Recast youth

Chapter 283

Chapter 283
Two days later.

A sapphire blue Maserati Quattroporte came up from the rural ecological park, driving from the high-tech zone to the city. The driver was a mature woman in her early thirties with a very elegant temperament. Her delicate face was covered with light makeup, she was beautiful but not coquettish.

While passing by the newly planned cultural area of ​​​​the new district in the city, she suddenly saw a place on the left whose decoration was two levels higher than that of the surrounding buildings. The exterior wall was decorated in the style of the Republic of China, and there were signs on it.

"Lanshan Sports Hall."

There were four people at the door, none other than Ye Feng, Chen Mengjie, Feng Sande and Feng Zheng.

The car of a woman with an exquisite face stopped, her eyes rested on Ye Feng's face, and then the corners of her mouth slightly raised, outlining a touching arc.


The woman smiled and muttered to herself. When she smiled and spoke, she was very charming, as if she had an indescribable magic power. Then she took out her mobile phone, turned it on speakerphone and put it next to her.

"Sister, why did you remember to call me?"

A man's voice came from the phone, it was Chang Wei's voice.

The woman asked: "What is the name of the owner of Lanshan Sports Center? Say it again."

"His name is Ye Feng." Chang Wei on the phone was delighted when he heard this: "Sister, are you going to help me?"

Leaf maple.

The woman muttered softly, then looked at Ye Feng standing at the door of "Lanshan Sports Center", and said without any wavering: "I'll give you an hour, come over and apologize to others."

"I apologized to him? Sister, are you right?" Chang Wei couldn't believe it.

The woman said: "Not only you, but also your friend Dongzi, did you also attack him? Ask him to come with you to apologize to Ye Feng."

"I won't go!" Chang Wei said angrily: "Dongzi is injured, so it's not convenient to go!"

"What did you say just now? Say it again? I didn't hear it clearly."

The woman sitting in the Maserati car heard this and asked without any fuss.

Chang Wei didn't dare to talk back, and asked unwillingly: "Why? You weren't like this a few days ago. At first, I wanted to eat his dick in the gym, and you nodded, and now you let me Go and apologize, does your brother still want to be a human being?"

"There's no special reason. It's just that you can't offend him. I asked you to apologize to him to prevent you from walking to the edge of the cliff." The woman looked at the door of "Lanshan Sports Center" through the car glass. of maple leaves.

Chang Wei asked back: "Can you and your brother-in-law not be able to offend him?"

"I am me, you are you."

The woman replied.

Chang Wei begged: "But sister, think about it, it's really embarrassing for me to apologize like this, and I also found someone to beat him up. When he sees me, he can't come up and fight with me. That's not possible." Let’s discuss it further?”

"Not negotiable."

"I'm your brother!"

The woman said calmly: "I don't have the same last name as you."

"But the blood relationship is the same!" Chang Wei said unwillingly.

The woman with the delicate face lost her patience and said into the phone: "Why don't you go back to your hometown instead of staying with me? That guy named Dongzi, I will call Li Hengsheng personally later and ask him to break one of his legs. "

"No, no, no, sister, I was wrong. I will go over and apologize to him now."

Chang Wei didn't dare to bargain any more and hung up the phone.

The woman took another look at Ye Feng, who still looked a little green, and then drove away. However, the corners of her mouth slowly turned up in a coquettish arc, and she whispered the word "Ye Feng" softly.

The woman chuckled, wait a little longer.


Home Inn on Hengshan Road in the urban area.

Chang Wei's face was extremely ugly after hanging up the phone. He was full of resentment and unwillingness. He actually asked him to apologize to the owner of the sports hall. This was even more uncomfortable than killing him.

But it’s not okay if you don’t apologize.

He knew his sister's temper, and it was difficult for anyone to change what she had decided. She could say it or do it, so Chang Wei called Wang Haidong.

15 minute later.

Wang Haidong came over from home.

Chang Wei told Wang Haidong angrily about the matter. Wang Haidong also looked incredulous and unhappy, and couldn't help but said: "Isn't it right? Your sister knows the owner of the sports hall?"

"I don't know." Chang Wei said irritably: "That Ye Feng may really have a good background, otherwise my sister wouldn't be like this."

The injury on Wang Haidong's face has not healed yet. He has not gone out for the past two days. Now he is asked to bow his head and apologize to others. He really can't let go of this face, so he said to Chang Wei: "That doesn't mean my brother has to bow his head and admit his mistake to others." Yeah, the worst thing we can do is not provoke that person in the future."

"No, otherwise my sister won't let me go." Chang Wei said depressedly. He knew that woman so well that his heart became cold, harder than a snake or a scorpion.

Wang Haidong asked strangely: "Isn't she your sister?"

"She's a biological sister, but her mother's surname is Meng. My parents divorced a long time ago, and we didn't live together when we were young."

Chang Wei thought for a while and said to Wang Haidong: "How about we go and apologize? Don't hit the smiling person. If we come to apologize, they can't say anything to us, right?"

"That's fine."

Wang Haidong said reluctantly.



Today is Sunday and the bank is closed.

Ye Feng and Chen Mengjie were chatting at the entrance of the sports hall while waiting for Wang Xinyue. Chen Mengjie was saying that the people living in Beijinqiao were too mixed, with people working in any job, and there was a local old lady not far from his home. She was scolding her every day, saying that someone stole her chickens, which made it impossible for anyone to sleep.

Ye Feng said that the people living there are mixed and there are many floating people, so it is normal to steal chickens and ducks, and there are also bicycle thieves.

Chen Mengjie found the resonance and hurriedly said, yes, yes, I bought a bicycle last year and left it at the door and people stole it, and then I never bought another one.

Feng Sande squatted on the ground, like an old fortune teller on the street, and said slowly: "If you ask me, you are still poor. When people are no longer poor, they will no longer look down on these things. Poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people, isn't it? Is this how it came about?"

"Yes." Chen Mengjie nodded: "If we were not poor, no one would be willing to steal these."

Feng Sande suddenly asked Chen Mengjie: "Is that old hen stewed with snake meat two days ago delicious?"

Chen Mengjie nodded: "Not to mention, it's really delicious. I never dared to eat snake meat before."

"As long as it tastes good." Feng Sande nodded, and then continued to hold his arms with both hands.

Ye Feng thought of Feng Sande's previous reputation in the circle of fallen women, and asked curiously: "Old Feng, how is your impression in the minds of the female compatriots in Beijinqiao now? Have you been able to save it?"

"Oh, it's over."

When Feng Sande heard this, he sighed: "I originally planned to subdue a bitch, but she ruined my reputation as a prostitute. Speaking of which, I have been a prostitute all over the country, and my reputation has never been so infamous. Now that I am playing ball, not only have I failed to subdue her, , but she was surrendered to me. I thought that my majestic seven-foot-tall man was actually surrendered to a bitch, I feel so aggrieved!"

"I'm so fucked up, a stinky bitch that smells like salted fish!!"

Feng Sande's face was filled with a man's sadness, and he couldn't help but uttered a curse word.

(End of this chapter)

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