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Chapter 2018: Missing without saying a word

Chapter 2018: Missing without saying a word

There is a difference between high and low and low and high.

Buying low and buying high means buying in when the stock price is low, and then getting out when the stock price reaches a high point, while buying high and buying low means selling the stock price high, and then buying again when the stock price falls, and so on. , earn the middle price difference.

For example, there are often some negative news about the founders or the company of some large companies, which affects the stock price and the stock price falls. Then after you investigate, you will find that the media that exposed the negative news about the company or the founder is this company. The company's own media.

Why should our own media expose negative news about the founder in a rhythmic manner?
The reason is simple, for the sake of high entry and low exit of stocks.

After a few back and forth, the people at the top had already made a lot of money. As for whether the sharp plunge in Maotai's stock price a few months later was due to such an operation, Ye Feng didn't know much about it, but he knew that there must be some people who would use this to hide their secrets. Make a lot of money, and then raise the stock price again, all the way to the market value of 16 billion in 4000.

What Ye Feng doesn't know is that 4000 billion is just the beginning. In the next few years, Maotai's market value will exceed the terrifying figure of 2 trillion.

However, even if Ye Feng knew about it, he would be surprised at most and would not invest in Maotai's stocks, because the future is still some time away from now. Even if it is said that in the next few years, Maotai's market value will more than double, or even in the future. More than ten times the amount, if Ye Feng enters the market now, he will not lose money in the end, but the money invested now is still equivalent to nearly half of a leek, and the money will be wasted.

In addition, having said that, the public has always been buying up and not buying down. Who knows what the consequences will be if they sell stocks on a large scale?

Maybe it's the butterfly effect, and it may not cause continuous drops.

So Ye Feng didn't bother to stir up the fishy smell.

After Dixon came to Dongzhou, Ye Feng went to New York, and he and Dixon didn't sit down and chat much. There happened to be nothing going on this time, so Ye Feng and Dixon stayed until 5 p.m., and then beat Wang Xin Wang Xin's phone call asked Wang Xin to come out and have dinner together.

Wang Xin is the CEO of the company, and she handles everything in detail. Needless to say, her importance is needless to say. She can even be said to be the top leader of Lanshan Group, because Ye Feng has always been used to being the hands-off shopkeeper.

First, Ye Feng does have a lot of things to do and does not have time to attend various meetings or make public appearances like other Internet company CEOs.

Second, Ye Feng also knows that he lacks ability. It is not difficult for him to set up a company framework or establish a very promising project, but it is not difficult for him to do everything in detail and do everything personally. Ye Feng is a little unable to do it. At this time, he really needs a right-hand man like Wang Xin to help Ye Feng implement his idea.

Therefore, Wang Xin is very important in Ye Feng's mind.

As for Dixon, he is also extremely important. His importance can even be said to be second only to CEO Wang Xin in the entire Lanshan Group. Yes, the future of Maple Leaf Financial Services in Ye Feng’s eyes is no less important than that of the Lanshan Group. Beast, but there is a difference here, that is, although Li Zhedong is fully responsible for Maple Leaf Financial Services, it is actually always under the control of Ye Feng. When can he take a step towards the traditional financial field, and when must he wait for the opportunity, Ye Feng's heart They all know very well that even if Li Zhidong is no longer in Maple Leaf Financial Services, Ye Feng can still build it.

You can’t say that Maple Leaf Payments wouldn’t be able to operate at all without him, Li Zhedong, right?
Otherwise, how would Alipay and later WeChat Pay get started?
The same is true.

Without Li Zhidong, the person in charge of Maple Leaf Payment is replaced by Zhang San, Li Si, Wang and Erma. Li Zhidong's greatest use is to help Ye Feng implement his ideas and make Ye Feng worry-free, but in terms of actual importance, it is not as important as Dixon.Who is Dixon?
Citibank's head of global capital markets surpasses Li Zhidong in both experience and status. His strategic position in Lanshan Group is also very high. The authority given to him by Ye Feng, president of the Strategic Investment and M&A Department, is also very high. Let him lead the strategic investment department alone to invest with Lanshan Group's cash flow.

As for the income from investment, although Ye Feng does not do it himself, he definitely wants to reap some fruits. Otherwise, he can just find someone in China to invest, and there is no need to invite financial giants like Dixon to join him. .

Therefore, there were only three people including Wang Xin and Dixon at the evening meal, including Ye Feng himself, and this was the result of Ye Feng giving up going to the "Maple Leaf Foundation".

Unlike the Maple Leaf Fund in New York, which is an investment private equity fund, the domestic Maple Leaf Foundation is a non-public charity fund.

The biggest purpose of Ye Feng in establishing the "Maple Leaf Foundation" is to do charity and help people with difficult families and difficult lives. The first charity stop of the Maple Leaf Foundation is the Hope Primary School in Deqin County, Yunnan.

Zhang Lan is in Yubeng Village, Deqin County.

Yubeng Village is a place that has no contact with the outside world, but Ye Feng really wants to know the news about Zhang Lan. In fact, when he and Li Qingmei came back from HLD, he already wanted to know the news about Zhang Lan. Although Ye Feng said He didn't say it out loud, but he really missed Zhang Lan. It seemed that as long as he stayed by Zhang Lan's side, quietly, even if he didn't say anything, he could find a peaceful harbor in his heart.

This is also the main reason why Ye Feng would rather risk his reputation as a scumbag and call Sister Qi to test whether Sister Qi is pregnant, because he really doesn't want to hurt Zhang Lan.

As for being in front of others, Ye Feng didn't care whether he was a scumbag or a scumbag. Only in front of Zhang Lan, Ye Feng wanted to show his better side.

For example, this time the "Maple Leaf Foundation" donated to the Hope Primary School in Deqin County, Ye Feng asked Meng Yun to build it according to the highest standard plan of the Hope Primary School.

You must know that the construction of Hope Primary School also has levels. 10 yuan can be used to expand a complete primary school, and 20 yuan can be used to build a new primary school.

However, Ye Feng approved Meng Yun's construction of Hope Primary School as a primary school with complete facilities and functions, and the construction cost of such a primary school would be as high as 150 million to 200 million.

Totally more than ten times the funds were lost.

However, Ye Feng didn't care and didn't want to say more. He hoped that when Zhang Lan Primary School was built, Zhang Lan could see what the primary school he built would look like.

It's all in it.

However, because Dixon had just arrived in Dongzhou, Ye Feng temporarily suppressed his longing for Zhang Lan. Instead of going to the "Maple Leaf Foundation" or calling Meng Yun, he called Wang Xin and Dick. The two of them found a private room to eat and chat about work until 10 p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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