Recast youth

Chapter 2168 Reduce hot searches and eliminate negative impact

Chapter 2168 Reduce hot searches and eliminate negative impact

"There is definitely an east wind, but it's not enough."

"Actually, the strongest east wind still has to blow from your side, but once the east wind blows from your side, the impact will be great, so you have to be mentally prepared."

"Sooner or later."

Ye Feng said very calmly.

He also knew what Chen Huang meant.

to be honest.

Still have to wait for the east wind.

So there is no point in being anxious now. Instead, Ye Feng takes Meng Yun and his party away from the center of the whirlpool of the Dexian incident, having fun while observing the situation.

As for cell phones.

Ye Feng shut down his phone.

On the way from De County, Ye Feng had already received many calls from different parties. Even Ye Feng's teacher, Dean Wang of the School of Political Science and Law, personally called.

Someone called Dean Wang, and the meaning was very clear. Any conflicts could be resolved privately. It was not impossible to discuss, but don't make it online.

Things in De County are making too much noise online now.

Netizens are like sharks that smell blood. They follow the trend of every incident and rush to report news about De County. All of them are negative news.

Because of this, Ye Feng shut down his phone and took Chen Huang, Meng Yun, and Chen Xiao to visit Shangri-La as if nothing happened in De County.

We traveled from Songtsan Monastery to Pracuo National Park, then to the ancient city of Dukezong, and finally to the largest Huaquan Terrace in the country, which is the holy land of the Naxi Dongba Sect.

The scenery is very beautiful.

From this, I also realized why Shangri-La has become a domestic tourist destination and the place that many petty bourgeoisie most miss.

at the same time.

The hot searches on Weibo have been increasing and never decreasing. Ye Feng shut down his phone, and the pressure came to Hou Yao and Zhou Hang. Two people, one is the legal person of Weibo and the other is the director of Weibo.

All kinds of phone calls came to Hou Yao, putting pressure on him, but he also knew what Ye Feng meant, which was to get rid of the man named Qiao San from De County.

And this requires the support of public opinion.

Yanjing Office.

Hou Yao hung up the phone again, his head was pounding. Zhou Yihang was next to him. Hou Yao couldn't help but said: "Who the hell can stand this? The pressure is all on me."


Zhou Yihang thought for a moment and said, "Hurry up and call Brother Feng and tell him. No matter how much you hide, something could easily happen."

"Brother Feng turned off his phone this morning."

"Call Chen Huang." "Okay, I'll call now."

After hearing this, Hou Yao called Chen Huang without saying a word, and then told Chen Huang what the relevant departments had called to convey.

Shangri-La Huaquan Terrace.

After Ye Feng heard about this matter, he didn't think about carrying it any longer. The matter had been fermenting for a day and a night and the whole country had become aware of it. There was no point in continuing the matter.

The masses are only getting angrier.

But it was very detrimental to Ye Feng.

Yes, sometimes using public opinion is a good thing, but if you use it too much, it is not a good thing and can easily lead to taboos.

Especially Ye Feng is still a very influential person.

So after Ye Feng listened to what Hou Yao said, he immediately made a decision to reduce the hot searches in all directions. All searches related to De County and gang involvement were restricted.

Even ban the account.

Netizens don’t know what’s going on.

All they knew was that in just a few hours, all the hot searches and Weibo posts about De County had disappeared, and Ye Feng's Weibo account had also deleted the original Weibo post.

As a result, many new bloggers posted angry messages on Weibo because of the Dexian incident.

It probably means that Weibo was talked about by relevant parties, and the richest man Ye Feng was also warned by relevant parties and had to delete Weibo.

Who is Ye Feng?

The richest man.

In the past three years, the most famous people at home and abroad, whether they are individuals, celebrities, or entrepreneurs, are not as popular as Ye Feng's Weibo.

But such a person who is extremely awesome in the eyes of the public actually deleted his Weibo in just one day.

There is no doubt that Ye Feng is a perfect entrepreneur in the eyes of most people, and this Dexian incident also revealed that Ye Feng is doing charity and quietly donating to Hope School.

Check carefully.

Ye Feng's Maple Leaf Charity Fund is still non-publicly raised, which means that Ye Feng is entirely using his own money for charity, and is very low-key throughout the process. If it were not for the Dexian incident, no one would know about it.

This also caused Ye Feng and Weibo to collectively lose their voices and shut up, making the public extremely angry and spontaneously posted questions to the relevant parties.

But these bloggers who stood up to speak out for Weibo and Ye Feng were all treated like black men, and their accounts were banned for a week.

As such.

The public is afraid.

But the Chinese people are relatively smart. Seeing that directly talking about the Dexian incident and Ye Feng's oppression would result in their accounts being banned, they took a roundabout approach.

(End of this chapter)

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