Recast youth

Chapter 504: Going to Dongzhou

Chapter 504 Return to Dongzhou
Ye Feng's original plan was to wait in Yanjing until Zhang Lan came out before returning to Dongzhou, but now that Kong Jingke's mother has passed away, Ye Feng must go back.

In addition, Zhang Lan’s court hearing will not be held until next month.

It just feels like things are all squeezed together.

In the afternoon, Ye Feng went to the bank and transferred the money to Chen Yiming's account. After the transfer, he called Chen Yiming. Chen Yiming was very cold and said he understood and hung up the phone, blocking Ye Feng from asking Zhang Lan. All the aftermath.

Ye Feng also knew that if he called again, he would not get any good words, so he could only go back to Dongzhou with all the unfriendly words he got from coming to Yanjing this time. Before going back, Ye Feng hesitated for a moment, thinking about whether to follow Kong Zhong told him about the death of Zhang Lan's mother, because Zhang Lan probably wouldn't tell him, but thinking of what Kong Zhong said that day, Ye Feng gave up this plan.

This is a man who is so cold and has no affection.

This is Ye Feng's understanding of Kong Zhong.


when in the car.

Ye Feng clicked on Kong Jingke's number and had the urge to call, but in the end he didn't because Kong Jingke must be in a heavy mood now. Even if he got through the phone, Ye Feng didn't know how to comfort her.

As a human being in two lifetimes, Ye Feng's biggest feeling is that people cannot empathize with each other, and the only thing he can do is to accompany and help silently.

At three o'clock in the afternoon.

Wang Hao called.

"Lao San, have you gone back?" Wang Hao asked on the phone.

Ye Feng was particularly tired now, both mentally and physically. Mentally, he had been busy working on Zhang Lan's affairs in the past few days and could not see hope. Physically, he drank too much wine last night. He squeezed it. Between his eyebrows, he said tiredly: "I have a friend whose mother passed away. She doesn't have many friends in Dongzhou. I have to go back and help her deal with her funeral."

"What about Zhang Lan? How is her situation?" Wang Hao is still concerned about Zhang Lan's affairs. The three of them had a good relationship at school. When he thought about his old classmate having to go to jail for more than ten years, Wang Hao was very happy. Not the taste.

Ye Feng said: "I have found a good relationship with Zhang Lan. I think he will be able to come out when the court opens next month. I will come over again then."

"Really? You didn't lie to me, did you?"

Wang Hao didn't know that Zhang Lan's matter had been resolved, and he still didn't believe it.

Ye Feng didn't go into too much detail. He gave a general explanation and then said: "Her matter is mainly because the previous shareholders and senior executives of Qingshan Group blamed her, laid charges on her, and reported her, so she went in." Yes, as long as they change their confession, they will probably be able to come out."

"Aren't you looking for connections?" Wang Hao also knew that it would not be easy for something like this to happen.

"I'm looking for it all the time."

Ye Feng's experience of the past few days appeared in his mind, and he said with emotion: "I can see that the city of Yanjing is really unfriendly to outsiders like me."

Then Ye Feng added: "In a few years, it shouldn't be like this anymore."

Wang Hao was in a good mood because Zhang Lan came out. Hearing what Ye Feng said, he said angrily: "Come on, how old are you? You are a multimillionaire at the age of 24. Where can we reason with you when you say this? Bandu can't earn as much as the fraction of your card, but you just stand and talk like Shen Erdai without backache."

The second generation Shen is talking about Shen Yu.

In the past, when I was in college, dormitory 302 often said this about Shen Yu.

Ye Feng was a little dumbfounded after hearing this, and then some dust was removed from his dusty heart. Yes, he is only 24 years old, why are you anxious?
Of course, there was no way Ye Feng would admit defeat. He smiled at Wang Hao and said, "What's the use of having money? Why don't you have connections? Maybe ten years from now, I'll have to act based on your face."

Wang Hao chuckled: "It's impossible to act based on my face, unless you come to Yanjing to open a factory. I can give you a thumbs up on environmental protection. It's possible to act based on the boss's face. He is now at the National Development and Reform Commission , with the help of his future father-in-law, he has been able to climb to a high position in ten years. I could tell it when I was drinking that day. Li Bing is really ambitious and calm, and he is even more Phoenix than me. "

"Just the eldest brother, let alone the second brother."

