Recast youth

Chapter 2286 Don’t forget history

Chapter 2286 Don’t forget history
Mobod is in his 40s.

He was also drained by wine and sex. If he had not been addicted to wine and sex, he would not have defeated his ancestral winery. So when Pan Kun grabbed his wrist and exerted a little force, Mobode couldn't bear it anymore.

His face was twisted in pain.

But his first reaction was not fear, but anger, extreme anger. How dare the yellow man in front of him dare to attack him?So Mobode immediately kicked and cursed Pan Kun.

"Let me go, you lowly yellow-skinned pig!"

It is a pity.

He spoke French.

Pan Kun didn't understand what he was cursing, but it didn't stop Pan Kun from being able to tell that he was cursing. After all, there may be language barriers, but cursing is definitely universal.

"Damn it, what are you talking about?"

Pan Kun was so fed up with this that he reached out and slapped him. Mobod's eyes were filled with stars and he fell to the ground.

The moment Pan Kun took action, Wen Yueqi stood next to Ye Feng, and beside Ye Feng stood Feng Zheng, a ruthless man with almost full force value. Who wanted to touch Ye Feng.

First, you have to pass Feng Zheng.

And Feng Zheng's record is obvious to all.

After all, Wen Yueqi is a lady, but Chen Huang is different. When he was young, he was a well-known recalcitrant in Sijiu City. Which of the recalcitrants in Sijiu City is easy to get along with?
So the moment Mo Bod cursed, Chen Huang rushed over and kicked Mo Bod in the face: "You bastard, what the hell are you cursing if you don't speak cleanly?"

"damn thing."

"You are such a pig, and you still call others pigs."

"Fuck your grandma."

Chen Huang was furious.

Pan Kun originally knew that Mobode was cursing, but he didn't know what he was scolding. Seeing Chen Huang move like this made him stunned. He looked at the Frenchman who was lying on the ground and could only cover his face and scream.

He looked at Chen Huang again.

Then he turned and looked at Ye Feng behind him.

Ye Feng was also a little dazed. He turned around and asked Wen Yueqi: "Why is this French guy scolding something? Why is Lao Chen so excited?"

Wen Yueqi didn't look good, so she explained to Ye Feng. Only then did Ye Feng know what the French guy was scolding, and it was also an insulting adjective used by white people towards Chinese people 100 years ago.

Once upon a time in 1903.

Tan Jinyong, the Army Attaché of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, bumped into an American policeman. Then the American policeman saw Tan Jinyong's black hair, yellow skin, and braids on the back of his head, so he beat Tan Jinyong and even called him a "Chinese yellow" Skin pig, long braids, pig tail.

Tan Jinyong, who couldn't bear the humiliation, responded to the American policeman on the spot, but this resulted in more police officers beating him. Even if he showed his ID to prove his identity, it didn't help.

Finally, when he went to the San Francisco Police Station, Tan Jinyong took his ID and wanted to seek justice, but what he got back was the reply: "All Chinese people have to be beaten, and no one is an exception."

In despair.

In order to maintain his dignity, Tan Jinyong came to a bridge and committed suicide by jumping off the bridge.

At that time, the news spread back to the country, and the public sentiment in the country was aroused. Liang Qichao also took offense to the case, saying that it was a great honor for China to be insulted by this, and he wrote a poem for Tan Jinyong to commemorate him:

My husband must die and not be humiliated, and I want to see my compatriots show martial arts.

It's a pity that a good man will not bleed to Sakura Gate.

How can we lament the fall of national power? It will be sad even if the days are long.

It's a blessing to be transformed into a sandworm, but there are still ashes left in the horror.If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is the truth!


Chen Huang originally came from a red background. How could he, who was raised in such a family environment, bear the thought that 100 years later, someone would still scold his own countrymen like this?So he was even more excited than Pan Kun showed.

They all kicked each other in the face.

Within a few minutes, the Frenchman was kicked until he was begging for mercy.

"Your motherfucker."

Chen Huang finally kicked Mobode hard, and then scolded fiercely in French: "You French guy, you still think it was 100 years ago? I'm insulting your grandma, do you understand? Fuck your grandma!"

Mobode was very emotional when he saw Wen Yueqi not selling the winery to him.

But now he was awakened by Pan Kun's slap and Chen Huang's kick. Instead, he was afraid and begging for mercy, and he would never dare to do it again next time. He also knew that the curse words he just said had irritated these Chinese people.

It wasn't until he got into the car and was about to leave that Mo Bode dared to look at Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi with resentful eyes, then stepped on the accelerator and left.

"You bitch, you dare to stare at us!"

When Chen Huang saw Mo Bode's resentful eyes, he felt unhappy again. However, since the man drove away, he had no choice but to curse and say: "Damn, this bad guy is so tough, I'm tired."

"Europeans typically bully the weak and fear the strong."

After experiencing what just happened, Wen Yueqi was a little angry and said: "For Americans, they don't dare to do this. Even in New York, they don't dare to be so racist. If they dare to be openly racist, they may be shot that night. ."

"This piece of shit is a bitch."

Chen Huang was still a little frustrated and felt that he had acted lightly just now.

Ye Feng was much calmer. He glanced at the direction Mo Bod was going, then turned to look at Chen Huang and Wen Yueqi and said, "I'll go back now. After all, this is other people's territory and it's easy to suffer losses."

"Are you kidding me? How can I be afraid of this thief? He is going to find someone to take revenge on me!"

Chen Huang chuckled disdainfully, but he was disdainful. However, his movements were very fast. He raised his legs and walked in the direction of the car. A good man will not suffer the consequences in front of him. Chen Huang still understood this truth.

After getting in the car, Chen Huang shouted to Ye Feng and the others: "Why are you still standing there? Let's go. I was a little tired from beating people just now. I have to go back to the hotel to have a good rest."

Seeing Chen Huang's tough talk, Ye Feng couldn't help but smile, and then he and Wen Yueqi got into the car. Pan Kun and Feng Zheng followed closely behind, but now Feng Zheng was sitting in the passenger seat.

His expression also became grim.

Pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Pan Kun was also on high alert. After all, this was France, so any situation was possible, and he didn't think that a French nobleman would have any thoughts of revenge after suffering such a big loss. .

Before leaving, Ye Feng looked at the vineyards passing by, and then said to Wen Yueqi and Chen Huang: "It seems that this winery is worth what we bought."


Wen Yueqi nodded. She was optimistic about the scarcity of Chateau Teffi, so she bought it for US$4000 million.

"That's for sure. I guess it was because the two British people wanted to buy the winery at a high price, so the Frenchman wanted to buy the winery back. It's so beautiful."

Chen Huang said angrily, and the road they are taking now is the famous vineyard road in Bordeaux, which is a bit narrow. If you visit, the scenery is very good.

But the road conditions were not clear.

Chen Huang was also afraid of being retaliated against in a foreign country, so he looked at Feng Zheng and Pan Kun, then looked at Ye Feng and said: "Old Ye, I'm not talking about you. Are you saying that a billionaire is too stingy?" A little too late, why don't you bring more bodyguards when you go out?"

(End of this chapter)

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