last year, she not only called her personally to reconcile with Ye Feng, but even asked her to apply for a "Lanshan Club" black gold card and a gold card.

The gold card is okay, Chang Wei can accept it for 10,000+ yuan, but this black gold card is different, it costs a full 100 million. He has negotiated so many times with the Fujian people, and then He was looking for connections and looking for people in the society to show off, so he took 100% of the shares of World Trade Game Center and earned more than 100 million in seven months. How could he not feel heartbroken when only [-] million was removed from this card? ?

But based on this, Chang Wei also fell in love with Ye Feng. When he saw Ye Feng calling, he immediately came to the office. There were two people sitting in the office, one was from Fujian and the other was sent by Wang Haidong to watch the scene. There were two computers in front of them, and on the screen were various surveillance images inside and outside the game hall.


The Fujian people in the office and Wang Haidong's subordinate Xiao Liang all shouted when they saw Chang Wei coming in.

Chang Wei nodded, then answered Ye Feng's call with a smile: "Brother Feng, it's so late, why did you remember to call me?"

"Have you slept?" Ye Feng's tired voice came from the phone.

"No, it's over at the World Trade Center Game Center."

Chang Wei knew that there must be something wrong with Ye Feng calling so late, so he asked directly: "Brother Feng, if anything happens, just tell me directly, we are all brothers."

"I want to ask you to help me. My friend's mother passed away and there will be a funeral tomorrow. Can you help me find some black and stylish cars to send the old man off?" Ye Feng said on the phone.

As soon as Chang Wei heard that the car was going to be black, he immediately knew that Ye Feng wanted a good car to support the scene. He thought for a moment and settled the matter: "No problem, where is it?"

"Just in Dongzhou."

"Okay, I'll call and ask, and then I'll call you back to see how many cars I can get."


After hanging up the phone, Chang Wei's mind began to spin. He only had a Mustang sports car in his hand, which was definitely not suitable for such a serious matter as a funeral. He would need an Audi, BMW, Mercedes-Benz and other cars.

The boss in Fujian has a Mercedes-Benz e300 that you can borrow.

But since Ye Feng called him, one car would definitely not be enough. Chang Wei thought about it and called his sister again. Normally, he would not dare to call at this time, but at this time, he had to make this call. .

"What did you get into again? You called me so late." After the call was connected, a woman's slightly unhappy voice came from the other side of the phone.

Chang Wei said quickly: "I really didn't cause any trouble. It was Ye Feng who called me for help." "Ye Feng?" When the woman on the other end of the phone heard the name, she paused and then said, "What could he have to do with you? "

Chang Wei told what happened.

After hearing this, the woman said: "Please drive my Maserati over."

Chang Wei was overjoyed. He had been eyeing his sister's Maserati for a long time. This Mustang was fresh when he got it. After driving it for two years, the freshness was gone. But before he could finish, the woman added: "Forget it. , let me find you another car. Drive slower and don’t damage the car. If it gets damaged, there will be no way to repair it in China."

"What car?" Chang Wei was curious.

"Rolls-Royce, bring someone to my place to drive at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning."



A three-story farmhouse in Jiangyin that is not open to the public.

Several people were beating eggs upstairs. The people who could sit at this table and play cards were all second-generation people with a strong background in Zhejiang and Jiang provinces. One of them was Zhou Yihang. Zhou Yihang received a call from Ye Feng. After that, he asked on the phone how many cars he wanted, then looked at the time and threw the card away: "Something happened, so I won't play the card."

"What's going on?"

"My friend was attending a funeral and needed a car to support the occasion, so he asked me to find a car."

Zhou Yihang sorted out his cards, then looked at the shirtless man next to him and said with a smile: "Hou Yao, come with me to Dongzhou. Don't you want to get to know Ye Feng? He was there two days ago. In Yanjing, the fight with Chen Yiming is not easy."

"Are you going now?" Hou Yao also heard what Zhou Yihang said about Ye Feng and Chen Yiming the day before yesterday. Especially after hearing that one of Ye Feng's bodyguards beat Chen Yiming's bodyguard to the ground, he became even more interested in Ye Feng and his bodyguard.

"now go."

Zhou Yihang stood up, then opened the door and walked out, coming to a hall. There were more than a dozen young people betting on cattle in the hall, and the big followers were standing behind them, holding bags in their hands.

There are piles of money on the table, the minimum is one thousand as a base, or even ten thousand tied up with rubber bands.

Zhou Yihang and Hou Yao pushed aside the crowd and walked to Niu Niu's table. Zhou Yihang held down the cards and money, raised his head and looked around: "Brothers, whoever bets will take their money back. Now give it to everyone." I called to arrange a car. Anyone from Audi or above will come with me to Dongzhou to support one of my brothers. They all need black cars. After that, when we get to Hangzhou, everyone counts. Even if the nightclubs in Hangzhou are closed, I will make arrangements for you. Hangzhou thin horse has a good time."

As a result, everyone present took back their money and started calling to adjust the car. The person sitting at the dealer wanted to take a last look at the unopened cards, but Zhou Yihang pushed the cards into the middle and mixed them up.

Those present are generally off-road vehicles, and their grades are not bad.

Hou Yao's car is a George Patton off-road vehicle, which was named after the American general George Patton during World War II. It has a V8 engine, night vision system, satellite navigation, biological and chemical poison gas prevention system, and supporting equipment.

Hou Yao spent a lot of money to transport this thing back from the United States in a container by sea last year. No matter where it goes, it is an extremely eye-catching Big Mac.

Hou Yao felt that it was a bit wasteful not to drive a car like George Button, so he suggested to Zhou Hang that if they didn't do this, they would shunt the cars. Then their car would be in front, and a row of off-road vehicles would follow behind. Sample?

Zhou Yihang nodded in response and continued to call.

After half an hour.

A spectacular scene appeared on the highway leading to Dongzhou City in a nearby city. Luxury cars that were not usually seen one after another appeared on the highway like groups in the night.

Among them, the highway from Jiangyin to Dongzhou has the most luxury cars. The leader is an off-road vehicle that looks like an armored vehicle, which is Hou Yao's George Patton.

(End of this chapter)

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