Ye Feng thought about what Li Bing said to him when he was drinking with Li Bing before, and his heart warmed up. He then said, "Okay, I won't tell you anymore. I'll take a nap in the car. I drank too much wine last night." "Then. Please take your time on the road and call me when you get to Yanjing next month, and I will go with you to pick up Zhang Lan at the gate of the court."

"OK, all right."

Ye Feng hung up the phone and closed his eyes to rest. His body was indeed very tired and his head was always groggy. By the time he arrived in Dongzhou City, it was already twelve o'clock at night. Ye Feng first asked Feng Zheng to drive to Beijin Bridge. , then asked them to get off the car and drove to Kong Jingke's home.


Arrive at the door of Kong Jingke’s house.

Ye Feng heard someone talking inside. It was a woman talking, as if to persuade Kong Jingke to eat something. Ye Feng knocked on the door, but the door did not open. There was a woman inside asking who Ye Feng was.

Ye Feng reported his name, and then the door opened. It turned out to be Ke Meng, a great interior designer from far away in Hunan and Hong Kong. There was a bed in the living room. There was a person lying on the bed, covered with a layer of white cloth.

Inside is a simple mourning hall.

Kong Jingke was wearing filial piety, kneeling in front of the bed, with a face as pale as paper. There was a brazier in front of her, and she would put some paper money in it from time to time. It was filled with the unique smell of funeral. There was a packaged takeout next to it, which was not touched at all.

"She doesn't want to eat. Please help me to persuade her. I came here yesterday morning. Until now, she hasn't eaten a bite or spoken." Ke Meng knew that the relationship between Ye Feng and Kong Jingke was not simple. Seeing Ye Feng coming, it was almost like It's like seeing a savior.

Ye Feng had never experienced this kind of thing and didn't know how to persuade him. He first went over to salute Kong Jingke's deceased mother, and then put on the white cloth handed over by Ke Meng.

This custom is common in funerals. When people come to offer gifts, their family members will give them white cloths. Kong Jingke had no family in Dongzhou. Ke Meng was her best friend in Yanjing, so she naturally acted as Kong Jingke's family member.

Ye Feng looked at Kong Jingke's crumbling appearance, and was really afraid that her body would not be able to bear it first, so he looked at her bloodless face and asked, "Do you want to eat something first? If Auntie knew that you haven't been eating, she would be worried. It will be uncomfortable, and I definitely don’t want to see you like this.”

Kong Jingke seemed unaware.

Ye Feng knew that Kong Jingke's personality was not that of an ordinary swordsman, and he didn't know how to persuade him, so he had to stay by his side.

After sitting for a while, Kong Jingke seemed to realize that Ye Feng was here. He looked at Ye Feng and asked softly: "Has your classmate's matter been resolved?"

"Solved." Ye Feng nodded and said.

"That's good."

Kong Jingke responded, his voice weak.

Ye Feng asked again: "Have you contacted us about the car and the cemetery?"

Ke Meng squatted aside and said for Kong Jingke: "A lot of fans and reporters came to my house today. They never left. The cemetery has been found. You just happened to come back. Early tomorrow morning, you can help contact the car."

Ye Feng didn't know much about funerals. He was still young when his grandma passed away. He only knew that during funerals, there were usually many cars accompanying the funeral, and white flowers were tied on the fronts of the cars. The more cars, the better, and the more grand it would be.

Ye Feng had met Kong Jingke's mother several times. She was always very elegant when lying on the bed, and she was not as extreme as Chen Mengjie's mother-in-law. Ye Feng thought of her lying in bed for so long.

Thinking about Kong Zhong's appearance in Chang'an Club again, I felt really uncomfortable.

I always feel that it is so unfair to Kong Jingke’s mother.

"I'll contact you about the car."

Ye Feng took over this matter and wanted Kong Jingke's mother to be in a good mood when she left. As for other things, he still had to call Feng Sande over. Kong Jingke didn't understand these things, and he didn't understand either. Feng Sande should deal with it. I understand these things better.

(End of this chapter)

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