Recast youth

Chapter 2074 Questioning

Chapter 2074 Questioning
Which is more important, short-term and brilliant happiness or a stable mood?

Ke Meng felt that it was more important to have a stable mood. Although there was no brilliant happiness, at least there was no pain that hurt the bones. The most important thing was that this kind of sadness could not be told to outsiders.

He couldn't tell his father.

I can't tell my best friend.

Let alone tell this to the man in front of me who seems to be excellent, but is actually rotten to the core.

Everything can only be swallowed and endured silently, and then the man in front of him continues his happy life without any awareness or guilt.


Ke Meng felt it was so unfair. Why was love a matter between two people, and Sister Jingke had to bear all the pain silently?She has obviously lived a hard enough life.

If it weren't for singing and Xiao Pianhong who lit up her world, Ke Meng wouldn't even know whether Sister Jing Ke, who seemed aloof and had a strong heart, but was actually fragile, could persevere and choose to give up everything silently and be alone again. Leaving, it's just that not everyone can bear this time, at least Ke Meng, who sees everything in his eyes, can't bear it.

Therefore, Ke Meng, who had been worried about Sister Jingke's emotions for a while and resisted not attacking Ye Feng, finally broke out when Kong Jingke fell ill. He came to flirt with her when she was happy, and left without any guilt when she was unhappy. How can such a good thing happen?
Because of his excitement, even Ke Meng's eyes looking at Ye Feng were full of excitement and disgust: "Ye Feng, don't think that everyone can't see through you and be fooled by your appearance. In my eyes, you are the most cold-blooded person." He is so cold-blooded that it makes me sick."


Ke Meng pointed to the passage and said without mercy: "Get out of here right now, I don't want to see you here."

Feng Zheng and Pan Kun are two extremes.

Feng Zheng seemed not to care about anything, but he was actually a very transparent person, so no matter how fiercely Ke Meng and Ye Feng quarreled, he would lower his eyebrows and lower his eyes as if he could not see them.

But Pan Kun is different.

Pan Kun has always taken it as his responsibility to protect Ye Feng. After seeing Ke Meng speak so harshly to Ye Feng, he immediately took a step forward with a cold face and warned Ke Meng: "Miss, please speak politely."

Ke Meng tilted his head and asked, "I'm welcome, what can you do?"

Pan Kun was about to speak, but was stopped by Ye Feng.

Pan Kun was stopped by Ye Feng, so he had no choice but to give up and take a step back. However, his eyes towards Ke Meng were always cold. As long as she did anything excessive to her boss, he would stop her immediately.

Ye Feng didn't think about it that much. In fact, although he didn't like Ke Meng very much as a person, he was still grateful to Ke Meng in his heart. The first thing was to thank her for designing the blueprints for his club.

With Ke Meng working in a Hong Kong interior design office, it would be difficult to hire her, and the appearance fee would start from 60 to more than 100 million.

The second is to thank her for Ke Meng being able to accompany her while Kong Jingke was abroad. Regardless of his position, Ye Feng felt that Kong Jingke was lucky to have such a best friend who always accompanied him.

Therefore, even though Ke Meng's words were unpleasant, Ye Feng could still tolerate it. However, what Ke Meng said just now made Ye Feng particularly puzzled and confused. Didn't he feel sorry for Kong Jingke?
After she went abroad, how many times did you go abroad to find her?
Even during the video, I tried every possible means to know where she was. After learning that she was in Switzerland, I went to Switzerland as soon as possible.

Are you cold-blooded?

After Kong Jingke returned to China, he had always been concerned about her concerts. Seeing that she continued to become popular in China and even surpassed Faye Wong in status, he was secretly happy for her.

And in the final analysis, when I founded Maple Leaf Media, I wanted to be a promoter to further promote Kong Jingke, make her more topical, and give her the highest remuneration.

5000 million.

Yes, Kong Jingke is famous now, but as for offering as much as 5000 million?You must know that some other singers only receive hundreds of thousands, or at most millions, in remuneration, and they are settled on a regular basis.

