Recast youth

Chapter 2093

Chapter 2093

Ye Feng is a little lonely.

People are social animals. When he is the only one around him, he will feel uncontrollably lonely. Ye Feng can't help but wonder what he would be like if he didn't have the wandering experience in his previous life.

Ye Feng thought that he might be like Wang Hao and others, an optimistic person who enjoys himself in time.

For a moment, there was a sharp contrast between Ye Feng and the other people in the private room. Hou Yao and the others were all drinking and singing, but Ye Feng was the only one sitting quietly on the sofa, lost in thought.

Chen Pan's mind was sharp and he saw Ye Feng's silence. He left the princess beside him and sat over with a wine glass. He said with a smile: "Want a drink?"

Ye Feng had already drank a lot in the evening. When he saw Chen Pan bringing a wine glass, he waved his hand: "I won't drink anymore."

"Okay, I won't drink."

Chen Pan put down his wine glass, then looked at Ye Feng and asked with a smile: "What are you thinking about? The princess didn't order anything. She was sitting here alone and distracted."

At this time, Ye Feng suddenly thought of what Li Bing said to him just now.

"When it's not my home game, I have to do as the Romans do and I can't ruin other people's fun."

This sentence very much reflects how people behave in the world.

Although this is Ye Feng's home court, there is no doubt that if Ye Feng doesn't blend in, he will still upset everyone to some extent. So he smiled and said to Chen Pan, "I didn't think about anything. I was listening to the two Maiba Hou singing. Woolen cloth."

The so-called Mai Ba are naturally Hou Yao and Zhou Hang who stood in front of the booth and sang "Friends" by Zang Tianshuo.

When Chen Pan heard this, he immediately shouted jokingly to Hou Yao and Zhou Hang: "After you two sing this song, stop singing and let your third brother sing one. Your third brother is not like you who have your little sister hugging you." , If you don’t sing to him, how boring will he be sitting here alone?”


Hearing this, Ye Feng glanced at the loudly yelling Chen Pan with a speechless look. This guy was not embarrassed, but he was embarrassed. However, Chen Panquan pretended not to see Ye Feng's eyes, and after yelling, he sat back and drank with a smile.

When Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang heard this, they instantly understood what Chen Pan meant. There was no princess in Ye Feng's private room, so he seemed a bit deserted around him. What they had to do now was to stir up the atmosphere.

So both of them put down the microphone, and Hou Yao asked Ye Feng, "Third brother, what song do you want to sing?"

"You guys sing."

Ye Feng waved his hand.

"Oh, we've already come out to play, why are you so pretentious? Record a song for our brothers to watch." Zhou Yihang came over directly and pulled Ye Feng to get up.

"Okay, let go first."

Ye Feng had no choice but to get up, but he couldn't think of a good song for a while. In fact, his voice was in good condition. Although it was not as good as a professional singer, he was still quite good among amateur singers, especially in Dongzhou. When I was a child, while learning guitar from Kong Jingke, I also supplemented my knowledge of music theory and became more proficient in singing.

"Go rogue."

Seeing that Ye Feng was about to sing, Lin Rui quickly suggested: "The rogue is a song written by Brother Feng."

"It's not bad to be a rogue. I get drunk from time to time and like my freedom..."

Hou Yao's eyes lit up and he hummed it. He thought that this song undoubtedly described him. He sang while drunk. After experiencing a lot of life, he finally realized that no matter how he pretends to be different or how artistic he is, it will suit him.

Zhou Yihang and Chen Pan even sat there and shouted: "Come on, my Mr. Ye, show us."

The princess in the private room originally focused on the boss of her station, but did not pay much attention to Ye Feng. After all, the lights in the private room were relatively dim, and Ye Feng was sitting there relatively low-key, so she was subconsciously ignored by them.

Now Ye Feng was pushed out and suddenly entered their eyes.

It was as if Ye Feng walked from behind the scenes to the middle of the stage, and the lights suddenly hit him. It was suddenly bright. Only then did they realize that the man sitting in the corner, who had always been relatively low-key, was actually Ye Feng, the famous richest man in the country!

And also singing.

All the princesses' eyes lit up for a moment, and they all added to the atmosphere. They asked Ye Feng to sing one song. One song was not enough, they had to sing two songs. You must know that they also know Ye Feng. They are familiar with Ye Feng's various deeds after being exposed to the Internet. But that's it.

Ye Feng currently has three labels online.The first one is money.

The second one is young and handsome.

The third one is talented.

With a net worth of over [-] million, he can make movies and write scripts. What is he but talent?
The atmosphere has been heightened to this point, and it would be impossible for Ye Feng not to sing.

However, what Ye Feng wanted to sing was not "Scoundrel", but "People Like Me". He sang this song to Kong Jingke. He always felt melancholy from time to time, which made Ye Feng want to sing this song.

Ye Feng is a little confused as to why he still feels less happy sometimes even though he is so rich. Logically speaking, he should be happier than many people.

Even a little lonely?
Ye Feng really couldn't understand.

As the lyrics say:

good people like me
Should have lived a splendid life

How come 20 years

Still floating in the sea of ​​people

smart person like me
Say goodbye to innocence

Why did you still use a love
Go get a scar


Ye Feng clicked on this song, casually sat on the booth, looked at the LED TV, and sang along with the accompaniment. The accompaniment was Kong Jingke's album MV, and Kong Jingke could also be seen in it.

Very simple MV.

In the MV, Kong Jingke is sitting on a bench under a tree. The ground is covered with fallen leaves. Kong Jingke holds a guitar and sings softly, singing that he brought his mother to Dongzhou.

Then he lived a homeless life in nightclubs.

But the feeling of Ye Feng singing was different.

Although both sounds very exciting, Ye Feng's singing feels like vicissitudes of life, as if the leaves are changing from green to withered as time goes by, just like the autumn leaves under Kong Jingke's feet in the MV.


Very amazing.

What is the so-called song?
In addition to being pleasant to the ears, the more important thing is to touch people and be able to enter into other people's hearts. If a song doesn't even have a soul, then it will only be an empty sound that won't touch people at all.

It just so happens that Ye Feng has both voice and soul.

Then there was an excitement in the private room, the eyes of the princesses became brighter and brighter, and Chen Pan and Hou Yao kept whistling and shouting "Awesome, let's play one more song."

Ye Feng was quite speechless by this group of bastards. He sang with such devotion, so much feeling and emotion, but they were better off. Those who shouted there almost couldn't stop him.

Ye Feng really wanted to ask them, are you singing rock music? Are you so high?Why aren't you crying?

However, after their interruption, Ye Feng's lonely mood improved a little, and then he sang "Scoundrel" for everyone, once again bringing the atmosphere in the private room to a climax.

So I changed from drinking to singing.

Chen Pan, Hou Yao, Lin Rui, and even Li Bing, who was not planning to open his voice, were all invited to sing a song. However, Li Bing only knew three songs, one was "My Old Father" and the other was "Leaving Home". "Child", a song "Big Leather Shoes".

After several years, Li Bing, who often attended dinner parties, understood deeply that the first two songs should never be sung, so he had no choice but to go up and sing "Big Leather Shoes" with great hospitality.

After singing a song, he found that everyone was staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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