Recast youth

Chapter 2308

Chapter 2308
The chief of police's name was Walls Ferro.

Native of Bordeaux.

As early as a few days ago, Ye Feng had been in contact with Walls. In fact, he was the one who hired someone to get rid of Mobode. Although he would not admit it directly, now, he would not be too taboo about anything in the past. .

"Chief Walls."

Ye Feng finally looked at the police chief, with calm eyes and a calm tone: "First of all, I am a businessman. I came to France this time for investment. I should not be treated unfriendly."

"We welcome investment, but that is based on complying with our country's laws." Director Walls looked at Ye Feng and said.

"Yes, everyone should abide by the law, no one should be exempted, no matter who he is, right?"

Ye Feng nodded and spoke calmly. Walls also heard Ye Feng's ulterior motives and said nothing. Ye Feng continued: "Let's not say that Mo Bod's death has nothing to do with us, but I want to say One thing, no matter what, he is already dead, and dead people have no value."

"It is indeed the killer you ordered!"

Director Walls heard this and immediately looked at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng shook his head: "No, no, no, Mr. Director, I think you misunderstood. I meant that a dead person has no value. It does not mean that his death has anything to do with me. Just like a few days ago, if I If I die, my death will have no value, right? There is a saying in China that no matter how much power or wealth you have in life, death is like a lamp going out. That is to say, once a person dies, there will be nothing. , of course, I definitely don’t want to die, and I won’t allow others to want me to die. If so, I don’t mind letting him die before me.”

Ye Feng talked eloquently.

In fact, when Ye Feng decided to talk to Director Walls privately at first, his heart was a little turbulent, but after talking so much, Ye Feng became more and more calm.


Maturity in the chest.

While Ye Feng was speaking, he was also observing Walls. Seeing that he was showing signs of getting angry again, he continued: "Maybe you think my words are a bit arrogant, but this is how the real world is. You have to know that I have money, I have A lot of money, a cash flow of 100 billion euros, I can make it up at any time, and I am not yet 30 years old this year. If I choose to spend the money and lose my life, it is better for me to spend all the money and let people want me to die. Many people died before me, including letting a person get down from his original position..."

When Walls faced Ye Feng before, he was angry. After all, to Walls, he was the chief of the police station, and Ye Feng was just a foreigner. According to his idea, no matter how rich Ye Feng was, this place would still be the place. It's his territory, and you have to listen to him when you're on his territory.

But now the Walls are sweating a little.

the reason is simple.

100 million euros.

What does this much money mean?This means that Ye Feng can make countless people work for him, and it also means that Ye Feng can bribe his boss at any time to make him step down from his original position.

Why do people often get angry?
Anger comes from insufficient understanding of oneself.

But soon, Ye Feng's voice changed. As he spoke, a smile appeared on his face, just like the originally gloomy and rainy weather in Bodor suddenly turned sunny.

"Of course, my original intention was to make friends."

Ye Feng smiled and looked at the police chief with a gloomy face, and continued: "In my impression, France is a romantic country, French men are also gentlemen, and they have the best red wine production areas in the world. This time I I am here to invest in and promote French red wine brands. Believe me, I can not only promote Bordeaux red wine well, but also bring huge economic benefits and jobs to Bordeaux in your name. This is for you, It should be a good thing..."


The private chat between Ye Feng and the Police Chief did not last long. For about 10 minutes, Police Chief Walls changed from his original expression of kindness to anger, unwillingness, and then his expression gradually softened.

"Welcome to visit France next time."

Walls extended his hand to Ye Feng.

"Thank you, I will definitely do it." Ye Feng stretched out his hand and shook hands with the police chief.

Chen Huang was originally paying attention to what was going on with Ye Feng and the white director. When he saw this, he felt as if he had been scratched by a cat. When he saw the white director and Ye Feng chatting and actually shaking hands, his eyes almost popped out of his head.

It wasn't until Chief Walls led the team again to take the police away that Chen Huang couldn't help but feel curious and asked Ye Feng, "What did you talk to him about?"

"There is nothing to talk about. Learn with reason and move with emotion."

Ye Feng pinched his eyebrows and said.

"Damn it."

Chen Huang didn't believe Ye Feng's lies. He rolled his eyes angrily, and then said deliberately: "Comrade Xiao Ye, I find that you don't treat me as a brother anymore. You treat me as an outsider, and you even hide it from me." On."

Ye Feng heard this and said with a smile: "Actually, I'm not lying to you. First of all, he has no evidence about Mo Bode's death, and everyone is dead. He definitely doesn't want to offend me, so I said it's reasonable. It’s not wrong to be moved by emotion.”

"Does Mobod's death have anything to do with you?"

Chen Huang grasped the key point.


Ye Feng shook his head.

"Really not?"

Chen Huang looked at Ye Feng. To be honest, he didn't believe that Mobode would die so strangely. But in the past few days, Ye Feng had indeed been with him, and there was no one he knew well in France. , Chen Huang also couldn't figure out how Ye Feng found someone to kill Mo Bode.

But just when Chen Huang was about to dispel his doubts, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He thought of yesterday. Yesterday, a gang leader named Baron Lopiccolo called and extorted 50 euros from Ye Feng on the condition that he would no longer intervene in the feud between Ye Feng and Mobode.

50 euros is nothing to Ye Feng, and it is nothing to Chen Huang.

But the key point is that Ye Feng also knew Mobode's address from Lopiccolo, and Mobode was killed that night.

This makes it difficult for Chen Huang not to suspect that Mo Bode's death is related to Ye Feng.

Thinking of this, Chen Huang suddenly asked: "The gang leader who called yesterday is named Lopiccolo, right?"


Ye Feng nodded.

Chen Huang asked again: "Did you give him 50 euros?"


"And you learned from him where Mobod was hiding?"


Ye Feng began to close his eyes and rest, neither admitting nor denying. He knew that Chen Huang had guessed part of the truth, so he was silent for a while. He opened his eyes again, looked at Chen Huang, and said slowly: "He deserves to die, doesn't he?" ?"

(End of this chapter)

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