Recast youth

Chapter 322 How Can You Swear

Chapter 322 How Can You Swear
Feng Sande has not been dispatched in Beijinqiao for two months.

The past two months have been a torment for him.

Seeing so many female compatriots who have fallen apart, but not being able to come forward to offer condolences, isn't this suffering?Is there anything more painful than this?There should also be the most basic humanitarian greetings.

Although they are engaged in a disgraceful profession, they still need the third master to comfort their weak hearts.

If it weren't for that salty fish girl Zhang Yumei who ruined the reputation of the Third Master!
In the darkness, Feng Sande was walking through the alley with his back bent and gnashing his teeth. Then he changed his expression, with a sunny smile full of hope. As long as he didn't think about her, he would feel much better.

Feng Sande's memory is very good, especially his memory of three-dimensional space, which is the result of hundreds of thousands of escapes in alleys across the country.


Feng Sande would not approach any woman he had come into contact with before because he didn't know them. However, he had a good memory and remembered where every woman who had stumbled stood. They all had fixed positions.

Usually, they will stand close to their rental house. When business comes, they will go to the rental house, go in and relax for 3 minutes, then put on their pants and come out, and then wait for the next business.

I didn't even take my pants off, just down to my ankles.

Feng Sande looked for those newly arrived girls who had lost their feet. Like the people who lived in Beijinqiao, the mobility of lost girls was also very high. Moreover, Feng Sande did not choose young girls, but only 34-year-old girls with plump figures.

At this moment, Feng Sande's eyes lit up. At the corner of the alley ahead, next to a telephone pole, there was a mature woman of about 35 or [-] standing there, wearing makeup.

Under the dim street light, she could vaguely be seen wearing big lipstick.

The kind with a plump figure.

Butt is also big.

There was a cigarette between his fingers, puffing away at it.

Feng Sande's eyes lit up, this was the best, it was his favorite smell of dust, so he wiped his handsome hairstyle back with his hands and walked over with a smile on his face.

"Beauty, alone."

Feng Sande rubbed his palms and asked the girl while looking around. When he saw no one, his eyes fell on the plump and stumped girl's waist. I'm a good boy, this third man can't catch it with one hand.

earned, earned.

Feng Sande smiled broadly, and then whispered: "How much does fast food cost?"

"Fast food is 50. If you don't take off your shirt, take off your shirt. 80." The woman said while smoking like a Shanghainese dancer.

"What's the problem?"

Feng Sande nodded in agreement, then stared at the woman's inexplicably long waist and asked, "Can I inspect the goods first? See if there is anything padded under your clothes."

The woman finally glanced at Feng Sande, and then uttered one word: "Get out!"

Feng Sande froze and said angrily: "Business cannot be done without humaneness and righteousness, how can you curse others?"

The elegant woman who lost her footing was too lazy to talk to him and pointed to the telephone pole next to her.

Feng Sande went over to take a look and saw a small advertisement posted on the telephone pole at some point. There was a line on it: Attention female compatriots, an old gangster who is freeloading has moved into Beijin Bridge. This person is both lustful and stingy. Every time he borrows a trial product, he deliberately takes advantage of the woman, and then replaces it with another one without paying.

There is a little man below.

The painting is very ugly.

She was smiling, very vulgar, and her hair style was a bit interesting, parted in the middle.

Feng Sande was furious. Needless to say, it must have been another good thing done by that salty woman Zhang Yumei. She was looking down on her own mother. Isn't this driving people to death? She also painted the handsome third master in such a vulgar way. In addition to The hairstyle is similar, but nothing else is similar.

Feng Sande turned around and left angrily, walking back and forth in the alley, and finally came to the door of a small rental house, knocked hard, and yelled: "Zhang Yumei, you stinky salted fish woman, get out of here!"

The door opened.

Zhang Yumei was holding a kitchen knife, leaning against the door, with her hands folded across her chest, looking at Feng Sande lazily: "Old man, if you dare to shout louder and wake up my daughter again, I will chop you up." "Stop the fucking threats. I, can I be threatened by you? Why don’t I keep my voice quiet?”

Feng Sande lowered his voice a little, blushed and stared at Zhang Yumei: "You said you are interesting or not, I went to play with a woman and provoke you, you actually posted a small advertisement to destroy my reputation, do you think this is what you did? ?”

Zhang Yumei said contemptuously: "You are a big man, you can't give me money just by touching it. What do you do to me? Why do you have the nerve to stick out your pig's hooves?"

"Can you control you?"

Feng Sande glanced at the kitchen knife in Zhang Yumei's hand, and thought to himself that the possibility of settling a score with this salty fish woman today no longer existed, so he turned around and left: "Forget it, I won't argue with you, a salty fish woman. "


Zhang Yumei stopped Feng Sande with an evil look in her eyes: "Can you explain to me, what does a salted fish woman mean?"


Feng Sande's eyes rolled around and he didn't dare to say anything.

Zhang Yumei asked again: "Are you tired of it?"

If you think about it, I'm still afraid of being poisoned to death. Feng Sande couldn't help but glanced under Zhang Yumei. When he glanced down, Zhang Yumei's expression changed.

"You shameless bastard, you actually took advantage of me!"

Zhang Yumei held a kitchen knife as if to chase after her.

Feng Sande was so frightened that he almost pissed himself. He turned around and ran away, almost shouting that he had been wronged to death. This was such a fucking injustice to me.

"You stop here, I won't chop you into pieces, you bitch!"

Zhang Yumei didn't chase very far. She just took two steps after chasing Feng Sande and stamped her feet hard behind Feng Sande. Then she saw Feng Sande throw a dog and eat shit. Then a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. She scolded a coward with disdain and went home to close the taxi. house door.



Feng Zheng was responsible for cutting vegetables, while Chen Mengjie lit the fire.

Ye Feng fetched water from a small well to wash the mutton and big bones. Then he saw Feng Sande coming back cursing and crying, and limping when walking.

"My Third Master, what's going on with you? Are you being chased by a dog?" Ye Feng stopped what he was doing and looked at Feng Sande in confusion.

Feng Sande originally wanted to complain, but then he saw that there was another very beautiful woman. In order to preserve his glorious image, he immediately stopped complaining and had a look of resentment on his face.

"Oh, that's so fun."

Feng Sande took a small stool and stuffed it under his buttocks and sat down. He let out a long sigh, with an expression on his face that life was as lonely as snow. The last fun was ruined by Zhang Yumei's salty fish.

Ye Feng didn't know what Feng Sande was thinking, so he asked with interest: "Again, you went to touch someone else's fallen girl without paying her, and then she was chased by her?"

"No, nothing."

Feng Sande's face froze, and then he looked at Ye Feng with a sorrowful face, winked, and motioned to Kong Jingke behind him, saying silently, there is a beautiful woman here, boss, you can't save some face for me, don't destroy my glory. Image?
Ye Feng understood what Feng Sande meant, so he didn't mention it again, and continued to pour water and wash the meat.

Kong Jingke had never eaten such hot pot in such an environment. When she was in Yanjing, she also ate in a hot pot restaurant. She prepared the seasonings herself. She held her chin and watched Ye Feng and the others busy with interest.

Very hotpot atmosphere.

In fact, sometimes, it feels pretty good to have a group of friends in life, gathered in small groups in front of an earthen pot.

Kong Jingke was full of freshness when he thought of this.

(End of this chapter)

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