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Chapter 2271 Investment is Risky

Chapter 2271 Investment is Risky

Ye Feng came in just to join in the fun.

As for the guarantee?

does not exist at all.

The Hilton Hotel itself has fulfilled its guarantee obligations. If it makes a profit, it will repay US$200 billion. The rest belongs to Maple Leaf Fund Management Company. If it loses money, you can use it to liquidate the Hilton Hotel and repay the debt.

Only when Ye Feng was out of his mind would he go to unnecessary lengths to shoulder a debt of US$200 billion.

The heads of several investment banks originally had a sense of luck, that is, because Ye Feng was young, he might get excited and sign the guarantee contract.

As a result, Ye Feng didn't pay attention to them at all, but looked at them with a mocking tone.

This also made them realize the fact that the man in front of them was not as innocent or as kind as they thought.

Anderson, the head of Deutsche Bank who had been acting as a white face before, saw that Ye Feng was completely unscrupulous and couldn't help but became angry. He couldn't help but said: "Mr. Ye, when you acquired the Hilton Hotel, we helped you fill the gap in the capital chain. Now The subprime mortgage crisis broke out and we are also in difficulties ourselves. What you are doing now is burning bridges!"

"Don't you want interest?"

Ye Feng looked at Anderson and asked in a calm tone: "While you are earning interest from me, you are taking Hilton's debt bonds to circulate in the secondary market. This is equivalent to saying that you are earning our interest with nothing. Now the financial industry The market environment is no longer good. You have begun to seek self-protection and withdraw loans in advance. How can such a good thing happen? Investment is risky. I, as a person who has never studied finance, know that. Don’t you, the person in charge of an investment bank, know that? I think if this is the case, Deutsche Bank should also change its head.”

Although Ye Feng's tone was calm, his words were sharp, piercing Anderson's vitals like a sharp sword.

The continuous rhetorical questions directly made Anderson's face turn white and dark.

After Ye Feng came in, Yang Qingzhi temporarily gave up the protagonist's position to Ye Feng. At this time, he was sitting there, watching Ye Feng's insults with interest, his eyes shining faintly.

This was the first time he saw Ye Feng's sharp side.

And this also reminded him of a Chinese adjective that has been circulating for a long time.

That is the tiger's behavior.

As for Yang Qingzhi, he has known Ye Feng for a long time. Ye Feng has always given him the impression that he is young and courageous, but also very easy-going, which is very different from the top leaders of ordinary companies.

Generally, the top leaders of enterprises have a domineering feeling about them, especially Zuckerberg. In Yang Qingzhi's view, Zuckerberg is a self-centered person.

Ye Feng is the opposite.

He is easy-going and can listen to other people's opinions.

If you are not familiar with Ye Feng, you may think that he has no sharp edges, which is similar to the way a tiger walks. The tiger looks listless when walking, as if he is sick.But in fact, when a tiger attacks its prey, it is extremely fierce and fierce, seeking to kill it with one strike.

Now Ye Feng also gives Yang Qingzhi this feeling. You know what is the first sentence that people in the financial industry learn on Wall Street?That is, investment is risky.

And Anderson, as the head of global capital markets at Deutsche Bank, was actually criticized by a layman. You don't even know the risks of investment. How embarrassing is that?In my professional field, I was ridiculed by someone who had never studied finance.

There was a reason why Ye Feng came forward.

That is to make these investment banks give up, understand the situation clearly, and lower their psychological expectations.

In this way, Yang Qingzhi could come out to clean up the mess. Before the conflict between the two parties was about to intensify, he looked up at the people present and said, "Now you also know what my boss means. It is impossible to guarantee the debt of Hilton Hotel. This It is also a normal thing. I believe you can also understand that no one would naively bear so much debt for themselves. After all, Maple Leaf Fund is not his alone. If he wants me to bear this debt with him, haha .”

Speaking of this, Yang Qingzhi didn't say much, looked at everyone and smiled, the smile was self-evident.

The people present also understood.

As the former king of PE, Yang Qingzhi will definitely not be stupid. This does not mean that he is irresponsible, but any professional fund manager will not increase financial risks for himself for no reason.

"So, now all you have to do is believe that we can save Hilton."

Yang Qingzhi's face became solemn and he said: "Hilton is different from other hotels. From the first hotel opened in 1907 to the current Hilton Hotel, 100 years have passed. As a century-old hotel, it has an international reputation. Their reputation and status are self-evident, which is also the motivation behind Maple Leaf Fund’s acquisition of them. We believe it can bring us profits. Although we are currently facing a financial crisis and the situation is very difficult in all aspects, what needs to be done is to be difficult. What? What needs to be done is to work together on multiple fronts to get through the difficulties together, rather than we are already in a very difficult situation, and then someone wants to remove the piece of building materials that belongs to them below. There is only one result of this, That is, we declare Hilton bankrupt and liquidate, and then a considerable number of your investment banks will not get their money."

"Obviously, this is a lose-lose scenario."

Yang Qingzhi continued: "However, as long as you agree to continue to give us time, I am sure that Hilton will get through this difficulty, and everyone will get generous rewards. If you don't believe me, you can at least believe me." The boss, Ye Feng, the chairman of Lanshan Group, I believe you all know who he is and what kind of financial resources he has."

At this time, the person in charge of another investment bank took over and said: "He is not willing to guarantee, how can we trust him? If he believes in himself, why is he unwilling to guarantee? Anyway, Hilton successfully weathered the difficulties, and he also There will be no loss.”

"I believe what my boss just said to Anderson, and you heard it. Investment has risks. No matter how small or non-existent the risk is, we must be mentally prepared for the risk to occur."

Yang Qingzhi glanced at him and explained.

After Ye Feng's interruption, the meeting that had been deadlocked for almost several months resumed, but Yang Qingzhi did not fail to make compromises with these investment banks.

That is to repurchase Hilton's bonds from these investment banks in batches over three years.

This is also the final bottom line for investment banks such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and Deutsche Bank.

Yang Qingzhi agreed without much thought, and this was the best result he could get for the Hilton Hotel.

(End of this chapter)

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