Recast youth

Chapter 1995 The terrifying Feng Zheng

Chapter 1995 The terrifying Feng Zheng

Li Qingmei's voice was not loud, but everyone present heard it.

Liu Hanqing and the three special forces elites all looked at Chen Shuwen. They all knew that Chen Shuwen had always had a crush in Dongzhou named Li Qingmei, which means light eyebrow, light eyebrow. Chen Shuwen put his hands on his hips more than once and showed off to them proudly. However, Chen Shuwen, the woman he fell in love with, was so outstanding and beautiful. More than once, he quoted sentences from Yuan Yuling's "Xi Lou Ji Di Zhi" and asked them, shaking his head, "You know, you look like Li Shishi and Zhang Yanyi" The old Su Xiao is no different, her emerald eyes are reflected in the fresh water, her brows are light from the distance of the mountains, her throat is plain and her waist is pretty, who is she describing?
Then he asked and answered himself with a proud face, saying that Yuan Yuling's "Xi Lou Ji·Di Zhi" describes Li Qingmei.

The entire Siberian Tiger Special Forces Team knew one thing, and that was a woman named Li Qingmei in Dongzhou. As long as she hooked her finger, Chen Shuwen would dare to slap the table with the leader, take off his suit and return to the army.

Now that Li Qingmei said such cold words to Chen Shuwen for another man, you can imagine Chen Shuwen's mood.

Liu Hanqing and others were right.

A short sentence.

Don't let me hate you for the rest of my life. It took away all Chen Shuwen's courage and made him freeze on the spot. He looked at the mobile phone in Ye Feng's hand and opened his mouth. He wanted to explain, but in the end he swallowed all the words. inside.

"I see."

Chen Shuwen spoke very softly, then turned to Liu Hanqing and the three Siberian tiger elites, and said calmly: "Let's go back."

"Brother Wen..."

Liu Hanqing felt a little uncomfortable when he saw Chen Shuwen's sudden silence. A person as high-spirited as him who never gave up could become like this just because of a simple word.

The other three Siberian Tiger elites also looked at Chen Shuwen a little worriedly.

"I'm fine, let's go back."

Chen Shuwen spoke calmly, but in fact every word he said seemed to be forced out of his throat. He knew that this time he was really going to give up.

When Liu Hanqing and others saw that Chen Shuwen insisted on going back, they had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​finding a place with Ye Feng. They all sighed in their hearts, but they were afraid of irritating Chen Shuwen, so they endured it.

Ye Feng looked on coldly, looking at Chen Shuwen and the others.

At this moment, Chen Shuwen suddenly turned around and looked at Ye Feng, his eyes equally calm.

"No matter what, you'd better not let me know that you bullied her."

At this moment, Chen Shuwen's calm eyes revealed a firm gaze that no one could dispel, like an owl or a fierce tiger: "Otherwise, no matter where I am or what mission I am performing, I will definitely take off my military uniform, and then Come back and you won’t be able to sleep for the rest of your life.”

"Believe it or not, she and I have nothing to do with each other."

At this time, Ye Feng had hung up the phone and no longer used Li Qingmei to threaten Chen Shuwen.

Chen Shuwen said: "It doesn't matter whether I believe it or not. I'm just giving you a vaccination."

"Okay, I see."

Ye Feng nodded and took note of Chen Shuwen's words.

Chen Shuwen breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Ye Feng agreed. His heart felt empty at this moment, as if he had dug something out and handed it to Ye Feng himself.

Then Chen Shuwen glanced over Ye Feng at Feng Zheng, who was like a gun behind Ye Feng, and then said to Ye Feng: "How should I put it, I feel quite uncomfortable, and I want to vent, or be abused."

"Your bodyguard is very skilled. I am no match for him. How about you let me challenge him and let him torture me?"

Having said this, Chen Shuwen smiled self-deprecatingly: "Just think of it as fulfilling my desire to be abused."

Ye Feng frowned, then turned to look at Feng Zheng.

Feng Zheng walked over, his whole body like a drawn spear, stood in front of Chen Shuwen, and told Ye Feng his choice with practical actions.

Seeing this, Ye Feng had to give up. In fact, Chen Shuwen looked like a man. Ye Feng was not sure whether his call to Li Qingmei was a good thing or a bad thing.

The main reason was that the old man's interview was too shocking to Ye Feng. Politics is such a thing that people who are scratched are injured and those who are touched are killed. What's more, it is an interview with a doomed loser.

There are dangers everywhere.So Ye Feng also overreacted a bit.

When Chen Shuwen saw that Feng Zheng agreed, he was startled and said, "Thank you."

Feng Zheng said: "I won't hold back."

"better not."

Chen Shuwen smiled brightly.

When Liu Hanqing and others saw that Chen Shuwen was about to challenge Feng Zheng, they wanted to stop it or participate in it, but they didn't know how to stop it for a while. At this moment, Feng Zheng in front of Chen Shuwen suddenly started to move.

How does it feel to pull chestnuts out of the fire?
Feng Zheng's explosion gave people this feeling, like sparks exploding in fire. The moment he moved, his whole body appeared in front of Chen Shuwen.

At this moment, it is like a divine residence.

The moment he reached Chen Shuwen, Feng Zheng whipped him with a high whip.

A crisp sound!
It was as if someone had whipped him hard in the air.

Liu Hanqing had been tortured by Feng Zheng on the banks of the Songhua River yesterday afternoon. He knew that Feng Zheng was extremely powerful in terms of martial arts, so he had some predictions in his mind. But when Feng Zheng really broke out, Liu Hanqing realized how terrifying this person was.

It was like a wild Siberian tiger pounced on him and then whipped him.

As for the three special forces brought out by Chen Shuwen, which one is not an elite with extremely strong personal fighting qualities in the Siberian Tiger Special Forces?Liu Hanqing said that Feng Zheng was amazing, and they were all unconvinced, but at this moment, their expressions all changed.

The one who is under the greatest pressure is Chen Shuwen.

Almost as soon as he finished speaking, Feng Zheng appeared in front of him, and then he raised his leg in front of him. If it were a watermelon, Chen Shuwen had no doubt that this whip leg could whip the watermelon instantly. exploded.

But now it's not the watermelon that's being kicked, it's his head.

The adrenaline surges instantly.

At the critical moment, the high-load special training allowed Chen Shuwen to react at the critical moment. He crossed his arms and made a cross block the moment the whip leg came over.

next moment.

The arm felt like it had been hit hard by a steel pillar, and the pain was unbearable.

Can't stop it at all.

Feng Zheng's kick was so powerful that the moment it hit the cross on Chen Shuwen's arm, he broke through the defense line with overwhelming force. He even kicked Chen Shuwen's body to the other side with his arm.

At this time, it was no longer just Liu Hanqing and the others.

Even Ye Feng was horrified. He had never seen Feng Zheng take such initiative or force before. If so, then only when Feng Zheng slashed his knife across the neck of a black man on Fifth Avenue in New York could he compare.

The moment he moved, the spear was unsheathed.

That's domineering.

Just like a god's mansion, it makes people tremble.

However, this was just the beginning. Feng Zheng's explosion was very fierce. The moment he landed, his entire upper body was twisted like a dragon. His right leg was slightly bent in an instant, and his left leg was whipped in the opposite direction.

The momentum is equally terrifying.

At this moment, Chen Shuwen was still leaning, and he couldn't even find his balance, so Feng Zheng's leg twitched over.

(End of this chapter)

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