Recast youth

Chapter 2216 I’m a bit petty

Chapter 2216 I’m a bit petty
dong dong dong.

Wang Yanhong heard the knock on the door and walked over. As she walked, she asked, "Who is it?"

No one answered.

But the knocking continued.

"No, is there something wrong with you? In the middle of the night, you..."

Wang Yanhong was immediately irritated and opened the door. As soon as she opened the door, Wang Yanhong couldn't speak the rest of her words. She saw a man standing at the door who looked like a quack and was looking at her with a smile.

Behind him, there stood a figure that was so majestic that it could almost make people look up. He was staring at Wang Yanhong with a ferocious expression, and these two people were none other than others.

It was Ning Wei whom Wang Yanhong had met in the hospital, and Ning Wei's number one follower, Cao Liang, a native of Inner Mongolia who had many heroic deeds in the world.

He is really a fierce man.

"Hey, beauty, we meet again."

Ning Wei was very nice and smiled angrily at Wang Yanhong who was inside the door.

Wang Yanhong was not stupid. When she saw Ning Wei and others coming to the door, she naturally saw that the other party had bad intentions, so she closed the door without saying a word.

However, just when she was about to close the door, a strong arm stretched out, and just by putting it on the door rail, Wang Yanhong's door could not be closed.

The arms are extremely strong.

At a glance, it was almost a bit thicker than her thighs.

Cao Liang was stuck at the door. He was over 1.9 meters tall and looked like a goalkeeper. Ning Wei seemed to have nothing happened and still looked at Wang Yanhong with a smile: "I came here specially to talk to you. Why did you just come here?" We have to close the door when we meet, you are too rude."

Li Shuangshuang, who was originally in the room, also heard the movement outside. She came out curiously to take a look, and then she was so frightened that she was speechless.

And you can't blame her.

Let me ask, in the middle of the night, two men with malicious intentions suddenly blocked the door. One of them was a famous social boss, and the other was as majestic as a bear, with arms as thick as other people's thighs. How could she not be afraid?
Wang Yanhong had heard of Ning Wei's reputation and was very scared. Ning Wei brought people to the door so late. He was definitely not here to reason with her, but now the door could not be closed.

So Wang Yanhong, who was so frightened, suppressed her fear and warned Ning Wei: "I have nothing to talk about with you. You'd better leave now, otherwise I will call the police!"

"Do you really want to call the police?"

Ning Wei suddenly asked.

Wang Yanhong thought Ning Wei was scared, so she took out her cell phone to call the police without saying a word. However, Ning Wei's next action scared her silly.

When Ning Wei saw her using her cell phone to call the police, he turned around and said to the fierce-looking man next to him: "Liangzi, close the door. Anyone who wants to call the police will be annihilated first and then killed."

Hearing this, the big man squeezed in through the door without saying a word, and then closed the door behind his back.

Ning Wei stepped aside, lit a cigarette, smiled, and looked back and forth between Wang Yanhong and Li Shuangshuang with a malicious look on his face, as if he was choosing which one to start with.

This frightened both women Wang Yanhong and Li Shuangshuang. Li Shuangshuang was at the door. When she saw this, she quickly wanted to run into the room and locked the door.But it's not as fast as Cao Liang at all.

Although Cao Liang's body looked majestic, his explosive power was also very strong. He blocked the door in just three or two steps. As soon as he put one hand on the door, Li Shuangshuang couldn't close the door no matter what.

"Come out, or I'll start with you first!"

Cao Liang looked down at Li Shuangshuang and said something ferociously. Li Shuangshuang was so frightened that she immediately came out of the room, and then together with Wang Yanhong, they were both driven to the living room.

Cao Liang's majestic body stood next to them, and they were so frightened that they did not dare to move.

At this time, Ning Wei just finished watching the show, and he didn't really intend to let Cao Liang force himself on these two women. The reason why he said that just now was just to scare them.

Ning Wei came to the sofa, pushed himself into the sofa, and sat down. Then he raised his head and looked at Wang Yanhong and Li Shuangshuang. For him, Li Shuangshuang belonged to the idlers.

So Ning Wei asked Li Shuangshuang to stand by the wall, facing the wall, and not looking back. If she turned back even once, Cao Liang would kill her. Cao Liang was different from ordinary thugs. He was Ning Wei's subordinate who could kill her. He is a unique figure who is not only good at fighting, but also has a high IQ. When Ning Wei said this, he immediately looked at Li Shuangshuang with burning eyes, looking salivating.

Li Shuangshuang was so frightened that she screamed and ran to the wall without saying a word. She faced the wall and did not dare to look back at all.

It was only then that the wretched look on the man's face, which was just over 1.9 meters tall and full of oppressiveness, was replaced by a contemptuous sneer.

Ning Wei was not in a hurry to say anything to the shivering Wang Yanhong. Instead, he lit a cigarette first, then looked up at Wang Yanhong with a sharp look, smiled and said: "One thing, you said on the Internet That’s quite right.”

"I'm a promiscuous person."

"Generally speaking, people in mixed society are quite generous and informal. But I am different from others. I am petty and very vindictive."

Ning Wei's tone remained unchanged and he said with a smile: "Someone bullied me when I was a child. That night, I stayed up and smashed the windows of his house. Revenge never lasts overnight. This overnight can easily affect my sleep. People are petty and will not avenge themselves. I really can’t sleep, isn’t that right? I couldn’t sleep again tonight, so I came to my door.”

A few words.

An image of revenge came out of Ning Wei's mouth.

As he said that, Ning Wei looked at Wang Yanhong, smiled and asked: "You said you exposed me on the Internet, said I was a gangster, and asked the public security organs to investigate me. How should I repay you?"

"Wei, Viagra, I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again next time."

Wang Yanhong was so frightened that she didn't even have the courage to look at Ning Wei. It was only then that she understood why her men's brothers told her to forget it and stop biting her.

Because Ning Wei is really terrible.

Then, Wang Yanhong's tears came down, she was so scared.

"Hey, why are you still crying? It's as if I, a big old man, are bullying you."

Ning Wei said with a smile, but Ning Wei's smile was only superficial, and there was no smile at all deep in his eyes. He was the kind of person who smiles but doesn't smile, but he is really too lazy to show off his authority in front of such a woman.

So Ning Wei also got straight to the point and talked about the purpose of his visit: "Actually, I have nothing else to do here. I'm here to talk to you about your husband's case."

(End of this chapter)

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