Recast youth

Chapter 2471 The stone will eventually be warmed

Chapter 2471 The stone will eventually be warmed

Very embarrassing.

Even if it wasn't Yang Xiaowan who was stripped naked and tied to a telephone pole, she could still think of how embarrassed Mr. Feng was and how he couldn't hold his head up. It was already embarrassing enough to steal things and be tied to a telephone pole.

What's more, all the clothes were taken off?
The tree wants bark.

People need face.

Yang Xiaowan couldn't help but became a little silent after hearing this: "What about you at that time?"

"I was right behind the crowd."

Feng Zheng said with a half-smile: "You didn't expect it, did you? The mistress went to steal money for me, but I watched helplessly as he was stripped naked and tied to a telephone pole for a day and a night."

Yang Xiaowan couldn't help but ask: "Have you never thought about going to the store to ask for help? Maybe the store will be soft-hearted and let the third master go because you are a child?"

Feng Zheng shook his head: "The third master didn't let me beg. Although he didn't say it, I knew he wouldn't let me beg. At that time, the only person he looked up at was me. I had never been to the school, but there were some Third Master Li has taught me a lot. The first is not to steal, and the second is that as a man, you must stand upright and cannot do anything that ignites your dignity."

"So I watched the third master being tied to the telephone pole in the crowd with strange eyes and laughed all day and night. I also knew that the store owner also knew that I knew the thief on the telephone pole. After all, apart from the thief My family, who would watch a man tied to a telephone pole all day and night? I also saw the look in his eyes that he looked over deliberately. That look was also the look at the thief, even though he didn't say anything, it was also the thief's family. How could you not steal something?"

Having said this, Feng Zheng breathed out and said: "It was also from that time that the Third Master couldn't raise his head. As long as he was in front of people, his back would bend down. It seemed that when he saw people, he would be mentally disturbed. It’s like being inferior to others involuntarily.”

Yang Xiaowan also remembered after hearing this, and then couldn't help but ask: "Isn't the Third Master a hunchback?"

"Why is he hunchbacked?"

Feng Zheng glanced at Yang Xiaowan, and then said: "After that time, his behavior became a bit weird. He loved to part his head and hunched his back when he saw others. When others laughed, he also laughed. Over time, his back became... I can’t stand up straight.”

"What does that have to do with you killing people?" Yang Xiaowan was still a little curious.

"I stabbed that shopkeeper to death."

Feng Zheng's eyes were sinister: "The third master came back that day and for the first time, he lay in the bridge hole without saying a word to me. Then I sneaked out in the middle of the night, rushed in when the grocery store owner was about to close, and stabbed him to death. I stabbed him in the heart until he died, and then I took away all the money in the store."

"Did the police not find you?"

Yang Xiaowan was silent for a while and said, what Feng Zheng said had broken through her worldview.

"I don't know. I didn't have a household registration at that time, so I was a black householder."

Feng Zheng shook his head: "After I went back, the third master, who had been lying down and refused to get up, saw that I was covered in blood and the money in my hand, so he got up and changed my clothes without saying a word, and then took me by train to Dongguan. I found After I moved in, he whipped me for a day and a night and scolded me for a day and a night."

Speaking of this, Feng Zheng smiled, as if he thought of Feng Sande's angry appearance at the beginning, and couldn't help but laugh out loud: "But no matter how he scolded or hit me, I refused to bow my head, so he just accepted it."

"Then I got worse."

"I can laugh at anyone who points at my nose and calls me a bastard, or even steps on my face on the ground. The only thing that I can't do is look at my third master with strange eyes. If anyone looks at me, I will pick out his eyeballs. .”

"It is also because of this that the third master said that I have no respect in my heart. If there is no rope around my neck in the future, I will be shot sooner or later."

Speaking of this, Feng Zheng looked at Yang Xiaowan and said: "I also think what he said is quite reasonable. If it were not for Mr. Ye and the third master's restraint, I would probably be dead. After hearing this, what do you still think? Are you staying with me?"


Yang Xiaowan looked at Feng Zheng and asked tentatively: "I mean, if, if the person who was stripped naked and tied to the telephone pole was me, would you kill someone for me?"


Feng Zheng looked at Yang Xiaowan, was silent for a while and said: "I will probably kill you first, then chop up the shopkeeper's fingers and toes bit by bit to prevent him from dying so early, and then feed the chopped meat to the dogs. "

Yang Xiaowan was very puzzled: "...Why do you want to kill me? I stole money for you."

Feng Zheng had a cold look on his face: "Who asked you to steal things and still be seen naked?" "..."

When Yang Xiaowan heard this, she was silent at first, then looked at Feng Zheng for a while and suddenly laughed loudly. Feng Zheng's laughter became more and more irritated, and finally the words seemed to pop out of his teeth:
"Is it funny?"

"It's funny."

Yang Xiaowan smiled extremely happily and looked at Feng Zheng's eyes shining: "So you are not so cold and stingy? Tell me, have you already fallen in love with me?"


Feng Zheng cursed angrily and started driving again.

Yang Xiaowan was reluctant: "Tell me, was it when you touched me in the gym? How did you feel when you touched me? Did you feel like you were getting an electric shock?"


Feng Zheng continued to scold.

Yang Xiaowan suddenly stood up from the passenger seat, then kissed Feng Zheng on the cheek, and then said with her cheeks burning: "I love you too, please give me more advice in the future."

Feng Zheng was kissed unexpectedly and was extremely angry: "You also like murderers? Let me tell you, I killed more than one."


Yang Xiaowan said with a smile: "I grew up in the United States. I have no sense of personal dedication at all. I am quite selfish. I don't care if you kill people or if you are a good person. I only care if you are good to me."

"Only domestic violence."

Feng Zheng snorted coldly.

It's just that when Feng Zheng was snoring coldly, his originally stern profile became softer at some point. After all, even a cold person will sometimes feel warm.

Yang Xiaowan is not annoyed: "It's okay. If you want to domestically abuse me, I will let the mistress make the decision for me."

Yang Xiaowan finally found Shang Fang's sword.

When Feng Zheng heard this, he still snorted coldly and said nothing more.

But soon, Yang Xiaowan suddenly looked at Feng Zheng and asked, "By the way, what does the mistress like? I want to give him something. We have known him for so long, and I haven't given him any decent gift yet."

"I don't know what he likes either."

Feng Zheng heard this and replied hesitantly.

Yang Xiaowan didn't believe it: "How could it be possible? You have been with Mr. San for so long. How come you don't know what he likes?"

Feng Zheng asked tentatively: "Is it okay if he likes to touch women's breasts without paying him?"


Yang Xiaowan cursed angrily: "I will tell the third master later that you are throwing dirty water on him."

After Feng Zheng's description, in Yang Xiaowan's heart, Mr. Feng was already an upright man. How could he do something as obscene and shameless as touching the breasts of a woman who had lost her footing?

The bad guy Feng Zheng must be deliberately angry with himself again.

Yang Xiaowan thought so in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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