Recast youth

Chapter 236 Life is a process of climbing

Chapter 236 Life is a process of climbing
The sports hall is actually very complicated to decorate.

After talking to Zhuo Baizhen, Ye Feng realized that there was so much knowledge in it. If Ke Meng, a great designer from Hunan and Hong Kong, had not sent Zhuo Baizhen here, Ye Feng would really not be able to solve the decoration problem of the indoor sports hall.

For example, different sports areas use different sports floors, which also depend on the texture and thickness, and what kind of material the ground is made of. For badminton courts, cement floors must use 5.5mm or more thickness. For keel wood floors, 4.5mm is enough. It may seem like there is no difference, but in fact it is very important for sports people, because the thickness can enhance the foot feel, and it can also reduce sports injuries when playing for a long time.

Tennis courts and basketball courts are another story.

After coming out of the gym, Ye Feng went home. When he got home, Kong Jingke was not at home. Ye Feng remembered that during the school closure period, Kong Jingke's music training class had opened.

Due to the excitement of the sports hall decoration, Ye Feng couldn't sleep for a while, so he went out and took a taxi to Kong Jingke's training class. He saw the signboard outside the training class from a distance.

The name is very noble, called "Seven Sound Culture", with some syllables floating around and small neon lights installed inside.

Ye Feng really likes the name "Qiyin Culture". It has a very musical atmosphere. Even if it changes in the future, it can be directly called Qiyin Culture Media Company. It will definitely be much more advanced than the name of the training class.

When Ye Feng arrived upstairs, the lights inside were all on, and the white lights were not dazzling. As soon as he went up, a beauty in her 20s with long hair asked Ye Feng who she was looking for.

Ye Feng said to find Kong Jingke.

The long-haired beauty said that the boss was teaching students and asked Ye Feng to wait. Ye Feng did not make it difficult for her, so he waited at the bar. About 10 minutes later, he saw Kong Jingke coming out of a classroom, and There were many handsome guys and beauties who came out with her. Ye Feng was really surprised. Originally, he only wanted to train some rich second-generation children.

Unexpectedly, they were all handsome boys and beauties aged [-] or [-].

The shape is also very good.

Kong Jingke was wearing a white gauze skirt with an antique feel, and her hair was combed back into a bun with a hairpin running through it. She looked very out-of-this-world, like something out of a painting.

Kong Jingke saw Ye Feng stunned for a moment, walked to him and asked, "You're out."

Before Ye Feng could say anything, a little girl who was following behind came over with a smile and asked gossiping: "Teacher Kong, who is this? It's my teacher..."

"Hey, what do you call this? It doesn't seem right to call me Mistress." Before she could finish her words, the little girl turned around and asked again.

The boys and girls who exuded a youthful atmosphere laughed and said that they were called teachers' family members.

Kong Jingke was obviously not used to it, and his face turned red. He told them to stop talking nonsense, and then asked them to be careful on the way back. The response was that they knew about Teacher Kong.

It can be seen that these students respect Kong Jingke very much and have a particularly good relationship with her.

Soon all these students left, leaving only Kong Jingke, Ye Feng, and the long-haired beauty they met before. After Kong Jingke introduced her, she found out that she was a graduate of Department 02 of Dongzhou Conservatory of Music, named Wen Guangmei. Now I work here. I teach when there are classes and I am responsible for entertaining when there are no classes.

Kong Jingke introduced Ye Feng to Wen Guangmei: "Guangmei, he is the real boss of Qiyin Culture."

Wen Guangmei is a girl with a very lively personality. She is one year older than Ye Feng. She never expected that Ye Feng, who is one year younger than him, would actually become the boss. However, she soon realized it and shook hands with Ye Feng with a smile: "Hello, boss."

Ye Feng shook hands with her and said with a smile: "I just come here occasionally."

The three of them chatted for a while, and then Kong Jingke and Ye Feng went to the office on the third floor. It turned out that she had opened "Qiyin Culture" more than a month ago, which was why there were so many young students.Because most of them were art candidates who came here after seeing the video posted by Kong Jingke on the Internet. Some of them were locals, and some came from nearby cities.

There was a computer in the office. Ye Feng was more curious about the videos Kong Jingke posted online, so he asked Kong Jingke to show them to him. Kong Jingke was a little uncomfortable at first, but couldn't bear Ye Feng's rubbing in his ears, so he opened the website and opened a I found the video she posted on the music website and showed it to Ye Feng.

The video has a lot of clicks.

Not one, but 7 videos. In each video, Kong Jingke changes into a different outfit, such as a violin. She wears a black slim-fitting female suit, with the violin on her shoulders, and she plays "Flight of the Bumblebee" with a rhythm. Extremely fast.

When playing guitar, she changed into casual clothes, jeans, and a button-down white shirt. She was still as stunning as "Flight of the Bumblebee."

She put on a white ancient costume and sat there cross-legged with the guzheng in front of her. She turned her head and plucked the strings, and music like flowing water came out.

"Mountains and Flowing Waters"

Chinese classical music, one of the top ten famous songs. As the saying goes, when you meet a close friend in the mountains and flowing water, it feels like you are wandering away from the dust of the world. Looking up at the lone star, lowering your head to play the guqin, the mountains and flowing water sing endlessly, and the empty valley is looking for a close friend.

Then there's the piano.

Then came the erhu.

The feeling of each song is different. Ye Feng was a little absorbed in listening, and did not notice that Kong Jingke had been observing Ye Feng's expression. Although Kong Jingke encountered the lowest point last year, she was also a normal woman, and naturally I hope my performance can be recognized by Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was more than just recognized, he was simply astonished. After all, he was a top student at the Central Conservatory of Music. It was really different. Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh in his heart. In fact, he didn't know that as long as he went to the Central Conservatory of Music to inquire, even if Kong Jingke had already graduated. Although she has been there for many years, she is still considered a pride by some instructors at Central College and a legend in the eyes of her junior students.

Ye Feng watched all these videos, and then saw a song firmly ranked No. 1 on the music list. It was the song "Climbing". When he turned on the song, Kong Jingke's voice was like the sound of nature:

Sometimes I ask myself
What are you working hard for?


Life is a process of climbing.

Kong Jingke's performance is full of deep emotions, confusion and world-weariness, like a person struggling, asking himself, and pursuing the darkness in a place without any light, but in the end he is unwilling to let go.

Ye Feng listened to it several times. Halfway through, he was already sure that this song sounded much better than in his previous life. The artistic conception contained in it immediately attracted people.

There is no other reason.

Because Kong Jingke came from that stage.

"How's it going? Is it okay?" Kong Jingke looked at Ye Feng who turned around, her eyes never wavering. She was full of expectations at this moment, because this song was written by Ye Feng, and "Seven-tone Culture" can There are so many students, and Ye Feng’s early ideas and this song are indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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