Recast youth

Chapter 2385: Being poor in the mountains and having distant relatives

Chapter 2385: Being poor in the mountains and having distant relatives

Originally, Ye Feng really didn't think much about it.

But when the earphones were inserted into his ears, his expression suddenly became strange. When he opened the CD player, he found that there was a CD of "Jin Ping Mei" lying inside.

Good guy.

But Ye Feng is not surprised. This is the habit of old gangsters. Apart from him, there is really no other talent.

"Haven't you seen this stuff?"

Ye Feng put the CD back and glanced at Feng Sande in confusion. He remembered that Feng Sande had watched The Golden Ping Mei a long time ago.

Feng Sande smiled awkwardly and said, "Art can be appreciated several times."

Ye Feng was a little speechless, and then put the CD player away without saying a word: "It's confiscated. If you don't learn well during the New Year, you won't watch the news network and the Spring Festival Gala. Just look at this thing."

Then Ye Feng took another pack of cigarettes.

Feng Sande is actually not short of money, but he rarely smokes good cigarettes. He usually keeps two packs of cigarettes on his person. The 5-yuan red poinsettia is smoked by himself, and the soft China is used as a favor to impress him. People smoke it.

This time when he came to Ye Feng's hometown to celebrate the New Year, Feng Sande specially put several packets of soft Chinese food in his pocket.

Ye Feng naturally took Soft China and left the red poinsettia to him. After returning to the room, Ye Feng locked the door, went to bed, and leisurely lit a cigarette.

It's just that it doesn't even feel like this.

Ye Feng took out the CD player again, pressed play, then put the earphones into his ears, and listened to the dialogue inside. It felt right instantly, and it was very visual.



Sure enough, it is inevitable at any time.

Ye Feng also sighed. He had also seen Jin Ping Mei, but he only listened to the sound and did not see the picture. It was also unique... No wonder Feng Sande, an old gangster, has always been fond of it.

But Ye Feng didn't listen for long.

After listening for about ten minutes, he opened the window and threw the CD out like a waste of time, so as not to be discovered by his parents, eldest sister and Ye Qing when he was not in the room, which would be embarrassing...

After doing all this.

Ye Feng still lay back down. Although he was not particularly sleepy now, today was already New Year's Eve, the last day of 2007 on the lunar calendar. After today, it would be the New Year.

Needless to say.

There will definitely be many people coming to the house during the day, and I will definitely not be able to sleep by then. Moreover, Feng Zheng and Feng Sande are also at home, so they will definitely not be able to sleep either.


Not long after Ye Feng fell asleep, there was a knock on the door by Ye Qing, saying it was the second aunt, third aunt, and aunt, they all came over after they knew you were back. Ms. Wang Haiqin asked you to get up now.

Check the time.

It’s also nine o’clock in the morning.

However, Ye Feng didn't feel at all that he had slept for almost 4 hours. He only felt that as soon as he closed his eyes and opened them, it was already nine o'clock. He had a headache. Why did he come here so early...

At this time, Ye Feng really felt the true meaning of people being afraid of being famous, and pigs being afraid of being strong. He knew that there would definitely be a lot of people and sophistication when he returned home, but he never expected that people and sophistication would come so early.

"Brother Feng." "Are you up? Are you tired from driving all day yesterday?"

When Ye Feng came out, there were already several people waiting at the door. They were all Ye Feng's aunts and sisters. Among them, Brother Feng was Liu Hailiang who was brought to Dongzhou District by Ye Feng.

After hearing that Ye Feng was back, Liu Hailiang drove over immediately and took his mother with him.

Different from the younger generation, the older generation's brothers and sisters have a deeper relationship. Usually when parents come back, they will contact their brothers and sisters immediately and notify them of their return. You often come to my house for dinner, and I go to you. Eat at home.

Ye Feng also thinks that this kind of family relationship is very good, and he is happy that my mother and her sisters will interact more. Ye Feng also guessed that after he comes back, Ye Ma will definitely notify a few aunts to come over for dinner.

But what Ye Feng didn't expect were the other two people.

It is true that I have a good relationship with my second aunt and move around a lot, but I have less contact with my second aunt's daughter. The person who just asked him if he was tired after driving for a day was his second aunt's daughter Cheng Hong, who was next to her. There are also her husband Tang Qiang and brother Cheng Haifeng.

It's Cheng Haifeng.

Ye Feng doesn't have any bad feelings. It doesn't matter how good or bad the relationship is. If he can help, Ye Feng is willing to help. After all, he is also a brother-in-law. Even if it is to maintain the relationship between my mother and her biological sisters, Ye Feng is also willing.

But Cheng Hong is different.

That's not right. It should be said that her husband Tang Qiang is different. Ye Feng had dealt with him a few years ago. At that time, Ye Feng was still just starting out. He had just started w5173 and was working as a plug-in with Ge Zhang. He had more than 200 million in the card. Yes, when I returned to my hometown, I happened to attend the engagement party between my aunt Cheng Hong and Tang Qiang, and was ridiculed by this Tang Qiang.

There is no point in going to college.

He works in waterproofing projects, how much money he earns in a year, a college student sweeps the floor in his office, and he buys Santana keys for more than 10,000 yuan, so he just barely talks about it.

In his previous life, Ye Feng was looked down upon by Tang Qiang once. At that time, Ye Feng had no ability and could not refute. Four years ago, Ye Feng was ridiculed by him again. However, at that time, Ye Feng had been reborn. Although he was angry, he would not fall out with Tang Qiang in public. He seemed to be out of his league.

The other one will make it difficult for me. After all, Tang Qiang is her sister's daughter.

What I didn't expect was that the most angry person on the way home was Ms. Wang Haiqin.

"Ye, Mr. Ye."

While Ye Feng was thinking, Tang Qiang was also standing next to his aunt Cheng Hong, greeting Ye Feng, but it was different from the previous proud and frivolous manner, now his tone was condescending.

There was also awe in his eyes.

After seeing Tang Qiang's eyes, Ye Feng instantly felt that there was no need to argue. He first replied to Liu Hailiang and his aunt Cheng Hong, and finally nodded to Tang Qiang with a kind smile: "Brother-in-law, you're so polite, it's all your own." Family, just call me Ye Feng, or Xiao Feng."

"Okay, okay."

Tang Qiang was overjoyed when he saw that Ye Feng didn't care about what happened four years ago with him: "We are all one family, so I'll call you Xiao Feng."


This grandson can really climb up the pole. Ye Feng glanced at Tang Qiang and realized that he was just being polite to him, but he actually took it seriously and wanted to call him Xiao Feng.

I don’t know how he can do projects with people with his emotional intelligence.

Tang Qiang didn't know that Ye Feng's displeasure with him not only came from the engagement party between him and Cheng Hong four years ago, but also happened once in his previous life. When Ye Feng didn't say anything, he squeezed in next to Ye Feng.

Even Liu Hailiang, who had the best relationship with Ye Feng, was pushed aside, leaving Liu Hailiang angry and anxious.

Tang Qiang said to Ye Feng with a hint of flattery: "If you ask me, you college students are still better. If I had known that I would also go to college, it's a pity that I suffered the disadvantage of being uneducated."

(End of this chapter)

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