Recast youth

Chapter 2204 Scenes

Chapter 2204 Scenes
The coquettish woman's behavior suddenly caused chaos in the scene.

The crowd of onlookers didn't know what happened. This woman led the public opinion. After hearing the words, they also pointed and pointed. For a while, several policemen fell into the center of public opinion.

Police officers are also normal people with normal emotions.

From the transcript just now, he already knew what happened. The two parties were racing on the road because of anger, and then the mink man came down with a knife to show off, thinking that he could scare the other party, but in the end they encountered a rough encounter, and he was stabbed three times.

To put it bluntly, the police actually have no favorable impressions of both parties.

One side is the dregs of society, and the one being stabbed is also a veteran who entered the palace for the second time.

As for the other party, although there were only two people and the stabber was still a minor, would a good person carry a knife with him?
Of course, if you don’t have a good impression, you still have to handle the case. When the police officer leading the team saw that the charming woman was making trouble unreasonably and setting the pace, he immediately warned her: "If you make trouble here again, I will charge you with obstructing official duties." Take it back."

After a warning, the charming woman became much more honest.

However, the few people behind her have experienced too many such scenes, and they will not be intimidated at all. At most, they will be detained by security. They ignore it and continue to curse Lin Rui and the two, and some even want to rush up and take action. .

Lin Rui was too lazy to pay attention to this group of people. After answering the phone, he started to look outside and looked for Ye Feng. Not long after, he saw Ye Feng walking over with Feng Zheng and Pan Kun.

Lin Rui waved to Ye Feng: "Third brother, here."

At this time, the police and the people on Mink Man's side also noticed Ye Feng, followed by two gun-like bodyguards. The police were surprised.

Unexpectedly, the two people who stabbed him actually knew the richest man.

As for the people on Mink Man's side, when they saw Ye Feng, they realized that something was wrong. Knowing that they had hit a hard bone, they actually flinched for a while and were shocked.

After all, the most taboo thing for people in mixed society is to fight with rich people.

People can give you money to play with you, but how many lives do you have to play with them?Especially the richest man?

Ye Feng didn't think too much. He came here to solve the problem. He walked to Lin Rui and nodded to Lin Rui. Then he took out the cigarettes and gave them to several policemen. He also said politely: "I'm sorry, I have to give you some trouble." Trouble."

As soon as Ye Feng said these words, the policemen felt much better. They secretly said that he was the richest man in the world, and his speech was of a high standard, low-key, and modest. He was not like ordinary people with a lot of money who spoke in a domineering manner.

However, the police officers also declined Ye Feng's cigarettes, saying that they did not smoke.

Ye Feng didn't force himself, put away the cigarette, and then asked Lin Rui what was going on. Lin Rui said that someone had been sent to the rescue room for rescue, and then there were so many people coming, and the woman must be the mink man's wife.

Then Ye Feng communicated with the police at the scene.

Face was given to each other. Ye Feng was very polite to the police. The police were also willing to tell Ye Feng the situation. They said that both Lin Rui and Yu Kui had to be brought to the branch for investigation first. As for how to deal with it later, it depends on who was stabbed. How is the person injured?

The injury is minor, nothing can be said.

If he is seriously injured or dies, then he will be in trouble.

Ye Feng nodded, thanked him, and then shifted his gaze to Yu Kui, who was standing in the corner. He was really a person with a low sense of presence.

But the attack was ruthless.

Ye Feng went over and patted his shoulder, smiled, and asked, "Are you afraid?"

Yu Kui shook his head.

"Just don't be afraid."

Ye Feng nodded, and then did not interfere with the police's handling of the case. After taking notes, several policemen took Lin Rui, Yu Kui and the three people who were with the mink man back to the station to make statements.

The only ones left were Ye Feng, the coquettish girl, and the six or seven people she called over to cheer her up.

When Ye Feng saw that everyone had been taken to the bureau, he no longer planned to stay here. He planned to call Chen Huang and Ning Wei respectively to tell them not to come here yet and go directly to the Chaoyang branch. Then meet there.

The coquettish girl was scared when she first saw Ye Feng.But after thinking about it, the charming woman became excited again. Ye Feng is the richest man, how can he let him go?So he immediately stepped forward and grabbed Ye Feng's arm, and said aggressively: "Those two people are your subordinates, and you are the culprit. You are not allowed to leave until my husband comes out. You have to give my husband an explanation!"

Before Ye Feng could say anything, the tall Pan Kun had already reached the side of the charming girl. He just gently grabbed the charming girl's wrist and then slowly exerted force.

The charming woman let go of her hand in pain.

The few remaining members of society also realized that now was a good opportunity to blackmail the richest man, and immediately stepped forward to point fingers at Ye Feng and Pan Kun.

"Fuck, what are you doing!"

"Quickly let go."

"It's amazing how rich you are, isn't it?"

Even a few people from society wanted to take action against Ye Feng and others. One of the people with yellow hair stepped forward and wanted to give Ye Feng a slap in the face first.

After all, the richest man.

In the future, when you eat, you will gain face if you tell others.

This society is like this, there are people of all kinds, and the more unsatisfactory they are, the more they want to be in the limelight, and being able to slap the richest man is undoubtedly the most dramatic thing.

But with Feng Zheng and Pan Kun there, how could he achieve his wish?As soon as he took a step in front of Ye Feng, a strong hand grabbed his neck and lifted him up forcefully.

It's Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng's force is monster-level, and his arm strength is also monster-level. He grabbed the yellow hair by the neck with one hand and lifted it up. His eyes were calm and his tone was calm: "If you also want to go in for rescue, I can send you in." .”

Huang Mao was suddenly frightened by Feng Zheng's eyes.

Then Feng Zheng threw him out casually.

A shot.

Feng Zheng shocked everyone, not only the remaining people in society, but also the seductive women who knew that these two people were very skilled bodyguards.

Also at this time.

Chen Huang and Ning Wei, who received Ye Feng's call, rushed over. Ning Wei also brought a large follower, and his body even looked much burlier than Feng Zheng.

Standing behind Ning Wei, he was swaying from side to side as he walked. At first glance, he was not someone to be trifled with.

Originally, the coquettish girl and a few people from society dared to say something when they faced Ye Feng. Now when they saw Chen Huang and Ning Wei bringing people over, they didn't dare to say a word.

Chen Huang came over, looked at it, and nodded to Ye Feng and said hello.

Ning Wei was different. He had the aura of a gangster. He greeted Ye Feng as soon as he came over, called Third Brother, then looked around and asked, "Where is the person who was stabbed? Is he dead?"

Ye Feng said: "No, we are rescuing him."

"You're not dead yet? That's not a big deal."

When Ning Wei heard this, he smiled and didn't take it seriously at all. Then he took out the cigarette and handed it to Ye Feng and Chen Huang first. Ye Feng didn't refute him and took it and put it in his mouth.

Then, Ning Wei immediately took out a lighter and lit it for Ye Feng.

After lighting Ye Feng's, Ning Wei immediately took a lighter to Chen Huang to light it, but Chen Huang rejected it mercilessly, laughing and scolding: "Go away, I don't need you to flatter me."

Ning Wei was not annoyed, he smiled and lit a cigarette for himself, and then he turned his attention again to the charming woman and the few socialites behind him, his eyes playful.

(End of this chapter)

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