Recast youth

Chapter 2373 Not So Good, Not So Bad

Chapter 2373 Not So Good, Not So Bad
It's not that he is interested in Ke Meng.

Rather, he is a normal man with normal reactions. After all, who can stand a woman with a good figure teasing you like that next to you?He is not Liu Xiahui.

So after Ye Feng realized that he had feelings, he decisively stood up and left the cinema. For a woman like Ke Meng, an old nun who seemed unwilling to fall in love, there was no limit to how far away she could go.

Look at the time.

It's almost 1 o'clock in the morning.

Ye Feng picked up the phone a little hesitantly. He didn't know whether he should disturb Kong Jingke, nor did he want to ask Kong Jingke for help because of being teased by Ke Meng. In fact, Ye Feng was unwilling to do that.

the reason is simple.

Ye Feng loves Kong Jingke, and his love for Kong Jingke has more respect. Although he and Wen Yueqi watched the movie before, and had warm thoughts with Kong Jingke, it is too late now. If we talk about this time, If he took Kong Jingke out and then did anything else, Ye Feng looked down on himself a little and felt disrespectful to Kong Jingke.

After all, in Ye Feng's heart, Kong Jingke has always been the image of a goddess who is aloof and cannot be desecrated.

Of course, Ye Feng often felt proud when he overthrew the goddess, but that was only when he and Kong Jingke were together naturally.

As for the image of Kong Jingke as a goddess who is aloof and cannot be desecrated, it does not mean that Kong Jingke is really aloof, does not want to eat the fireworks of the world, and is unwilling to do some crazy things with Ye Feng.

It means that Ye Feng is willing to protect Kong Jingke's goddess image.

Maybe it's because of the Chinese New Year.

There are fewer and fewer cars on Yanjing's roads, and there is no longer the bustling traffic of the past. The high-rise buildings on both sides of the road are still brightly lit, but they seem a bit empty at this time.

Think about it.

Ye Feng still went to Kong Jingke's house, but this time it was not to see Kong Jingke, but to see Kong Zhong, although Ye Feng was a little unhappy to meet this man who was as deep as a tiger.

But Kong Jingke is his daughter, and she lives in his home.

Ye Feng didn't really want to go back, so he was paranoid about going to the tiger mountain, knowing that there were tigers in the mountains. He also felt that there was a legitimate reason for him to see Kong Zhong so late. After all, Kong Zhong had helped him.

As early as two years ago, I had already sent out the sharpest knife in my hand and lent it to him.

French party.

Liu Zhengping, a defector from North Korea, also proved his sharpness and killed the former owner of Teffi Winery in the villa. As for the extra people who died, Ye Feng didn't know and didn't care.

At this time, Ye Feng no longer has so much heart for the Holy Mother. Others want his life. How can he be in the mood to pay attention to who dies innocently and who dies innocently?

At the gate of the courtyard.

The tall vermilion door is right in front of you. There are two stone lions standing on both sides of the door. The high wall looks deep and historic in the night.

At this time, Ye Feng looked at the door in front of him and suddenly regretted not bringing Feng Zheng out, but in the end he still had a hard time and dialed Kong Zhong's personal phone number.

No matter what, he is also a billionaire and a son-in-law. Even if it is a bit late now, he should give himself some thin noodles, right?

But it was obvious that Ye Feng was overthinking.

After the call was connected, the first word Ye Feng heard was "Get out!", and then Kong Zhong hung up the phone, leaving Ye Feng standing at the door messy in the wind. This father-in-law has too much character, right?However, Ye Feng did not back down and called Kong Zhong again.

The reason is very simple. Ye Feng feels that this father-in-law is very nice to him, but he is actually very kind to him. He can't just drag him over and give him a beating after just making a phone call, right?And he seems to be quite promising now.

Sure enough, the phone was connected again, and Kong Zhong's deep voice came from the other end.

"Is something wrong?"

"I am busy."

Ye Feng's mind turned around and he didn't dare to speak directly. He just said, "I'm at the door of your home now. I have to go back to Dongzhou tomorrow, so I plan to meet you before going back."


5 minute later.

Ye Feng stood in Kong Zhong's study.

Kong Zhong was wearing button-down linen pajamas and sitting on the Taishi chair. His face was as hard and cold as a knife and an axe. Although he was already in his early fifties, there was no sign of being invaded by time.

The name of a man, the shadow of a tree.

Even if Kong Zhong didn't do anything or say anything, he simply sat there, his deep and strong aura made Ye Feng a little stage frightened, and his eyes seemed to pierce Ye Feng.

"It's midnight and you have nothing to do. Why don't you come to my place?"

Kong Zhong glanced at Ye Feng and said impatiently.


Ye Feng was not stupid and said: "No, Uncle Zhong, I don't want to disturb your rest so late. The main reason is that I have just returned to China and have to go back to Dongzhou tomorrow, so I want to come to you in advance to wish you a happy New Year and thank you by the way. Liu Zhengping helped me deal with a lot of trouble in France."

Liu Zhengping was Kong Zhong's confidant.

Therefore, Ye Feng did not shy away from Kong Zhong. He believed that a man who could survive those ten years of ups and downs and establish himself in Yanjing City would never be as clean as others imagined. Liu Zhengping himself had been following him silently for ten years. It represents a lot of problems.

However, Kong Zhong didn't take Ye Feng's approach at all. He leaned back slightly, put one hand casually on the edge of the Grand Master's chair, and then said with disdain in his eyes: "Do you believe what you say?"

Ye Feng was startled and didn't understand what Kong Zhong meant, but he still said: "Trust."

Kong Zhong looked at Ye Feng and suddenly asked, "Do you know what your biggest problem is?"

Ye Feng raised his head and listened to Kong Zhong's follow-up.

Kong Zhong lit a cigarette, still the inconspicuous Zhongnanhai. He took a puff of the cigarette, spit it out casually, and then said sarcastically: "Your biggest problem is that you are not so bad, and you are not good either." So thorough.”

At this point, Kong Zhong paused and said to himself: "But it's normal. The rise of little people has always been like this. They slowly climb up from the bottom of the pyramid, without foundation or vision. Even if they get lucky one day, Even when you climb up, you are like grass without roots, drifting in the wind, not knowing what to do, worrying about this, worrying about that, being timid, and in the end you are not a human being."

(End of this chapter)

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