Recast youth

Chapter 2254 Knock in the middle of the night

Chapter 2254 Knock in the middle of the night
There are not many floors in the hotel.

The room that Ye Feng lives in is already on the top floor and is the best suite in the hotel. It has an entire separate garden. When you open the glass door of the balcony and go out, you will find a carefully decorated garden.

Ye Feng actually thinks this room is quite nice.

If he didn't come here very rarely, Ye Feng would even want to keep this suite as his own. It's not that Ye Feng can't afford the cost of renting a room all year round, but he doesn't want to leave it if he doesn't come. It also takes up the resources of Sister Hotel.

If he wants this room to be reserved for him, the eldest sister will definitely leave it to him without saying anything, but the problem is that the eldest sister will not charge money.

So Ye Feng gave up the idea.

But Ye Feng feels pretty good now. It is estimated that around tomorrow afternoon, 5 million US dollars will be transferred from New York to the eldest sister's account, even though the exchange rate is now lower.

That's about 36 billion yuan.

This amount of money is not much for Ye Feng, but for an ordinary person's life, even if it is extravagant and wasteful, it can be said that he will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of his life. This can be regarded as the fulfillment of Ye Feng's biggest wish.

For Leaf Maple.

His bonds are actually not that many, unlike when he was reborn. When he was first reborn, Ye Feng had a lot of young people's passion in his heart and wanted to make a lot of money.

However, people will only care about something the more they lack something.

Now, no matter how much money Ye Feng makes, it still cannot make him feel constantly satisfied. So in the final analysis, money is not so important to Ye Feng now. There are two main aspects of his bond.

On one side are Zhang Lan, Kong Jingke and Wen Yueqi.

In fact, Wen Yueqi was not too calculating, because Ye Feng knew what kind of woman Wen Yueqi was. She was mentally strong, independent, and the kind of woman who could live a good life even if she was alone.

But Zhang Lan and Kong Jingke are different.

Zhang Lan symbolizes all the beauty of love. Ye Feng likes it every time he smiles. He also wants to give everything to Zhang Lan and take her to see all the beauty in the world.

And Kong Jingke.

This woman who is strong on the outside and soft on the inside, who has suffered a lot, is also the woman that Ye Feng wants to take care of her whole life.

In addition to feelings, Ye Feng's bond is his family. As for the eldest sister, it's okay. Now he has a career that he can do for a long time. As for his younger sister, Ye Qing, she is still in college.

Although Ye Feng is rich now, he still feels that going to college is a necessary thing.

Next are the parents.

Ye Feng is not a carefree person. On the contrary, privately he is a dull and sentimental person, so all he wants to do is arrange everything for the people around him.

In this case, even if something happens to him, the people around him can live a good life, but for his parents, what is their biggest wish?
It is to see the future of their children.

It is to see that there are successors to the children.

It doesn’t mean how rich you are, or how much money you left them.

So in Ye's father's house, Ye's mother always mentioned the grandson in front of Ye Feng. Ye Feng was also thinking about whether to give the two old people a grandson to enrich their lives.

But who to choose, Ye Feng has a headache.

Be it Wen Yueqi or Kong Jingke.

In fact, the relationship between the two of them and Ye Feng was not visible to the public. Even if they had children with him, they could not bring them to their parents. The only one who could see the light was Zhang Lan.

in the night.

Ye Feng was lying on the bed, unable to fall asleep thinking about these things, and was also planning to give her the biggest surprise when Zhang Lan came down the mountain, even though Zhang Lan was not the kind of vain woman.

But no matter how simple a woman is, she will still like her from the bottom of her heart when faced with surprises.

Therefore, Ye Feng wanted to give Zhang Lan this sense of ceremony and surprise, and at the same time declare to the entire outside world that Zhang Lan was his woman, and he also wanted some women to be close to his heart.

After all, he is not a monk.

If a woman takes the initiative to approach him, he will inevitably have an instinctive impulse ready to act, and he also knows very well that men are very possessive animals.If you want men to be honest, there are only two ways. The first way is to hang it on the wall, and the other way is to keep them away from temptation. As long as they are out of touch, they will not make mistakes.

Of course, Ye Feng couldn't hang himself on the wall, so he could only make others give up by announcing that Zhang Lan was his woman.


There are still more than five months left before Zhang Lan's teaching mission ends.

Ye Feng, who was alone in bed, thought of Guo Lijun and the scene of Guo Lijun emerging from the water in the Hong Kong swimming pool. Then he thought of Gao Xuan and how Gao Xuan had served him last time in Barcelona.

Then he thought of the way Gao Xuan looked at him before leaving tonight.

It was a look that only he and Gao Xuan understood.

Regarding Gao Xuan, Ye Feng's heart is also complicated. It is unrealistic to say that he has no feelings for Gao Xuan, but it is impossible to open up his heart and really let Ye Feng in.

One is because Ye Feng really can't tolerate others in his heart.

The other one is that Ye Feng regrets the arrangement he made for Gao Xuan in Shanghai. But then again, if Gao Xuan had not experienced such a thing, with Gao Xuan's scheming character, would she be willing to be the woman behind his figure? ?
Maybe will.

Maybe not.

But the process will definitely not be that pleasant.

In fact, people are like that.

half bright.

Half dark.

There are no absolute good people, and there are no absolute bad people. They just did a good thing at a certain period, or did a bad thing at a certain period. Human nature is complex, and it is difficult to define whether he is a good person or a bad person.

Ye Feng would not define himself as a good person, but he would still compensate those who follow him. For example, Gao Xuan, when she was in the Shanghai Stock Exchange, she started with 50, and then compensated her again after the work was completed. Give her 50.

Then she was given 375 million shares of Wanlanshan.

Although Ye Feng gave her the money as a loan, did Gao Xuan repay the money?No, Ye Feng didn't need her to pay him back.

Perhaps, this is the reward for Ye Feng's sacrifice to Gao Xuan, 375 million shares. Even if Lanshan's stock price is only US$185 per share, it is worth nearly US$7 million.

This much money is enough to buy everything for a woman, right?
Ye Feng thought in his heart.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door of the room.

Ye Feng sat up and came to the door. He didn't rush to open the door first, but asked through the door: "Who is it?"

"it's me."

Gao Xuan's voice came from outside the door. It seemed that she was a little nervous now. Her breath was very unsteady and she asked again: "Mr. Ye, are you asleep? I have something to discuss with you."

Ye Feng opened the door.


Gao Xuan stood outside the door.

He is wearing a very slim-fitting black work suit that fits his figure. The small suit on the upper body is unbuttoned, revealing the shirt underneath. The hem of the shirt is tucked into the pants, even a little tight.

This causes the arc of the upper body to be stretched very full, and then to the bottom, it suddenly becomes very flat, even to the point where the hem of the clothes digs in, which arouses endless curiosity.

in the dark.

Gao Xuan stood at the door, very nervous, a little afraid to look into Ye Feng's eyes, her face was very red, and her body was a little stiff.

(End of this chapter)

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