Recast youth

Chapter 2009 I have a bad temper and am a bit strong

Chapter 2009 I have a bad temper and am a bit strong

"You stop for me!"

Just when Chen Shuwen decided to return to the army and never disturb Li Qingmei again, Li Qingmei's angry voice suddenly came from behind.

Chen Shuwen continued to walk forward as if he hadn't heard anything.

"Chen Shuwen, if you dare to take another step forward, you will never appear in front of me again in this life!"

Li Qingmei's voice came again.

Chen Shuwen originally wanted to cut the knot quickly and continue walking, but for some reason, when he thought of never appearing in front of her in this life, his feet could no longer move.

As heavy as iron and lead.

Li Qingmei walked over with a livid face and stopped in front of Chen Shuwen. His beautiful face was full of anger, and he pushed Chen Shuwen hard.

"Now that your wings are hardened, you still dare to move forward when I ask you to stand?"

Chen Shuwen remained silent.

"Speak, why don't you speak?"

Li Qingmei was aggressive, Chen Shuwen was silent and retreated all the way. When Li Qingmei took a step forward, he took a step back. He couldn't explain how he felt.

There is sadness.

There is also anger.

The anger is not that he is angry at Li Qingmei, but that he is very confused and can't figure out why she is obviously with Ye Feng, likes Ye Feng, but still tortures him, and even refuses to let him go back to the army. Go back and force yourself to stay here?

I am also human.

There are also hot and cold ones, okay?
Finally, Chen Shuwen pursed his lips and said, "I..., I promise you whatever you want me to do."

"What do I want you to do?"

Li Qingmei stared at Chen Shuwen with a cold face, her expression and tone were still strong.

Seeing that Li Qingmei refused to let him go, Chen Shuwen sighed and said: "You asked me not to embarrass Ye Feng, I did it, you asked me not to pester you, I did it, and I will work hard, and don't worry , I am in the army, and unless there are special circumstances, it is difficult for me to have the opportunity to go back."

"Is it difficult to go back?"

Li Qingmei grasped the key point in Chen Shuwen's words and asked, "So, do you think you don't want to see me in the future?"

"I do not have!"

Chen Shuwen couldn't help but blurt out: "I never didn't want to see you, it's just that you didn't want to see me."

"Did I say I didn't want to see you?"

Li Qingmei asked again.

Chen Shuwen wanted to say that although you didn't say it out loud, your actual actions had already proven it, but when he saw Li Qingmei's cold, clean eyes, he suddenly didn't have the courage to say it out.

At this time, Ye Feng, who was squatting at the door with Feng Zheng watching the show, couldn't stand it any longer. He was so anxious to see a cold, proud female CEO and a big-headed soldier who looked like a piece of wood.


Ye Feng couldn't help but shouted to Chen Shuwen, who was completely suppressed by Li Qingmei: "Chen Shuwen, are you a soldier and have lost your mind? If she doesn't want to see you, as for driving more than 1000 kilometers all night to get here. Come to see you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Feng saw Li Qingmei looking over Chen Shuwen's mountainous body and looking at him coldly, as if blaming him for meddling in his own business.

Chen Shuwen was also dumbfounded. It wasn't that he was a fool when he became a soldier. It was just that he had been rejected time and time again since he had been secretly in love with Li Qingmei since he was a child. He really lost confidence after being rejected.

It's not that he really doesn't have confidence. If it were in the past, Chen Shuwen would not feel inferior even if he was rejected many times. It was because this time it involved Ye Feng.

Chairman of Lanshan Group.

The richest man in China.He has a net worth of more than 30 billion at the age of less than 2000 years old. Even that adult wanted to meet him. It is so glorious and dazzling.

How can Chen Shuwen not feel inferior and despair when facing Ye Feng as his love rival?
Even for himself, he would tell himself with reason that if he were Li Qingmei, he would choose Ye Feng. Ye Feng is the best choice for both himself and his family.

This is also the main reason why Li Qingmei could not scold Chen Shuwen away no matter what, but the day before yesterday, a mere sentence of "Don't make me hate you forever" could make Chen Shuwen depressed.

But now, Ye Feng's idiotic scolding woke up Chen Shuwen, and Chen Shuwen immediately looked at Li Qingmei with hot eyes. Yes, if she didn't have feelings for him, there would be no need for her to come all the way to the northeast.

Could it be that.

Could it be that she actually has her own heart?
At this moment, Chen Shuwen's eyes were fierce, as if he wanted to see through Li Qingmei's proud heart, and he kept staring at Li Qingmei.

Even though Li Qingmei had a strong aura and excellent Qi-nurturing skills, he couldn't stand the naked eyes of Chen Shuwen, so he glared at Chen Shuwen fiercely.

Then he turned around and walked towards the Mercedes-Benz S600 parked at the entrance of Shaxian Snacks.

When passing by Ye Feng, he said coldly: "Going back."

"Is this back?"

Ye Feng, who had not finished smoking a cigarette, couldn't help but be stunned when he saw this. He drove all the way for more than ten hours to HLD, and then he had to go back again within five minutes of meeting Chen Shuwen.

"If you don't go back, I will."

Li Qingmei ignored Ye Feng and Chen Shuwen who was staying there, opened the car door, got in and started the car, her figure was cold and stunning.

As soon as the car started, she backed up. Seeing that Ye Feng didn't get in the car, she wanted to leave Ye Feng and Feng Zheng where they were, and then drive back to Dongzhou alone.

"No, wait for me."

Seeing this, Ye Feng quickly got into the car with Feng Zheng, but before getting in the car, he angrily scolded Chen Shuwen for being a bad person. At this time, he didn't even know how to take the initiative to retain him.

In fact, even without Ye Feng's advice, Chen Shuwen could not let Li Qingmei leave without knowing anything. When he came to his senses, he immediately stopped in front of Li Qingmei's Mercedes-Benz S600.

"Step aside."

Li Qingmei lowered the window and looked at Chen Shuwen calmly with cold eyes.

Chen Shuwen felt guilty when Li Qingmei saw him, but he didn't want Li Qingmei to go back so easily. He couldn't help but said, "What do you want from me? It's wrong for me to do this, and it's wrong to do that."

"Aren't you very promising? Don't you want to stop disturbing me for the rest of your life?" Li Qingmei looked at Chen Shuwen with eyes unchanged and said.

"I have no future."

Chen Shuwen was about to collapse. He could no longer suppress his emotions and said to Li Qingmei: "I have never been successful in front of you. Only you can make me happy for a whole day with one word and sad for a whole day with one word." God, you don’t know this!"

Li Qingmei's expression remained unchanged: "Is it worth it?"


"I have a bad temper and am a bit strong..."

"It's okay, I can bear it."

Before Li Qingmei could say anything, Chen Shuwen couldn't wait to say: "No matter how bad your temper is, I can tolerate it. Really, I, Chen Shuwen, swear to God."

Li Qingmei was unmoved: "Really? Someone just said that he would never bother me again in this life. Can you really bear it?"

"It's really bearable."

Hope is right in front of him. Chen Shuwen immediately said something, and then said with assurance: "I promise not to say such words again next time."

It was only then that Li Qingmei's cold face softened a little. She looked at Chen Shuwen and said, "Let's talk about it in five years. If you can wait for me for five years, I will not consider personal relationship issues within five years."

(End of this chapter)

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