Recast youth

Chapter 2295

Chapter 2295
Reality is different from fiction.

The trend in the novel always develops in the direction that people expect, but reality is completely opposite. Many things often fail to change as planned, which ultimately leads to unsatisfactory things nine out of ten times.


Ye Feng and others in the hotel learned that the two assassins who assassinated them died in the hospital in the afternoon, and they died in the same way. They were all wiped on the neck, and they were wiped on the neck while the hospital was guarded by the police.

Since the hospital is guarded by police, suspects can be silenced.

What about hotels?
Obviously, it doesn't seem to be that safe anymore.

This gave Ye Feng a clearer understanding of the cruelty of reality. He originally thought that with Wen Yueqi's relationship, France would investigate the case with great intensity, and then kill the Frenchman named Maubod as soon as possible. He was arrested and brought to justice, and then sentenced.

But judging from the current situation, it seems that his idea is a bit naive, because the other party is not a puppet, nor is it a villain arranged by you, and will follow the route you set.

However, Ye Feng was not depressed by this. Instead, there was a faint sparkle in the depths of his eyes. After all, everyone's character has both good and evil sides, and Ye Feng was no exception. There was also a trace of restlessness hidden deep in his heart. Restless.

life is alive.

What's the point of making money?

What is the meaning of becoming the richest man?
Is it just to have endless money?
Clearly, this is not the case.

At least in Ye Feng's opinion, it shouldn't be like this. He is not a clay figure. From the day he was reborn, apart from the success of making plug-ins at the beginning, he encountered a lot of things later on.

He was also attacked several times.

But every time, he seemed to choose reconciliation most of the time because of various constraints, such as legal constraints and worldly constraints.

But what is the price of reconciliation?
Faintly frustrated.

Yes, after experiencing so many things, he survived and reached a height unimaginable by ordinary people, but what if he didn't survive the several attacks he suffered?
For example, when Wang Yitong was in Yanjing, he shot him.

Another example is that on the streets of New York, the two black men stabbed him in the vital part.

Did he commit his life there?
As for the price those people will pay later, does it matter?It didn't matter at all. Even if they were sentenced to death and cut into pieces, it wouldn't matter because he wouldn't know what happened next.

To die is to die.

People die like lights go out.

Your life is gone, what’s the use of delayed justice?It is useless and extremely cheap. It is ridiculous to be born again, to earn so much money through hard work, and to die on the street.

in the suite.

Wen Yueqi and Chen Huang were both sitting on the sofa.

Feng Zheng and Pan Kun were also in the suite. Ever since he learned that the two killers died in the hospital in the afternoon, Ye Feng no longer trusted the police who protected them in the hospital.

For him, instead of trusting these policemen, it is better to put his trust in Feng Zheng and Pan Kun.

At the very least, Feng Zheng had never let him down in terms of personal safety and security. As for what happened in the afternoon, Ye Feng also knew that he could not be blamed. After all, the two killers were not there for him.

Although Feng Zheng is very fierce.

But he is a human being after all, and there will be times when he is negligent.

It was also because the two killers died in front of their eyes in the hospital that Ye Feng gathered Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi into a suite so that Feng Zheng and Pan Kun could respond immediately if something happened.

The only troublesome thing is that they don't have guns.

The gun that was snatched from the killer in the afternoon has been confiscated by the Bordeaux Police Station.

Wen Yueqi still can't accept it. Two killers want to kill them in the afternoon, which is already difficult for her to accept. Unexpectedly, those two killers were killed at night.

And it was an extremely bloody way of wiping the neck. "How could they kill people? And they killed people under the eyes of the police. Don't they know that this is illegal!"

Wen Yueqi, who couldn't figure it out, finally raised her head and looked at Ye Feng and Chen Huang, with a hint of fear in her eyes. She walked to her side and put her hand on her shoulder.

He looked calm.

The tone is calm.

"Don't worry, I will protect you."

Ye Feng did not explain to Wen Yueqi that sometimes the law does not apply everywhere. Instead, he tried to make himself less panicked and looked very reliable, comforting her: "You go to sleep in the room first, and leave the matters outside to me." .”

"But I'm afraid, and I'm also afraid that something will happen to you."

Wen Yueqi was still a little scared.

In the afternoon, she was actually scared. After all, who wouldn't be scared if a gun was pointed at herself?
As she spoke, Wen Yueqi couldn't help but said: "How about I call my dad and ask him to come forward to negotiate with France? As long as he comes forward, France will definitely do its best to protect our personal safety."

"Need not."

Ye Feng shook his head. He didn't want his affairs to escalate to another level. In addition, he didn't want to ask his elders for help when he thought of something. After all, he was an adult now.

And he's a billionaire.

The most important thing is that if Sister Qi makes this call back to China, yes, with that gentle old man's energy, he can ensure their safety, but what kind of impression will he leave on him?

Don't say anything else.

The impression of incompetence is sure to remain.

Ye Feng, who had a strong self-esteem, was absolutely unwilling to accept this. Of course, it was not entirely out of self-esteem. He had other ideas, so he looked into Wen Yueqi's eyes and said seriously: " I can protect you, can you trust me?"

do not know why.

After seeing Ye Feng's eyes, Wen Yueqi calmed down her fear and nervousness, and finally nodded and said, "Okay."

"That's good."

Ye Feng was relieved when he saw this. He glanced at his watch and saw that it was getting late, so he asked Wen Yueqi to sleep in the room inside the suite, while he, Chen Huang and Feng Zheng were guarding outside the suite.

After Wen Yueqi left.

Chen Huang finally made a move, took out his cigarette, stood up and handed one to Ye Feng, and asked calmly: "What are you going to do now? That French guy is very vindictive. According to the current situation, it seems that we only have Let's let the French police protect our situation. After all, the strong dragon will not suppress the local snake, this is not outside the territory."

Ye Feng did not rush to reply, but took the cigarette, lit it, and then looked at Feng Zheng and Pan Kun: "Do you want to go back to China? If so, you and Sister Qi will go to the airport together tomorrow."

"how about you?"

Pan Kun asked looking at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng exhaled a puff of smoke and said in an unfamiliar tone: "I plan to stay."

"Then I'll stay too."

Pan Kun said firmly.

Ye Feng glanced at Pan Kun but said nothing, and then glanced at Feng Zheng, who was leaning on the table and was silent. Feng Zheng didn't even look at Ye Feng. It was obvious that his attitude was clear.

That is to stay.

Seeing this, Ye Feng smiled, then threw the unfinished cigarette butt to the ground and stamped it out. Then he turned to look at Chen Huang again and said, "I plan to stay and play with him."

(End of this chapter)

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