Recast youth

Chapter 2182 Do not overstep your authority

Chapter 2182 Do not overstep your authority
"Damn it, I'll never drive anywhere again."

Noon the next day.

Ye Feng and Chen Huang finally drove back to Yanjing. As soon as they got off the car, Chen Huang couldn't help complaining. They came back after having dinner in Kunshi at noon yesterday.

Four people took turns driving along the way without stopping.

Even so, he still drove for more than 20 hours before returning to Yanjing. In fact, not only Chen Huang, but also Ye Feng felt a little nauseous. He was unwilling to drive long distances again in this life.

The desire to buy an airplane is getting stronger and stronger.

Originally, he was not so enthusiastic about airplanes. After this experience, Ye Feng became enthusiastic about private jets because they can indeed save a lot of time on the road.

Wen Yueqi has been helping Ye Feng handle this matter throughout the process. It is estimated that after Ye Feng goes to New York, the plane will be able to fly back.

When Lanshan was listed in New York before, Ye Feng bought a Gulfstream G450. This time he wants to buy the G450’s bigger brother, the Gulfstream G550.

Compared with the Gulfstream G450, the G550 has a larger space.

But of course Ye Feng couldn't use all the space of the plane for riding. He made some modification requirements, such as a reception table, a sofa, a small bar, and a large bed for resting.

People make money for enjoyment.

Although Ye Feng does not have the enjoyment of those who are born with golden keys, he still knows the basic material requirements. The most important thing is that such decoration is enough to compare. You can spend hundreds of millions to buy a private jet and get it back. It looks like a passenger plane, so where can I see it?
Ye Feng saw Chen Huang's disgusted look and smiled at him and said, "Don't worry, I will go to New York in a while and the plane should be back."

"Okay, just wait for Mr. Ye's private jet, otherwise there will be no way for me to go with you wherever you want."

Chen Huang is also looking forward to Ye Feng's Gulfstream G550.

Before coming back, Ye Feng contacted Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang, and soon the two men drove over. Zhou Yihang was fine. As soon as Hou Yao arrived at the courtyard, he looked at his George Patton.

"What the hell, what happened to my car?"

Hou Yao immediately ran to the side of the car and touched the car body distressedly. The car body was full of potholes and looked miserable, but it made him feel bad.

"It's okay, it's just a car."

Chen Huang called Hou Yao to deliver the car. Seeing Hou Yao's distressed look, he couldn't help but come over and said, "After some time, your brother Feng's private jet will come back. Doesn't that one have a better reputation than this car?"


One sentence attracted Hou Yao's attention.

He had known before that Ye Feng was going to buy a private jet. He also said that after buying it, he would rent it to Lanshan Group at a high price. While cashing out, he would pay all the maintenance costs to Lanshan Group.

But I have been saying this for a long time, and the plane has not come back. Until now, the plane is finally coming back, and Hou Yao is also quite excited.

After all, although he and Zhou Yihang have good family backgrounds, if they really spend hundreds of millions to buy a private jet, they can't afford it anyway.

"Brother Feng, when the plane comes back, lend me your luggage."

Hou Yao immediately became energetic and started discussing with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng himself enjoyed Hou Yao's admiration, so he agreed to Hou Yao that he would use the plane as long as he needed it, and he would pay for it.

Lunch was at Chen Huang's Yihe Restaurant.

Logically speaking, Ye Feng should call Lin Rui together. After all, Lin Rui is now hanging out with them, but Ye Feng thought about it and still didn't make the call.the reason is simple.

Now Shen Yu is in Yanjing. In the original dormitory 302 of Dongcheng University, everyone except Wang Xiaoqiang has gathered in Yanjing, so Ye Feng plans to arrange the dinner party for old classmates to be held in the evening.

while eating.

A few people talked about the hot searches on Weibo and the incident in Dexian County. This incident may not sound like much, but it has a huge impact.

First of all, the public noticed the social influence of Weibo. How long did it take for the Dexian incident to become a hot search topic and then to the national "Zhong Jiwei" speaking out?

Just one day and one night.

This shows that the power and influence of public opinion on Weibo is very broad, so widespread that even state departments cannot easily ignore it. After all, hot searches on Weibo also represent public opinion.

No matter when, public opinion needs to be controlled and cooled down.

This is also the main reason why Zhong Jiwei spoke out so quickly, so that the incident in De County can cool down as soon as possible and not further expand the influence of public opinion.

Fortunately, the final handling of the Dexian incident was perfect.

Public doubts and anger have been subsided, but the impact left is not small. Weibo, which was originally used to record life with jokes, seems to have suddenly become a platform for carrying social news.

Similar to real-name reports, various news asking netizens for help in upholding justice sprung up on Weibo in just two days.

When Chen Huang heard this, his expression became serious and he said: "This kind of momentum must be banned. Weibo is a social platform, not a tool for them to redress their grievances. If they really have any grievances, the public security department and the local disciplinary inspection and supervision department will let them go." Complain instead of going to Weibo to report with your real name, isn’t this nonsense?”

"Brother Feng is off to a good start."

Monday Hang smiled and made a joke.

"It's not my business."

Ye Feng said angrily: "Have you not heard the allusion that only state officials are allowed to set fires, but the common people are not allowed to light lamps? I started that because Weibo is mine, and social networking sites should look like social networking sites. Let me tell you , you must be clear about your position on this point. If you are not clear about your position, the website will be gone. Don’t blame me for not reminding you then."

Hou Yao chuckled and answered: "Then how could we not know? We banned these people's accounts as soon as possible. I don't have much awareness, but I still have a little bit."

Zhou Yihang said with a smile: "I guess there will be more people scolding us."

Chen Huang said: "There is nothing we can do about it. Public security matters are handled by the public security department, and disciplinary inspection departments are handled by the disciplinary inspection department. It is not our turn to point fingers. Besides, when the public says that the public is right, the wife is right, whoever can say it clearly is the best. The method is that it is strictly forbidden to post on this type of Weibo, and even if the account is not banned, the traffic must be blocked. If we want Weibo to have long-term development, we must be more humane and be consistent in this regard."

"The red children are different from ordinary people, but Brother Huang is still enlightened!"

Ye Feng gave Chen Huang a thumbs up.

Chen Huang said angrily: "Go on, isn't it you who took the lead in causing this?"

"Can you blame me? If I don't post the matter online, you might really be detained. How ugly would it be?"

Ye Feng said with a smile, and then Ye Feng looked at Hou Yao and Zhou Hang: "Besides this matter, is there anything else? Has any relevant department found us and given us constructive suggestions?"

"That's not true, but a lot of capital came to us and said they wanted to acquire Weibo, and the price was not low."

When talking about the price, Hou Yao's eyes gleamed obviously.

(End of this chapter)

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