Recast youth

Chapter 274 The quirks of the second generation Shen

Chapter 274 The quirks of Shen Erdai
Ge Zhang's girlfriend is Liu Yuexi. She was originally a sales lady at a 4S store. Later, the mistress took over Shen Xia's position. For this reason, Ge Zhang and Shen Xia went to the police station.

Regarding Liu Yuexi, Ye Feng had no attitude of approaching Liu Yuexi. It was not that Liu Yuexi was like a person, but that when Ye Feng first learned techniques from Ge Zhang, the first person he came into contact with was Shen Xia, and he had preconceived notions about Liu Yuexi. Naturally, we can't get close to each other.

When he borrowed money from Ge Zhang last year, he also saw Liu Yuexi's attitude, so Ge ​​Zhang said to Ye Feng, "You know women," and Ye Feng also understood, and sat in the car parked outside to smoke.

Shen Yu is now in Australia and has specially applied for a phone card for use abroad. Ye Feng calls Shen Yu. This guy is currently on Christmas Island and tells Ye Feng that he is eating coconut crab. The taste is really bad.

I have heard of Coconut Crab Leaf Maple in my previous life. It is good at climbing straight coconut trees. It is said that it seems to be famous for eating coconuts. When you eat its meat, it will smell of coconut.

Ye Feng was a little strange and asked Shen Yu, can Australian coconut crabs be eaten?Because in Ye Feng's memory of watching videos in his previous life, it seemed that coconut crabs in Australia were listed as protected animals and could only be played with but not eaten. Eating them would violate the law.

Shen Yu said that was not the case. There were a lot of coconut crabs here and not many locals ate them.

Ye Feng reacted when he heard this. It was only 2003. When he knew about the existence of coconut crabs, it was already after 2015. It is estimated that the ban on eating coconut crabs was only issued in the next few years. .

Ye Feng jokingly sighed on the phone: "You, Shen Erdai, are still free. You can go wherever you want to go. Unlike ordinary people like me, who can only stay in China. The farthest place from my hometown is Dongzhou and Yanjing.”

Ye Feng pretended to imitate the Taoist priest in the movie and sighed, and then asked: "By the way, are there any of those giant lizards near you?"

"No, the monitor lizard is on Komodo Island."

Mentioning this, Shen Yu became excited: "Do you know the name of the monitor lizard on Komodo Island?"

"Big monitor lizard?" Ye Feng really didn't know this, he had only seen it on TV.

Shen Yu said: "It's called the Komodo dragon. To be honest, it's just like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park that have shrunk. I was led by a local tour guide and really wanted to go up close and tease it."

"Why are you teasing others up close? That thing's mouth is full of bacteria and is poisonous." Ye Feng said speechlessly.

Shen Yu said: "It's not poisonous, but there are bacteria in the saliva, ranging from 50 to 300 species."

"Fifty to 50 species?" Ye Feng didn't believe it: "You can't be joking."

"Are you kidding? This is what a zoologist said. If you don't believe it, just check it online." Shen Yu was a little excited and said, "It's really too big and the speed is very fast. If you are caught by it, It’s so fun just chasing it.”

"Are you poisonous? You want to be chased by a lizard when you have nothing to do?"

Ye Feng was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Shen Yu actually had the gene for seeking death in his bones. He couldn't help but said: "If you are bitten on the butt and balls by this giant lizard, you said there are hundreds of them in your mouth." Bacteria, your balls are not allowed to be cut off? Then Chen Qingyin will have a lot of fun."

Shen Yu complained: "My third brother, who curses brothers like you? And you are so vicious." Ye Feng said angrily: "Who told you to seek death like this? You actually thought about being chased by the Komodo dragon. If you When it comes to being chased by a long-legged Australian beauty, I just put up with it.”

Shen Yu explained: "No, I want to be chased by it, but I don't want to be bitten by it. What I want is the thrill of being chased, then successfully escaping, and surviving for the rest of my life."

"The feeling of irritation is like seeking death."

Ye Feng closed the coffin, but he was also very envious in his heart. Men have the gene of risk-taking and excitement-seeking in their bones. At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the car window.

Ye Feng turned around and saw that it was Guan Xinyue, a bank employee who had always been in charge of his own business and was very enthusiastic about him. Ye Feng had a good impression of her. Basically, when Ye Feng went to the bank, Guan Xinyue would help him with his business as soon as possible. .

The 150 million transfer business just now was also handled by Guan Xinyue.

Ye Feng lowered the window.

Guan Xinyue asked with a smile: "I saw your car parked here for a long time in the lobby, so I came over to ask."

Guan Xinyue was wearing a white bottoming shirt and a black short-sleeved suit. It was fine when she was standing, but when she bent over like this, the collar was exposed, revealing two greasy white patches inside.

Although Ye Feng had no other ideas, he was still a man after all. His eyes were involuntarily attracted and he took a look.

Guan Xinyue's observation skills were very keen. She blushed, and then pressed her collar with her hand. With her action, Ye Feng could not help but know that the other person's eyes had caught her just now.

It's kind of embarrassing.

Ye Feng laughed dryly, and then pretended that nothing happened and explained: "I was on the phone with my friend just now. He is traveling abroad now, and it is rare to meet him. I have never been abroad, so I chatted with him for a while."

Guan Xinyue also tacitly agreed not to mention the embarrassment just now, but smiled and said: "You are so rich now, isn't it possible to go abroad at any time? You are just too busy and don't really want to go."

"I'm a bit busy. I'll definitely go out and have a look when I have time."

Ye Feng felt that he was sitting in the car and it was a bit impolite to let his daughter stand outside the car. In addition, the sun was quite bright outside, so he got out of the car and looked at Guan Xinyue at eye level, forming an equal horizon.

At least it's respectful.

Ye Feng looked at the job number plate pinned to Guan Xinyue's chest, and his eyes suddenly lit up. Why didn't he think of asking Guan Xinyue about the financial audit and planning of the sports hall? It was really like riding a donkey to find a donkey. blacken.

(End of this chapter)

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