But now Ke Meng actually said that he didn't care about Kong Jingke and Lengxue.

This made Ye Feng puzzled and felt wronged. So he suppressed his displeasure, stared at Ke Meng, and asked word for word: "You said I am cold-blooded, why am I cold-blooded?"

"Aren't you cold-blooded?" Ke Meng looked at Ye Feng funny, he actually had the nerve to ask this question.

Ye Feng said patiently: "I can accept it if you tell me, but at least you should tell me the reason why I am cold-blooded."

"because of you!!!"

Ke Meng saw that Ye Feng was about to list his crimes one by one, but thought that Sister Jing Ke didn't want him to know about Xiao Pianhong, so he swallowed the following words.

"I have nothing to say to you."

Ke Meng turned around and returned to the ward.

At this moment, a hand grabbed Ke Meng's arm. Due to the suppressed emotions, the force on the hand became heavier and heavier without realizing it. Ke Meng even had a look of pain on his face.

"Let go of me!"

Ke Meng endured the pain and glared at Ye Feng.

Ye Feng also realized that he was a little excited, but what he hated most was when someone half-said something to him, and the most important thing was to accuse him. Even if he wanted to execute someone in Lingchi, he had to give him a reason to execute him, right?
"It's OK to let go, but please explain clearly, why am I so cold-blooded? Don't just slap people on your back without explaining why."

Ye Feng grabbed Kong Jingke's arm, but subconsciously relaxed a little, and asked word for word: "Am I cold-blooded to you, Sister Jingke? Do I have it? I gave her the most remuneration. Lin Zhixuan and the others' combined remuneration is not as much as hers." Duo, can't you see how much benefit this program will bring to you, Sister Jingke?"

"Benefits? Remuneration?"

Ke Meng found it even more amusing that this man actually thought he was very kind to Sister Jing Ke. She shook off Ye Feng's hand and looked at him with a mocking smile: "Does Sister Jing Ke need your reward?"

Ye Feng subconsciously wanted to speak, but suddenly thought of Chen Pan's words. The antiques and antiques in Kong Zhong's underground collection were at staggering prices. Even though Ye Feng was now classified as the richest man in China, he didn't think he would be richer than Kong Zhong at this stage. .

Thinking of this, Ye Feng thought that he had given Kong Jingke a lot of remuneration, and his kindness to her had disappeared a lot. As for the benefits, it was nothing more than becoming famous, but Ye Feng also knew Kong Jingke's character. She was the kind of woman who really didn't care about fame. She came to Participating in "I Am a Singer" is more about singing better for people who like to listen to her singing and helping them put on the show.

"Okay, I admit she doesn't need that reward."

Ye Feng's voice also lowered by three points subconsciously: "But you have to explain clearly why I am cold-blooded. I want to hear this."

"You really don't know why you are cold-blooded?"

Ke Meng looked at Ye Feng, and for a moment he couldn't tell whether this man was really stupid or just pretending to be stupid.

"I really don't know, please click on it."

Ye Feng thought about it and couldn't figure out why he was so cold-blooded towards Kong Jingke. He clearly cared about her very much in his heart.

"Okay, then I'll tell you!"

Seeing that Ye Feng kept asking questions, Ke Meng couldn't help but want to list several of Ye Feng's crimes. But at this moment, the door of the ward behind him suddenly opened, and Kong Jingke, who had a beautiful face but extremely pale face, appeared at the door, his body Looks very weak.

At this time, not only Ke Meng, but also Ye Feng suddenly closed his mouth.

"Sister Jingke, why are you awake?"

Ke Meng was startled, and then saw that there was no needle on the back of Kong Jingke's hand. Then he looked at the hospital bed. The glucose drip that was hanging on the side of the hospital bed had been pulled out and was hanging down on the side of the hospital bed. He suddenly felt distressed. Said: "Why did you take out the needle?"

"You guys are so loud that the people in the next ward will be woken up."

Kong Jingke first said with a smile, then turned to look at Ye Feng, and said with a pale and warm smile: "You're here. I'm fine. I'm just a little tired. I'll be fine after a rest."

(End of this chapter)

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