Recast youth

Chapter 1992

Chapter 1992
Outside the courtyard.

A black Audi A8 with a Beijing license plate was parked outside. The driver was sitting in the car and secretary Li Ming was sitting in the passenger seat. After the old man and the young soldier went downstairs, secretary Li Ming immediately got out of the car and opened the door for the old man. .

After the old man got in the car, he called the young soldier to his side. At this time, the old man sat in the car and lowered the window. He was completely different from the amiable manner when Ye Feng was chatting. Instead, he had the silent majesty of a Siberian tiger.

"Did you start a fight with Ye Feng's bodyguard?"

"No hands."

The gun-like soldier said, "But he pointed the gun at his head."

"Well, it's okay to knock."

The old man originally wanted to scold him, but he quickly gave up the plan and continued: "But your character really needs to be changed. Do you know that it is easy to break through hard times? You are going to hand over the hand in the next few days. Go Let the Joint Logistics Department hone your xinxing. We can’t teach you now, so the department still has to teach you.”


The old man nodded, then the car window rose, and the driver started the car and left slowly, leaving secretary Li Ming behind.

Li Ming watched the car leave, then smiled and put his arm around Zhou Quan's shoulders, and said with a smile: "Don't be so serious, just smile for my brother."

Zhou Quan didn't seem to hear.

Li Ming didn't take it seriously and said half-jokingly: "Well, if you don't talk about your character, you are really like a donkey."

"If I were as smooth as you, would it be your turn as the boss's secretary?"

Zhou Quan cast a sidelong glance at Li Ming. In fact, he looked down on Li Ming. Zhou Quan and the old man were actually distant relatives. They were from Liaoning. In his opinion, he was far more loyal than those who flattered him like Li Ming. And he also believed that the boss's eyesight could definitely tell what kind of qualities he and Li Ming had for each other.

"Tsk, tsk, that makes some sense."

Li Ming knew that Zhou Quan looked down on him.

Li Ming clicked his tongue and stopped asking Zhou Quan. Zhou Quan, a stupid young man, still had to go to the office to have some hard work to smooth out the edges. He turned to Zhou Quan and asked with a smile: "By the way, just now When you pointed a gun at Ye Feng's men, how did he react? Did he get so scared that his legs shook and he peed his pants?"


Zhou Quan frowned and said, "That man named Feng Zheng is a tough guy."


Li Ming said something unexpectedly, and then said with a smile: "Then I would like to see the tough guy you talk about and our richest Chinese man." "What do you want to tell them?"

Zhou Quan asked in surprise.

"Don't ask. Leave the car to me. You can go back to the army first. There are some things that are inconvenient for the boss to say. I will give Ye Feng some advice to see if he can get on the road."

Li Ming lit a cigarette and said with a smile.


Ye Feng waited in the room for half an hour. Within half an hour, he estimated that the old man should leave, and then took Feng Zheng out without saying a word, preparing to go directly to Shenyang Airport.

No one stopped me along the way.

But when he and Feng Zheng came outside the compound, they suddenly saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese character standing next to an off-road vehicle with a military region license plate and looked over with a smile. Although he did not explain, Ye Feng knew, He was waiting specifically for himself.

Still can't escape this catastrophe.

Ye Feng sighed inwardly, asked Feng Zheng to wait for him where he was, and then walked towards the off-road vehicle.

When the middle-aged man saw Ye Feng coming, he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ye Feng in a friendly manner.


Ye Feng also extended his hand.

Li Ming looked Ye Feng up and down, and then motioned Ye Feng to get in the car. After arriving in the car, Li Ming took out a box of cigarettes, handed one to Ye Feng, and then said with a smile: "Let me introduce myself, my name is Li Ming , I have something I want to talk to you about."

"Well, you said."

"I heard that you and Chen Yiming had a conflict, right?"

"Well, there were some misunderstandings."

"Both Grandpa Chen Yiming and you are people who have contributed, but the direction of their contribution is different. If you have something to do, if you can't call the boss, you can call me at any time."

Speaking of this, Li Ming suddenly said with a smile: "Maybe in the end, I can give you a fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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