Recast youth

Chapter 1974

Chapter 1974


Four people, Ye Feng, Feng Sande, Feng Zheng and Pan Kun, were eating hot pot around a table, with hare as the base. They ate enthusiastically and made fun of Pan Kun from time to time.

When he first entered the house in the afternoon, Pan Kun originally wanted to tease "a nail", but he didn't expect that a nail would burst out, causing several very deep cuts on the back of his hand.

At this time, "a nail" was also tied to the house.

Pan Kun glanced at "A Nail" and couldn't help but said: "This thing is really vicious."

"That's for sure, otherwise there wouldn't be so many people wanting to raise it."

Feng Sande said proudly: "It used to be able to hunt wolves."

"It's impossible for a wolf to be so big, right?"

When Ye Feng heard this, he asked in surprise that this "one nail" was big, but it was only more than 6 kilograms at most, which was still not proportional to the size of the wolf. It was a little impossible to hunt wolves, but wolves It is impossible to hunt down Hai Dongqing. The two parties should be unable to do anything to each other.

"Not at all."

Feng Sande shook his head and explained: "This thing is quite smart. When two sea greens are together, they will cooperate in hunting. When facing wolves, they will harass first. One attracts the wolf's attention, and the other takes advantage of the opportunity. I scratched the blind wolf's eyes, and then just endured it like this. I'm very patient. After tonight, it hasn't eaten or slept for five days and five nights."


Hearing this, Ye Feng suddenly had the idea of ​​catching the sea turtle and looking at its claws, but after seeing Pan Kun's fate, he gave up the idea for the time being.

Whether it's being pricked by its sharp mouth or scratched by its sharp claws, it's no joke.

After dinner.

Ye Feng and Pan Kun took a close look at Haidongqing. The more they looked at it, the more they liked it. Even though Pan Kun had just been caught by this thing in the afternoon, when he saw the sharp claws of a nail, he still liked it. I like it from the bottom of my heart, but unfortunately, I heard from Feng Sande that this nail is the most difficult to tame among Haidongqing, so he is not sure whether Feng Zheng can tame a nail.

It will be the sixth day at dawn.

If on the seventh day, a nail is still not tamed, then it probably cannot be tamed. Pan Kun looked at the nail walking around on the ground, guarding against his nail, and said regretfully: "If it is not tamed, , it’s really a pity to let it go like this.”

"Tell me, can you tame me?"

Pan Kun looked at Feng Zheng, feeling a little itchy.

"do not know."

Feng Zhengyan said briefly and concisely.

"Besides, there are only two days left anyway, so that's not enough time."

Ye Feng squatted on the ground and looked at a nail and said, "If it still refuses to bow its head by the night after tomorrow, let it go, so as not to burn it to death. Cherish this thing if you can."

Ye Feng stood up and said to Feng Zheng, whose eyes were bloodshot, "You haven't slept for several days, so take a nap first and we'll take your place for a while."

"I'm alright."

Feng Zheng looked at a nail calmly and said, except when he first caught a nail, he slept for a while, and then in the past few days, he was just like a nail, and he has not slept until now.

Seeing Feng Zheng's tired look, Ye Feng originally wanted to force him to sleep, but in the end he thought about it and decided not to. Anyway, he and Pan Kun were here and could take care of anything.

From Barcelona to Yanjing.

From Yanjing to JMS Airport, and then another two-hour ride until now, Ye Feng hasn't slept for a long time. After staying with Feng Zheng for a while, he and Pan Kun also fell asleep.

When Ye Feng woke up, it was already the next morning.It was also the sixth day that Feng Zhengao won.

The sixth day was the most critical time. When Ye Feng got up, Pan Kun and Feng Sande were already making porridge in the yard. Feng Zheng was squatting in the yard feeding hawks' favorite rat meat to a nail.

However, just like the beginning, Yi Yi Ding's mouth was always the same as before, tightly closed, with no sign of lowering his head to eat.

"Still not eating?"

Ye Feng walked out.


Feng Zheng nodded and stood up, his figure like a gun. After thinking for a moment, Feng Zheng said to Ye Feng: "Let's go out for a walk."


Ye Feng nodded, then glanced sideways at Feng Zheng and asked, "Want to give up?"


Feng Zheng brought a nail. He glanced sideways at the nail that still refused to lower his head, and said calmly: "Today is also the sixth day. Although I stayed up with it without sleeping, in fact, It's still not as good as it, at least it hasn't eaten anything yet, maybe the mistress is right, I shouldn't have thought about taming it from the beginning."

"Don't say that. Ordinary people can't bear to stay up so early like you. Besides, it originally belongs to heaven, so there's nothing wrong with letting it return to heaven."

Ye Feng could see Feng Zheng's loss. Feng Zheng was actually a very difficult person to have psychological fluctuations. Even when Mount Tai collapsed and he went on a murder rampage on the streets of Fifth Avenue in New York, Feng Zheng's expression did not change at all.

But now Feng Zheng is a little sentimental. It can be seen that after these few days of getting along, Feng Zheng has feelings for a nail.

"Well, yes."

Feng Zheng nodded.

While the two were chatting, they went out for a walk with a nail on their back. There was a pond not far away. There were many wild animals around the pond, especially pheasants, wild ducks and the like. The hare that several people ate last night was from Feng Sande. Caught in a trap by the river.

But just when Ye Feng and Feng Zheng came to the river, a group of wild ducks happened to pass by the river. What made Ye Feng excited was that a nail that had no energy at all suddenly reacted.

I saw it spread its wings and had the urge to fly towards the ducks by the river.

Feng Zheng also reacted quickly and quickly loosened the rope around the neck of a nail. Unfortunately, the nail only caused a short-term excitement and soon returned to calm. He watched the ducks on the river bank go down to the river, and then slowly walked down the river. Swim away.

Seeing this, Feng Zheng pursed his lips.

"Has it been like this before?" Ye Feng asked instead.


Feng Zheng shook his head, but seeing that tomorrow is the seventh day, Feng Zheng can actually endure it for another day. The key is that a nail may not be able to endure it. Compared with the fickle and complex human nature, Feng Zheng actually likes it. A nail of unyielding, and silence.

Hearing this, Ye Feng felt that there might be a turning point. Many times, whether people or animals, they often compromise under the weight of the last straw.

So Ye Feng urged Feng Zheng to go back first, and then asked Feng Sande what he meant.

Feng Sande heard the changes in Yidiandike when he went out for a walk just now, and thought this was a good sign, so he asked Feng Zheng to step up the training of Yidiandike, mainly to let Yidiandike eat.

As long as one nail eats, there is hope for taming it.

It's a pity that whether it's Feng Zheng, Ye Feng, Pan Kun or Feng Sande, the four of them took turns to fight. By night, none of the nails seemed interested at all. After some discussion, they could only decide on the second choice. Heaven returns to the place where it was originally caught, and then releases it and sets it free.

(End of this chapter)

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