Recast youth

Chapter 2257 Either he bites the hook, or you bite the hook

Chapter 2257 Either he bites the hook, or you bite the hook

It's approaching early morning.

Gao Xuan finally left the hotel, but when she left the hotel, her lower body went limp and she almost fell, but she was very satisfied in her heart because she finally had a sense of security at this time.

Not long after leaving the hotel, Gao Xuan suddenly remembered something and quickly went to a nearby pharmacy to buy a box of medicine called Yasmin, which is a short-acting oral contraceptive.

However, after Gao Xuan bought the medicine, she did not take it immediately. Instead, she put it in the pocket of her suit, and then went to a nearby breakfast shop to buy some breakfast and go home.

to the door.

Gao Xuan took out the key and opened the door.

But when Gao Xuan entered, she found that the door that originally belonged to Ye Feng's room was also opened. Guo Lijun walked out. She looked at Gao Xuan and asked casually: "It's so early, where have you been?"

Gao Xuan was a little surprised to see Guo Lijun. She didn't expect Guo Lijun to get up so early. However, Gao Xuan was a person with a strong psychological quality. She had made all preparations when she came back.

Buying breakfast is an excuse to go out and come back.

"Go get you some breakfast."

Gao Xuan gestured to the breakfast in her hand, then walked to the table, put the breakfast on the table, and said in a normal tone: "You just happened to be up, come and have breakfast."

"Thank you."

Guo Lijun came over. Gao Xuan bought a rich breakfast, including sandwiches, ham, and some fried dough sticks. Guo Lijun was not polite and sat down to eat.

"You're welcome. When you get here, it's like you're at home."

Gao Xuan made two cups of coffee and handed one to Guo Lijun. Then she glanced at the time and asked curiously: "Why did you get up so early? It's not even 6 o'clock yet."

Guo Lijun took the coffee and thanked her, then looked at Gao Xuan and said, "I'm a little insomniac. I didn't sleep all night last night. I was watching the stars on the balcony the whole time."

"Didn't you sleep all night?"

Gao Xuan felt inexplicably nervous when she heard this, because the balcony of the room where Guo Lijun was staying was facing her way out. Suddenly, she felt that there was something in Guo Lijun's words.

He subconsciously looked at Guo Lijun.

Sure enough, Guo Lijun's eyes were looking at her. Guo Lijun nodded and said, "Well, I couldn't sleep at first, but when I felt a little sleepy, I saw that it was almost 5 o'clock in the morning, so I just stopped sleeping. "


Gao Xuan nodded and sat opposite Guo Lijun, feeling a little uneasy. She didn't know if Guo Lijun saw her when she went out last night.

Judging from the fact that Guo Lijun specifically said the word "balcony", she most likely saw herself going out.

However, Gao Xuan couldn't take the initiative to ask, so she had to pretend not to know anything.

Of course Guo Lijun saw Gao Xuan go out, but even Guo Lijun was extremely smart and could not have imagined that Gao Xuan actually ran back to the hotel to have a night of spring with Ye Feng last night.

When Guo Lijun saw that Gao Xuan didn't tell her about going to the hotel yesterday, she looked at Gao Xuan with a smile and said, "Actually, I saw you going out last night. Did you secretly have a boyfriend behind our back?"


Gao Xuan originally wanted to deny it, but then she thought about it and realized that she couldn't deny it. If she denied it, then where did she go last night?There is no way to explain it.So Gao Xuan smiled half-jokingly: "I didn't want to tell anyone about this at first, but I didn't expect you to find out. You said you did the same. How come you're not sleepy after sitting for more than 20 hours?"

"I couldn't sleep. I was on the phone with my best friend, and then I saw you going out alone in the middle of the night."

Guo Lijun said helplessly at first, then moved closer to Gao Xuan and asked with a gossipy face: "Tell me, who is so capable that he actually caught you."

According to Guo Lijun's opinion, Gao Xuan is undoubtedly a capable and beautiful woman, so she is also a little curious about who the man is who can make Gao Xuan run out in the middle of the night.

But she never thought it was Ye Feng.

Unexpectedly, Gao Xuan stayed at Ye Feng Company for a long time.

If Guo Lijun knew about it, she would definitely think of Ye Feng immediately.

But Guo Lijun didn't know, and Gao Xuan couldn't tell such a thing. Gao Xuan could even make up an outstanding Chinese character without blushing or panting, without glancing around. come out.

The second generation of officials.

28 is old.

My family is from Shanxi.

Now I am studying here, both in terms of appearance and family background, they are very good. My grandparents participated in the Vietnam Self-Defense Counterattack. My parents were either in the official career or working in coal mines. Even where this second-generation official lives and where he goes to school. Gao Xuan made clear and interlocking arrangements for Guo Lijun when she pursued her in college, and it didn't sound like she was a fictional character at all.

This does not mean that Guo Lijun is stupider than Gao Xuan.

Rather, there is information asymmetry between these two very smart women, which has led to her current defeat by Gao Xuan.

After listening to Gao Xuan's introduction, Guo Lijun couldn't help but smile and said: "Listen to what you said, this man is quite attentive to you. When I saw you yesterday, I was still thinking, what a beautiful woman. Such a beautiful woman." You are beautiful, what a great man it takes to be worthy of you, I didn’t expect that you are already a famous woman and you are married.”

Gao Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "I couldn't stand his persistence. He was three years younger than me, so I told him that I was older than him. But when he heard that I was older than him, he got even more excited and kept talking. You told me something like a female junior holding a gold nugget."

"I can't help it. A good girl is afraid of stalking a man."

After Guo Lijun found out that Gao Xuan had a boyfriend, her sense of crisis for Gao Xuan suddenly disappeared and was replaced by a good impression. Then she sighed with a wry smile and said, "But you are okay, but I am miserable because of my curiosity. , there is a huge mountain of indifference to climb.”

Gao Xuan knew that the mountain in Guo Lijun's mouth was Ye Feng, but she could only follow Guo Lijun's words to encourage her: "Maybe after climbing over, we can part the dark clouds and see the bright moon?"

"It's difficult, it's difficult, it's harder than reaching the sky."

Guo Lijun couldn't help but feel a little depressed when she thought about the scene where Ye Feng broke up with her at the dinner table last night.

But Gao Xuan was also very curious. She looked at Guo Lijun and asked curiously: "By the way, what do you like about Mr. Ye?"

Guo Lijun smiled and said: "I don't know. At first it was out of curiosity, and later it was out of spite. Now I don't know why. Maybe it's because I really like him, or maybe it's because I'm attracted to him." I refused, a little unconvinced, but anyway, he didn’t take the bait, but I did.”

Gao Xuan deeply agrees with Guo Lijun's words.

In fact, wasn't she like this at the beginning?
From hating Ye Feng, to fear, to now being inseparable, she couldn't make the decision at all. She could only take a sip of coffee, then raised her head and said with emotion: "Actually, feelings are like this, either he bites the hook, or you bite."

(End of this chapter)

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