Recast youth

Chapter 2069 The lingering ghost

Chapter 2069 The lingering ghost
In 07, Yanjing was already an era full of real estate development. As Yanjing's housing prices continued to rise, more and more real estate companies came in.

current interest.

Demons, demons and monsters from all walks of life show their magical powers and seize the territory.

For example, Huang Guanggu, which Ye Feng had been paying attention to in the past few years, was involved in the company last month because of suspected stock price manipulation. Ye Feng and Chen Pan were relatively close and knew some of the real reasons, mainly involving a piece of land in the Olympic Village.

It is not only Huang Guanggu who owns the Olympic Village land, but also Su Ning’s Zhang Jingdong. Both of them bought the Olympic Village land for 2 million, but their choices were different and the results were different.

Zhang Jingdong chose to sell it at the original price of 2 million, but Huang Guanggu was asking for more money, which led to his imprisonment.

But it’s no wonder that the land acquired for 2 million yuan will be used as the Olympic Village when the Olympic Games are held next year. Who is willing to spit out the meat intact?
Most people are unwilling to do so.

What's more, Huang Guanggu is now at its peak. Everyone knows that he has huge cash flow thanks to Gome, but they don't know that he controls hundreds of millions of land reserves.

Now suddenly a man came out and said to him, I want the land in the Olympic Village, you can spit it out for me, okay?Definitely not.

But there are consequences for not doing so.

Among the richest people in the country, including Ye Feng, whose original capital is clean?Almost none. Even Ye Feng had to rely on selling cheats to make his first pot of gold.

As long as I want to check you, I will definitely find countless reasons to check you.

In other words, Ye Feng's foundation is a little cleaner. If others want to find faults, it will be no easier than climbing to the sky.

And from what happened in Huangguang Valley, we can also see how huge the profits are in the real estate industry at this stage. It is precisely because of this that from the Third Ring Road of Yanjing to the Fourth Ring Road of Yanjing, there are real estate developers in full swing in almost every area. It is almost impossible for ordinary people to have a yard with a view of the sky.

And Ye Feng has such a yard where you can see the sky.

The yard is not small.

The total area above and below ground is about 1400 square meters, and the yard is large enough, which is very suitable for small groups of friends to gather in the yard. Chen Pan, Hou Yao and others also like to gather in Ye Feng's yard.

In Chen Pan's words, there are really not many courtyard houses with such original flavor in Sijiu City.

Ye Feng received Chen Pan's call at about four o'clock in the afternoon, so he asked Chen Pan to come home to say that Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang were also with Chen Pan. As for Lin Rui, Ye Feng did not let him participate.

On the one hand, Lin Rui couldn't help much.

On the other hand, the second episode of "I Am a Singer" is in preparation. The first episode was a hit, and the second episode naturally cannot destroy the sign, so Ye Feng must make Lin Rui keep an eye on it.

When he just received the call from Chen Pan, Ye Feng really felt like he had eaten a fly. The reason was simple. Chen Yiming, Yang Yanhui and Jiang Kai also established a Shengri Media and Entertainment Company.

Moreover, the business direction of Shengri Media Company is almost exactly the same as that of Maple Leaf Media Company.

In other words, they plan to follow Maple Leaf Media's path and then plagiarize it, and they have already started contacting TV stations and singers to start producing programs.

Hou Yao and Zhou Yihang were also very popular after hearing this. Although Ye Feng of Maple Leaf Media has been handed over to Lin Rui, they also have shares, and judging from the response to the broadcast of "I Am a Singer", "I Am a Singer" 》This show will most likely make money.

Even if they can't make money now, they believe that under Ye Feng's leadership, they will definitely make money in the future. After all, Ye Feng has proven his vision in different fields before.

Weibo and Jingke Pictures are the best proof.

As a result, just two days after the first episode of "I Am a Singer" aired, Chen Yiming and Yang Yanhui jumped out and started plagiarizing it, setting up a company with exactly the same business scope. "This grandson of Chen Yiming is quite disgusting."

Hou Yao finally couldn't help but cursed, then looked at Ye Feng and said, "Third brother, I finally understand why you hate him so much. This grandson is like psoriasis."

"It's kind of disgusting."

Even the well-educated Zhou Yihang couldn't help but comment.

Ye Feng didn't speak.

In fact, he was surprised that Chen Yiming did this, but not very surprised. After all, this was not the first time for him. He had a criminal record. Two years ago, he had poached people from his own company to copy Lanshan's games. It was only because of the counterattack from Lanshan Legal and the fact that Lanshan had occupied a large online game market and its position was relatively stable that the matter was settled.

But variety shows are different.

Variety shows are a hodgepodge.

Maple Leaf Media is not the only one to have singing programs. There are variety shows like "Super Girl" and "Happy Boy" everywhere. "I Am a Singer" was able to be a great success when it first aired, mainly because of its well-made production, sufficient novelty, and the star's performance. Players are more topical.

But if Chen Yiming also produces a singing show with celebrities participating, it would be difficult to say. It would be a bit difficult to define plagiarism.

Thinking of this, Ye Feng lit a cigarette, looked at Chen Pan and asked, "What do you think of this matter?"

"This matter is really not easy to handle."

Chen panic thought for a moment and said, "As you know, I have a special relationship with him. We know each other from the previous generation. It's a bit pretentious. It wouldn't be appropriate to really break the relationship. Besides, if he does a variety show, I have no reason to stop him. It can’t be that we can do variety shows, but he can’t do variety shows, right?”

When Hou Yao heard this, he was unhappy and couldn't help but look at Chen Pan: "Brother, who are you looking at? This grandson is so shameless. Why didn't he do variety shows earlier and later? But now it's time to establish Does the company do variety shows?"

Seeing Hou Yao's bad tone, Chen Pan said angrily: "Why are you grinning at me when you have nothing to do? You can't help but let others do variety shows as they normally do, right?"

Hou Yao also knew this truth, but when he thought about it, he felt useless. After planting a peach tree by himself, he finally had to pick peaches. As a result, Chen Yiming, the grandson, also moved a stool to pick peaches on the other side of the tree.

"Alas, this kind of person can actually survive in Yanjing." Hou Yao sighed.

Zhou Yihang said with a smile: "That's not necessarily true. The most likely possibility is that he divides things between people and has double standards. Let me tell you, this is all down to Brother Feng. In the past few years, Brother Feng can be said to be a venture capitalist. Chen Yiming is not the only one who is eyeing Brother Feng as the industry's vane. If you don't believe it, there will be several similar media companies jumping out within three months at most. Nowadays, the number of venture capital investors entering the film industry has obviously increased. .”

"Is there such a thing?"

Hearing this, Ye Feng glanced at Zhou Hang in surprise.


Zhou Zhouhang nodded and said: "After the movie "Journey to the Road" came out, more and more companies invested in movies, and they were willing to spend money. The recent movies released have all had large investments and lineups. Not too small either.”

When Ye Feng heard this, he smiled and said, "This reminds me of something in our hometown."

"what's up?"

Hearing this, Chen Pan and others looked at Ye Feng and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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