Recast youth

Chapter 2142

Chapter 2142
Early the next morning.

Ye Feng got up early with Chen Pan and others, planning to go to Maple Leaf Hope Middle School. Originally, Meng Yun wanted to go with Ye Feng, but Ye Feng refused.

Let Meng Yun wait for her news at the hotel.

Meng Yun saw that Ye Feng wouldn't let her go, so she had no choice but to give up.

After leaving the hotel, Ye Feng was not in a hurry to go directly to the construction site of Maple Leaf Hope Middle School. Instead, he took Chen Pan and Feng Zheng to a breakfast restaurant to have breakfast. The environment of the breakfast restaurant was not high-end, but it was very down-to-earth.

Leaning against the roadside, there are two folding tables at the door, selling porridge, fried dough sticks, and steamed buns next to them.

Ye Feng ordered a few steamed buns, a few bowls of porridge, and some fried dough sticks. He sat at the table and started eating. I have to say that sitting on the roadside, eating breakfast while watching the people coming and going, he felt a sense of leisure. The feeling of comfort coming down.

"Why don't you let that Meng Yun come with you?"

Chen Pan asked, sitting next to Ye Feng, holding porridge in one hand and fried dough sticks in the other.

Ye Feng took a sip of porridge from the edge of the bowl and said in a calm tone: "Her father is from the Dongzhou Police Department. She may not be used to what we will do later, so it's better if she doesn't come."

Saying that, Ye Feng looked at Chen Pan and asked, "By the way, have you passed your breath?"

"No need to make a call."

Chen Pan said without taking it seriously, then looked at Feng Zheng and Pan Kun who were eating quietly at the table next to them, and said with a smile: "These are all small things, you can just mess with them wherever you go."

Ye Feng answered and said calmly: "There is no need for any reason, just that there is a problem with the quality of the teaching building is enough."

Ye Feng and Chen Pan were talking here, and no one disturbed them.

Although Ye Feng was relatively low-key by nature, no one would bother them. On the contrary, the people who came to buy breakfast looked at Ye Feng and the others with some curiosity and fear in their eyes.

It's not that Ye Feng and the others look domineering and intimidating just from their appearance.

Rather, the car that Ye Feng drove was too domineering and revealing. As soon as it stopped on the roadside, it attracted countless sideways glances from passers-by. The nearly 6-meter-long car body was nearly [-] meters tall.

No matter how you look at it, there is a sense of arrogance and domineering arrogance.

Coupled with the rather eye-catching physiques of Feng Zheng and Pan Kun, this resulted in Ye Feng and Chen Pan being very extraordinary in the eyes of passers-by. No one even dared to sit at the same table with them to eat.

Ye Feng also noticed this. After breakfast, he got into the car with Chen Pan and others and rushed to the construction site of Maple Hope Middle School.

That is the development zone of De County.

In fact, it’s not that far away. Just go east along the corridor in the center of the county, cross a red street light, and then cross a bridge, and you will arrive at the site of Maple Leaf Hope Middle School. There are also several construction sites in the surrounding area under construction.

There are advertisements for high-quality primary and secondary school districts on the walls.

As for the school district, it goes without saying.

Inside the construction site of Maple Leaf Hope Middle School.

A tattooed man who was thrown over his shoulder by Meng Yun a few days ago was sitting in the office of the construction company. His name was Chen Haibing, and he was a well-known socialite in De County.

Relying on his acquaintance with Qiao Yunping, he was able to get the water and electricity part of Qiao Yunping's general contracting project, and then hired a few people, and he made two profits.

Part of it is to help Qiao Yunping look after the construction site and collect wages.On the other hand is the money for water and electricity projects.

Originally, the door of Maple Leaf Hope Middle School was open, and Chen Haibing didn't need to worry about anything. He sat in the construction company's office every day and played cards with his brothers, and the day passed.

But since Meng Yun came in and caused trouble last time, the construction site has been under martial law. Strangers are not allowed to enter, especially reporters and unfamiliar faces.

Chen Haibing also arranged for seven or eight brothers from society to serve him here with good wine and smoke.

The office was also in a mess.

The floor was covered with cigarette butts and empty wine bottles.

Three or four days passed.

It is also considered stable.

There was no sign of anyone coming back to cause trouble. As for the woman who appeared that day, she never appeared again. Chen Haibing estimated that the woman was frightened by Mr. Qiao's visit for revenge, so she didn't dare to come forward again.

Qiao Yunping is the third child at home.

But just when Chen Haibing thought that the people at Maple Leaf Fund had given up, and casually knocked his feet on the table to smoke, the office door was suddenly pushed open, and a yellow-haired man ran in with a panicked expression.

"Brother Soldier, this is serious, an armored vehicle is coming outside."

"Did you go crazy after drinking yesterday? Where did you get the armored vehicle?"

When Chen Haibing heard this, he cursed Huang Mao angrily, "How is that possible!"

Seeing that Chen Haibing didn't believe it, Huang Mao became anxious and said quickly: "Really, if you don't believe me, why don't you go out and take a look?"

"Isn't it?"

When Chen Haibing saw that what Huang Mao said seemed true, he was stunned for a moment, then got up and walked out of the office. Then he found a black car that even he didn't recognize driving up to the school gate.

And the person sitting in the car was no one else.

It was Ye Feng and Chen Pan.

When Ye Feng arrived at the door, he didn't get out of the car. Instead, he sat quietly in the car and looked through the glass at the two teaching buildings that had been built at the front of the school. From the outside, it seemed that the new teaching buildings had already entered the construction phase. of the last period.


It's a shoddy project.

Ye Feng lit a cigarette, his eyes a little cold.

Chen Pan sat in the passenger seat, smoking while looking at the school and the two people who came out of the office with a look of gloating.

The leader should be the person arranged by the construction party.

(End of this chapter)

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