Recast youth

Chapter 409 The bad guy has a tricky angle

Chapter 409 The bad guy has a tricky angle

On East Chang'an Street, there is a private club where countless people squeezed their heads to get in. The decoration style is mainly palace and red sandalwood. In the middle of the lobby, there is a collection screen surrounded by red sandalwood sculptures, which is exactly the same as the one in the Forbidden City.

There are railings around the perimeter.

You can visit, but you can't go in.

This private club is the premier club in Yanjing. The membership fee has increased from US$96 in the early days of 9 to US$2 now, and an annual fee of US$2000 will be required every year thereafter.

If you want to become a member, you must first be recommended by an old member. The quota is based on 1000. Once the number of members reaches full, membership cards will no longer be sold to the outside world. At that time, only existing members can transfer their membership qualifications.

The high membership fee determines the social scope and spending power of the entrants. The club's members are generally between 35 and 50 years old, and are mainly officials and people from traditional industries. More than 60% of them have an annual spending power of 200. Ten thousand to more than 500 million.

Some of the names of its members are also among the richest people in China and even the mainland, such as Li Jiacheng, Zheng Yutong, Huo Yingdong and others. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

This club is not only famous for its business resources. Take the elevator to the 8th floor and there is one of the best Chinese restaurants in Yanjing City, "Qingzun Hongzhu". It is also the club with the largest area and the lowest decoration cost. In the hall, there is not only a huge oil painting "The Drunken Concubine", but also various classical furniture, classical lighting, and precious rosewood screens, which elevate the royal style and elegant atmosphere to the extreme.In the Chinese restaurant, you can enjoy exquisite Cantonese cuisine and special dishes from various places.In addition, it also has dozens of VIP private rooms with interesting names: Yipin, Shuangxi, Sanyuan, Jiuru and Shiquan.

A VIP room.

Sitting on the table were 5 men and 1 woman with different auras, a total of 6 people, ranging in age from 40 to 80. The numbers they talked about were also scary. In this era when the average salary is about one thousand, it was all about numbers. Ten million, a number over [-] million.

Or just talking about land acquisition.

Sitting on one of the chairs was none other than Kong Zhong, who had a strong aura and sharp lips. He crossed his legs and rested his elbow on the edge of the seat. In this private room, except for a few people present, , other people are not qualified to come in at all, followers, bodyguards, everyone can only wait outside.

At this time, Kong Zhong's cell phone rang.

Kong Zhong answered the phone, listened for a while, and then said with a playful smile: "Oh, Kong Zhong from Yanjing, are you doing okay?"

hang up the phone.

As soon as the old gentleman with a Cantonese accent stopped what he was talking about, he looked at Kong Zhong with interest as he hung up the phone: "Who is saying in such a loud voice that Kong Zhong is doing well in Yanjing?"

Several other people also laughed and looked at Kong Zhong.

"do not know."

Kong Zhong's lips twitched slightly: "Every day in Yanjing, people say they know me, and there are not even a hundred but fifty. My ears are itchy every day. Who knows who he is? He calls me for such a trivial matter. He's so smart." ”



Ye Feng was embarrassed.

The Maybach is his car, but R-rated movies were found in his car. Is there any way to explain this?It was like yellow mud fell into his crotch, and it was either shit or shit. So Ye Feng held back his energy. After getting out of the car, the first thing he did was to catch Feng Sande who was about to run away.

"He bought this movie. If you don't believe me, ask him." Ye Feng grabbed Feng Sande and turned to Zhang Lan.

Zhang Lan looked at Feng Sande.

Feng Sande looked "confused" and asked honestly and courteously: "What movie? Why can't I understand what you are talking about?" "Are you sure you want to be so mean?" Ye Feng was dumbfounded and gritted his teeth in Feng Sande's ear. .

When Feng Sande heard this, he immediately said to Zhang Lan in an upright manner: "Little girl, don't accuse my boss wrongly. I confessed. The boss said I bought it, so I bought it. He has never seen it once. It's usually him." As for the passenger seat, my boss is so nice that he lets me sit in the back..."

Ye Feng was ready to strangle Feng Sande. This old gangster had made up his mind not to admit it. Feng Sande said this, as if he hadn't said anything before. He was retreating in order to advance, confirming that Ye Feng bought Jin Ping Mei.

After all, how can a boss sit in the front and his subordinates sit in the back?
Moreover, the method Feng Sande just mentioned was very underhanded. Whatever the boss said he bought, he bought it. It was as if Ye Feng had coerced and used him to take the blame.

When Ye Feng saw the look in Zhang Lan's eyes, he knew that this pot could not be taken away.

And Zhang Lan's expression also thought so. His face was full of the expression "I understand, I understand, you don't need to explain." Then he turned around and walked into Jane's Restaurant. What Ye Feng didn't notice was that Zhang Lan turned around. When he spoke, the corners of his mouth raised, outlining a triumphant smile.

After Zhang Lan left.

Ye Feng immediately strangled Feng Sande's neck with his arm, and said with a smile: "Come on, Sande, let's talk about it, who bought that movie? What do you mean I said you bought it, you bought it?" of?"

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue, I bought it, I bought it..." Feng Sande said with an extremely humble attitude.

Ye Feng was still confused: "What does it mean if I sit in the passenger seat and you sit in the back? Don't you think this is false?"

Feng Sande didn't defend himself. Anyway, his attitude was very humble. I was wrong. I couldn't speak. I said the wrong thing. I caused the boss to suffer unjust injustice. I deserve to die. I'm not a human being.

Then when Ye Feng was about to run away, Feng Sande, who had a strong desire for survival, quickly said: "Third brother, I am doing this for you. You are good to me. You can't unjustly accuse me of all the hard work I have put in."

"You went to great lengths to ask me to take the blame for you?" Ye Feng's eyes were unkind.

"How can that be the meaning?" Feng Sande reasoned with Ye Feng: "Boss, think about it, you are in the muddy water now, and the empress in the palace is the clear water. If the muddy water wants to muddy the clear water, what should you do? Don't mix it up. Can we do it together? That’s why I deliberately didn’t show the film. When these young men and women saw such an educational love movie as Jin Ping Mei, couldn’t they have tacit thoughts in their hearts?”

Ye Feng cursed angrily: "Fuck your uncle's educational significance, this is Hongxing cheating."

"Oh, boss, please think differently."

Feng Sande continued: "If you think about it, this is a woman who dares to love and hate. She bravely pursues her love for the sake of love, regardless of the constraints of the world and ethics. If you think about it again, what kind of figure is Da Lang? With a short figure, he deserves it. Do you want to fall in love with Jin Lian, a girl who dares to love and hate? He only deserves to say, "Come on, Da Lang, get up and drink the medicine," but the official Ximen is different. He is eight feet tall and so handsome. He is as handsome as Jin Lian. Girl, you are truly a golden boy..."

Ye Feng stopped and kept staring at Feng Sande.

Feng Sande was shocked when Ye Feng looked at him: "Boss, why are you always staring at me?"

"I'm thinking it's a pity that you appear in this day and age."

Ye Feng clicked his tongue and looked at Feng Sande: "Your angle of attack is so tricky. If you don't become a master of leverage on the Internet for future generations, you would really be underestimating your talent. You are a stinky master of leverage."


Ye Feng was too lazy to talk to Feng Sande anymore and went into Jian's restaurant. After entering, Zhang Lanhe had already ordered a pot of tea and a plate of melon seeds, and was sipping melon seeds there while waiting for Ye Feng.

Zhang Lan thought of something and felt inexplicably happy. A year and a half of hard work finally paid off.

(End of this chapter)

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