Recast youth

Chapter 2238

Chapter 2238
North China Morning Post.

Guo Lijun brought Ye Feng, Chen Huang and others to the office area. She clapped her hands and signaled all the newspaper staff to temporarily stop what they were doing, and the staff also understood what was going on.

They knew the newspaper was going to be acquired a few weeks ago.

And it was acquired by the richest man in China.

In fact, Hong Kong people are quite strange. They actually have a sense of psychological superiority over most mainlanders, but that's normal. It's late January 08.

Although China is in a period of rapid development, compared with Hong Kong in all aspects, it is still far behind.

But they welcomed Ye Feng's arrival. The fundamental reason was that Ye Feng was famously rich, and no one was willing to follow a rich boss.

Because the boss is rich, it means that their welfare is likely to be higher.

In addition, this also shows in disguise that this is a hierarchical society, with the lower rungs submitting to the upper rungs.

When Guo Lijun stood in front of the employees, she changed her previous appearance and looked like a strong woman. She looked at the employees below and said: "From now on, Mr. Ye will be our boss, but this acquisition will not affect you. Normal work, everyone welcomes Mr. Ye."

"Welcome President Ye!"

Everyone welcomed Ye Feng.

Immediately afterwards, Guo Lijun introduced Li Bing, the new chairman of the North China Morning Post. Although Li Bing's face is relatively unfamiliar, Li Bingsheng can stand his ground in any situation.

I won’t chat with others or anything like that.

Therefore, everyone does not know the details of Li Bing. They can only rely on imagination or guessing about Li Bing's arrival. As for people who can stand side by side with Ye Feng, they will never think that Li Bing is a person who did not have any problems a few years ago. Background of ordinary people.

After Mr. Ye.

There was another warm welcome, "Mr. Li."

As for Wang Xiaoqiang.

As early as the first day here, he had already completely leaked his identity. An old editor who has been in media news for decades, an old reporter has a vicious vision?After meeting Wang Xiaoqiang face to face, I got to know everything about Wang Xiaoqiang.

There are even many people who are full of contempt for Wang Xiaoqiang, thinking that this idiot is just lucky and came to Hong Kong only because he was Mr. Ye's classmate.

Wang Xiaoqiang didn't know what they were talking about him privately, but if he knew, he would have to discuss it with these people.

As for Ye Feng and Li Bing, as their newly appointed bosses and leaders, their subordinates welcomed them, so they naturally wanted to express their gratitude, but Ye Feng gave Li Bing the opportunity to express their gratitude.

After all, although the strategic significance of the North China Morning Post is important, it is definitely impossible for Ye Feng to trap himself here. The main person here is Li Bing, so the good guy will naturally be left to Li Bing.

After the employees welcomed him, Li Bing also held back and gave two benefits on the spot. The first benefit was that at the end of the year, he would use part of the group's profits as everyone's year-end bonus.

The second benefit is that after get off work in the afternoon, everyone can choose any place for a staff dinner, and the expenses are borne by him personally.

A very typical way of buying people off.

It is also in line with Li Bing's philosophy of doing things. He will not talk to you about the first three things that a new official will do when he takes office. Instead, he will get along with you for the first time with a smile, and then the business will be done.

Of course, it's businesslike in a way that's waiting for you, or prompts you to make a mistake.

This is also the most typical method used by leaders in the officialdom. They don’t offend you head-on, flatter you, and then wait for you to make irreversible mistakes. Then they will stand up and clean up the mess. At this time, no one can anymore. Saying that Li Bing is half-hearted will make you convinced and at the same time, he can also erect his majesty invisibly.

After meeting with the employees.

Guo Lijun brought Ye Feng, Chen Huang and others to the office, which is the office facing Victoria Harbor. Below is the famous Queen's Road. This office originally belonged to Guo Kongnian.

"Is this office for you?"

Guo Lijun looked at Ye Feng.Ye Feng looked around the office and said, "Give it to Li Bing. I don't come to Hong Kong very often."

"I'll leave it to you."

Li Bing said: "Just give me a small office."

"Take it for you."

Ye Feng could not refuse and took Li Bing to the desk and sat down. Behind him was one of the most famous attractions in Hong Kong, Victoria Harbour.

And even for successful people in Hong Kong.

His office, with its back to Victoria Harbour, is quite a success.

Li Bing was not a hypocritical person. Seeing Ye Feng insisting, he accepted it. Chen Huang looked at Li Bing with a smile and said jokingly: "You see, your boss is still nice to you."

"I have this in mind."

Li Bing smiled gently.

At this time, Wang Xiaoqiang on the side became more interested. After all, he and Li Bing were both Ye Feng's classmates, and Li Bing was the chairman of the North China Morning Post and had such a large office.

As a result, his office has not yet been located.

Of course, although Wang Xiaoqiang was jealous, he would not say it stupidly, but his face was full of expectation and envy.

Ye Feng also saw the envy on Wang Xiaoqiang's face, and then took Wang Xiaoqiang to see his office. When Wang Xiaoqiang heard this, the frustration on his face disappeared, and he was so excited that he almost jumped up.

But when he arrived at the office, he suddenly felt a little depressed again.

A very small office.

Although there are windows, they are very small and face the inland. Opposite is a high-rise building. Not to mention the sea view of Victoria Harbor, you may not even see much sunlight.

And this is Ye Feng opening a back door for Wang Xiaoqiang. Hong Kong is a fast-paced and pragmatic society, especially in the workplace. Under normal circumstances, there is no separate office for a position like Wang Xiaoqiang's.

Those who can have an office are those at the editor-in-chief level or above.

Ye Feng also saw that Wang Xiaoqiang was unhappy, and immediately pressed his shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother Qiang, it's almost done. Look at the people outside. They don't have offices yet. You do. Do you see it? You If you are not satisfied with this office, I can ask someone from outside to change it with you."

"No, no, this is it. I'm very satisfied."

When Wang Xiaoqiang thought about it, he immediately changed his mind, then sat on the chair and turned around in enjoyment, smiling from ear to ear.

Next is Ye Feng's office.

It is not far from Li Bing's office and also faces Victoria Harbor. However, compared to Li Bing's office, Ye Feng's office looks much more original.

The first impression is neat.

Very tidy.

Second, there is a treadmill for running on the floor-to-ceiling window.

This office originally belonged to Guo Lijun.

After Guo Lijun graduated from Harvard University, she joined the North China Morning Post and served as the managing director and chief executive of the North China Morning Post.

(End of this chapter)

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