Recast youth

Chapter 2420 It’s easy to go up, but hard to come down

Chapter 2420 It’s easy to go up, but hard to come down
Most of the people around Ye Feng knew Feng Zheng.

He also knew who Feng Zheng was.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

So when Ye Feng called Feng Zheng to his side, many people looked at Feng Zheng out of curiosity. They were curious about who this silly guy was. Only some old people in the club's security knew who Feng Zheng was. .

When they saw Feng Zheng walking toward the arrow area, they immediately became excited, and they all wanted to see Feng Zheng show off his power.

"Who is this man?"

A female member became excited when she saw the security guards, and she couldn't help but asked curiously.

"You don't even know him? He is our boss's personal bodyguard. He is so messed up that he can be called the most powerful person in Tianzihao." Seeing the female member ask, the security guard immediately found a resonance and spoke vividly.

"When you see it later, it will definitely make your jaw drop."


Hearing this, the female member couldn't help but curiously turned her attention to Feng Zheng again. At this time, Feng Zheng had already taken out the exaggerated Qing bow from the arrow cabinet.

And at this time, the female member discovered that this man, who had looked honest and even a little silly before, had changed his whole temperament since he got the exaggerated bow and arrow in his hand.

He went from being honest to being serious all of a sudden.

It was as if the Mongolian generals who once roamed the world suddenly came here across time and space holding a bow, and wanted to tell the people present about their power back then.

Come to the arrow path.

Feng Zheng simply stood there, and the entire archery hall's eyes were attracted to him. After standing there for almost three seconds, Feng Zheng's eyes suddenly became sharp.

Eyes like arrows.

Point directly at the archery target dozens of meters away.

And at the same time that Feng Zheng's eyes fell on the archery target, he also made movements in his hands. For a moment, he took a step back with his right foot. His body moved with the footsteps, and his bow was bent like a full moon for a moment.

The extremely exaggerated bow and arrow was also stretched to the extreme in an instant.

There was a sound of the bowstring collapsing, and the arrow originally attached to the bow suddenly penetrated the target, then struck hard on the target and penetrated the target.

Almost half of the arrow penetrated.

Everyone present was stunned by such a violent scene. They couldn't help but look at Feng Zheng, who was silently holding the Manchurian bow. They never expected that the Manchurian bow could show such a violent scene.

As for the female member just now, her eyes widened even more, her gaze always fixed on Feng Zheng, this seemingly honest and honest man, but in fact he was sharp-edged and full of wildness.

In a society where everyone is increasingly civilized and wears suits and ties, this is an unparalleled impact and is extremely rare.

"I'm stupid! Awesome!"

Li He was the first to cheer. He thought Feng Zheng was awesome before, but now he feels even more awesome.

As for Pan Kun on the side, he smiled and shook his head, then glanced at Chen Jianqing, who was accompanying Ye Feng with a somewhat complicated expression, and then gloated a little.

There is no doubt that Chen Jianqing's level must be superior to Feng Zheng's.

But Feng Zhengsao is nothing.

In terms of visual impact, it is difficult for anyone to compare with Feng Zheng. Then Pan Kun thought of Master Feng again and couldn't help but want to laugh even more. Both these uncles and nephews are talents.

"Sure enough!"

Ye Feng looked at Feng Zheng showing off his power, feeling envious and jealous at the same time. Compared to himself, Feng Zheng was like a walking male hormone. No matter in terms of height, figure, or skill, he was very eye-catching.

This means not eating soft food.

He wants to eat soft food, and he will definitely eat soft food hard, which is easier than that of "Ng Meng-tat", the tiger of the crime team.

Li Qingmei was particularly surprised when she saw Feng Zheng's violent aesthetics in archery, and couldn't help but ask Ye Feng, "Is he so powerful?"


Although Ye Feng envied Feng Zheng's wildness in his heart, he pretended not to care on the surface, pretended to be round, then turned to look at Li Qingmei and asked, "Do you want to try it?"

"I feel like I can't pull up."

Li Qingmei looked at the bow in Feng Zheng's hand, eager to try it, but also a little guilty, because the Qing bow in Feng Zheng's hand was too big. Not to mention whether she could pull it up, even if she could pull it up, it would still be impossible. Pulling is not perfect.She doesn't have that long a wingspan.

"It's not a bad thing to try."

Ye Feng did not give Li Qingmei a chance to refuse, and asked Feng Zheng to take the Qing Gong and hand it to Li Qingmei's hand. Li Qingmei took the Qing Gong without thinking too much.

Li Qingmei is very elegant.

Specializes in compound bows.

Especially when she stood still and aimed the compound bow at the target, she attracted many people's attention.

But when she picked up the compound bow handed over by Feng Zheng, it seemed out of place. She tried to pull the bow string, but it was very difficult, and she couldn't even pull a third of it.

And she couldn't do Feng Zheng's posture of drawing the bow like a full moon just now. It was cool, but for a woman, especially a woman wearing a business suit, it was a bit weird.

"I can't pull it off."

Li Qingmei shook her head and handed the bow to Ye Feng: "It's better you do it."

"I'll let it go."

Of course, Ye Feng couldn't pull it, especially since Feng Zhengzhuyu was in front just now. He would undoubtedly be asking for trouble if he came to clean the bow now, so he invited Li Qingmei to the office to discuss business.

Li Qingmei also had this intention. Seeing Ye Feng mention it, he forgot about the idea of ​​letting Ye Feng draw his bow.


in the corner.

Li He saw Feng Zheng squatting on the ground after putting the Qing Gong back. He couldn't help but raise his head and said excitedly to Feng Zheng who came over: "Brother Zheng, you were so handsome just now. You suddenly became confused. That means I am not a woman." , if I were a woman, I would definitely fall in love with you!"


Feng Zheng's face stiffened for a moment, and then he scolded Li He without a good face: "If you say that to me again, I will stab you in the stomach with the steel bar."


Li He was not annoyed and rolled to the side.

Pan Kun saw Li He rolling around and shook his head. It's not that he looked down on Li He. In fact, it was quite the opposite. He admired Li He, a second-generation official with a background like him.

There is ruthlessness.

You can also lower your head.

It is not difficult for people to be ruthless. Generally, a strong background can give people the confidence to make mistakes, and then the confidence turns into ruthlessness. However, it is easy to get up but difficult to get down. Not everyone can keep his head down.

"Brother, do you want to be an apprentice?"

After Li He rolled around, he said to Feng Zheng with a flattering face.

Feng Zheng took the trouble and suddenly smiled honestly at Li He and waved, "If you want to be my apprentice, come this way."

"I can hear it from here too."

Li He is not stupid, and he will never get too close to Li Feng Zheng.

And just when Feng Zheng glanced at Li He a few times and wanted to do something, a woman suddenly came to Feng Zheng. She was none other than the female member who just thought about asking the security guard about Feng Zheng.

Around thirty.

Beautiful skin.

Also very temperamental.

Her whole body was covered with famous brands. She looked at Feng Zheng and asked with a smile: "Hello, I saw you when you were shooting arrows just now. You were very good. Can I get to know you?"

Feng Zheng glanced at her.

Then he said stiffly: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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